Friday 2 December 2011


I have my experiences. They teach me a lot, and I choose not to flaunt my strength so that people won't manipulate me for what I have learned based on my experiences.

Life I see it as a battlefield. Sometimes you can push the enemy back with just one shot, and sometimes even if you have the upper hand, the enemy could miraculously push you back if you have a blind spot.

That is how it goes no matter where you are. There is a saying and it goes like this:

' 'The higher you go, the more people would want to pull you down'

And normally people who pull others down are filled with hatred. When they see people succeed them, they say that it is wrong. In Malaysia, political people uses this to influence low and middle income people. They are told that rich people are 'cronies'. But the thing is that, to be one, it takes intellect, steadfast, and wits. It takes a superior level of management and people skills to rise to the top.

Even people born rich lacking these skills will eventually fall.

But this post is not about politics. Its about people. There are people who stab you in the back, people who are not genuinely nice to you. People who smile but at the same time plot your downfall. Even people using sweet words to bring you down. That is human nature that I'm told to accept.

To accept is to see the human race falling down to a spiral of chaos. To simply accept is to see oppression and discrimination happening in every aspect of our lives as a norm. To blindly accept is to see a generation and the generations after it fill with insincerity and hypocrisy. Is this what we want for us? Is this what we want for our children and their children?   

To be honest, I know there are some judging me as being mellow dramatic, emotional and thinking too much. Well, they say that because they only think for themselves. Thinking that their goal in life is to have a steady income, get fucking rich, have a good sex life, and only thinking about themselves and the ones they care about.

I say open your mind, your hearts and souls before slandering others. Look into the mirror and judge yourself before judging others. Just look at each other beyond the borders of race, religion, belief or difference. I am certainly not a pluralist. I only want the world to be more caring, loving and not self centered.

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