Wednesday 8 February 2012

Something to think about

Now, my exams are mostly finished. I just need to settle a few minor things before I settle down in Schönau. Next semester is another big semester. 10 hours a day in the company from Monday to Thursday. Thursday evening I travel to Offenburg and the following day, which is Friday are classes from morning till evening. Saturday travel back to Schönau (3.5 Hours by train), and relax. Sunday relax, and Monday, another cycle begins.

I  think it will take a while for me to get used to this new pace. Rushing here, rushing there. Not to mention my research, my thesis, my lab work etc.. etc..etc. Fuu, life is tough. I hope my hard work pays off one day. My contract with the company finishes at the end of August, which is also my deadline for my thesis, and I have to start searching for universities to further my studies to Masters by then.

But at the end of the day, I feel that this hectic really shaped me. It made me into someone versatile, more flexible and assertive. Day by day I know more and more people who mostly I respect because they have qualities which I can learn from. Between January 2009 and January 2012... 3 years.. so many things I've seen, experienced, felt and endured. I felt the world and had a few German acquaintances which grew into a friendship like no other I have ever felt.

Readers. My advice to you: Not only have an open mind, but also an open heart when doing anything. Be it meeting new people, working or even studying. Because opening yourselves makes you open to all types of experiences, all in which teaches you things that books or words from others could never teach you. To learn is to feel and experience it first hand and to engrave that knowledge in your hearts. Knowledge is not just there for exams. It is what shapes you, shapes yourself, shapes your personality, and awakens the greatness that lies dormant inside your hearts. That is what being an academic is all about.

At the end of our studies, we get certificates. (Degrees, Diplomas, SPM etc) . But to tell you the truth, that piece of paper doesn't determine who you are. What determines who you are are your experiences in obtaining that worthless piece of paper. It's a waste of money when we have worthless pieces of paper (certificates), but end up not knowing anything.

That is why I have a few critics of the Malaysia curriculum. It seems as though the main target of studying in the curriculum, is only to have a worthless piece of paper with letters that signify how well one does in their exams. Students neither feel nor appreciate the knowledge. They only study for exams for those worthless letters, so as to make their school proud. Teachers in Malaysia also work hard only to maintain the standards of their school, which is defined as ''how many worthless letters'', their students achieve in the state exams. The school that gets the highest ''quality'' of worthless letters, are given a good name, and for me, that is impractical.

This system incriminates academics and cheaters, but discriminates non academic people like technicians, musicians etc. In the industry we are dependent on both sides, the academics and the non-academics. So I hope that schools in Malaysia not only give birth to academically talented students, but also doers, thinkers and leaders. That is for me the ultimate zeal of education.  

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