Wednesday 29 April 2009

Todaz, i got mzself a new keyboard. A German keyboard they say. I'm preety much confused with the arrangement of things around my keyboard. Tne y#s and the z's are in different positions, the @button is not at number 2, the _ and - is no longer in the position i have known since i was young.

However, this keyboard reminded me of life. People can get very ued to the simplest of things they have and will of course take even the slightest blessing in life for granted. In my case, the German keyboard. And in the case of other's, blessings they don't realize they have like walking, talking, fluency and the fact that they are not born handicapped. When even thetiniest of those are taken away from them abrubtly, then people will realiye how much of love God has given them.

One of the sweetest blessings in life that I think that I am very grateful for is my family and friends. I don't care if I remain jobless, if I do not find my true love. I don't care if people choose to kill me, but in my case, if I have neither family nor close and caring friends, my life is worthless. My parents, my brother, my younger sister, my relatives, my close friends, friends who i do not regard as close; all of their presence is of course the most blissful thing that has happened to me in life.

But as I said earlier, everything around us is just an illusion. Foreverness canonly be found in the hands of the Almighty. The most important thing for u, is of course to love ourselves first before we love someboody else..

Those are the words, that many people have said to me, especially my father, who always repeats this since I was young. I miss my family..

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