"I can only show you the door, but you have to go to it yourself"
Promoting ideas to change the world is not an easy task. There will always be hurdles, not only from others but also from within.
We live in a polarised society. A society where we are free to choose what we want, and what is best for us. But freedom is only valid, as long as we do not limit the freedom of others.
Due to this logic, the concept of freedom itself is quite difficult to comprehend. Are we free to take advantage of others? Are we free to steal from the rich? Are we free to bring harm unto others?
I see that putting a limit on freedom is the only way a society can thrive. If we give children to much freedom, they will never want to go to school, and would rather just play until time is too late for them to become a great contributor to society itself. If we give freedom for people to upload videos or write articles on the media, people will tend to spread lies for their own advantage for this is the nature of humans.
Humans, when they are in desperation will do anything to survive. Even the chivalrous and the most righteous of them. The evil ones use religion, ideologies, social concepts and influence to make sure that their needs are met. Some will sell their faith and belief just for an easy life. This is but the reality of the world we are living in.
Humans tend to misuse freedom. They spread lies, promote hatred, bring down people just for the sake of ego and the will to win. In Facebook, I find it quite depressing seeing people spreading bullshit. They point out the problems, but rarely say anything to solve them. Yet if they say things to solve only a few actually take the initiative to execute what they do.
Due to this, I myself am quite depressed at the state of the being of us humans. We are at an all time low. Its too late for the generation above me and my generation to change. But I believe that the genaration below me can change and I will try my best to guide them. I also believe in all my heart, that to change the world, one has to first master his or herself, before he or she can rid the world of the imperfection it has.
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