Saturday 14 July 2012

We learn

We were young. We made miracles, mischief and mistakes. As humans,we learn from them and become the best person there is to be.

Learning is a life long process. We learn to breathe with our noses and mouths the moment we come out from our mother's womb. We learn to speak, read, write, and most importantly live. Experiences teach us, mold us to become who we are today. When we were teens, we learned to blend into crowds. We learned the art of mixing with others. When we are adults, we learn to seek love and seek who we are, learn our likes, dislikes and seek peace with others and mostly with our own selves.

We learn that imperfection is part of being human. We learn to tolerate, thrive and survive. That's who we are.

We learn how to talk to different types of people. We learn how to use our knowledge for our families and colleagues. We learn that sometimes what we really want we are not meant to get, and what we    do not want is what we really need. We learn the secrets of happiness. We learn to see the world based on our new found experiences. We seek solace in religion. We find wisdom in older people. We  learn to choose the proper role model. We give motivation to people we love, we seek help from people who could give us help. We learn to tolerate our friends, spouse, and family for the imperfection they have.

We learn so many things every single day. And this goes on till the day we die. For the knowledge we share could either benefit generations to come or bring it to total destruction. We must accept that learning is life long and never ever think that we learned enough. For there exists a sea of knowledge around us and it is our job to use this for the sake of humankind so that it could survive the tough times ahead.

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