I learn form experience.
Sometmes I sit, and just watch what is happening around me. I see good things, i see bad things.
What I see very clearly is that hardworking people will not fail. They will not regret because their hard work will eventually pay off.
But there are some, who wants things without working hard for what they want. And it pisses me off. Or even if they work hard, it will only be temporary.
I love my companions who are hard working, who endure, who never give up, who aim for perfection. I have trouble with those who do the opposite. As someone who sees this, I could only offer my advice. And sometimes a little nudge.
At the end of the day their success depends on them despite of the push i give.
Often I am called the killer of joy, of being a party pooper, but often I am correct. My actions and my achievments prove my point.
I am an ordinary human. What puts me where I am now is my hard work and my mentality. I am not perfect but everyday I choose to better myself, and become better than I was yesterday.
People tend to put others on pedestals, but what is the point? Why don't we follow who we respect.
Wisdom for the bored. And sometimes just plain empty talk. Nevertheless, enjoy! Happy reading!! Leave some comments k? :D
Monday, 30 December 2013
Monday, 2 September 2013
Things I've learned
- When we tell others not to do something, make sure we ourselves are not doing the thing that we are prohibiting.
- Do not even think about changing people to be like yourselves. Respect their differences. Only react when their differences affect your safety, work or sanity.
- Children should be nurtured to think independently, freely and openly. Parenting means guiding the child to bringing out their full potential; not guiding the child to become mirror images of their parents.
- Keep your ideals and beliefs true. Never sell them away for material or worldly benefits.
- Be direct and firm in communication. Being diplomatic has its limits.
- Keeping hierarchies has its limit. Old people should discuss new ideas with young ones instead of just shutting down new input.
- If people do you wrong, be firm, set your boundaries, and forgive them. If things still don't work out, they don't deserve you. Just bail out.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
About me: An INFJ
I recently found out I was an INFJ. (Google for MBTI-Myers Briggs Type Indicator). Really described me 98%. Amazing!
INFJ - ----Profile by Sandra Krebs Hirsch and Jean Kummerow----
INFJs are future oriented, and direct their insight and inspiration toward the understanding of themselves and thereby human nature. Their work mirrors their integrity, and it needs to reflect their inner ideals. Solitude and an opportunity to concentrate thoroughly on what counts most is important to them. INFJs prefer to quietly exert their influence. They have deeply felt compassion, and they desire harmony with others. INFJs understand the complexities existing within people and among them. They are at their best concentrating on their ideas, ideals, and inspirations.
INFJ children have two sides. They can be very much involved in the world of people, as well as quiet, imaginative, and in their own world. They are usually gentle and abhor violence. As teenager, INFJs look for a small group of people who understand and appreciate them. Without this support, they can feel isolated from others. INFJs who do not find a supportive social group may find the teen years to be somewhat difficult for them because of peer pressure to be popular and activity oriented. They are not likely to enjoy large parties, but prefer intimate groups of close and long-standing friends. Many INFJs who have the opportunity to gravitate toward higher education where they often find their niche. With their intellectual bent, they are led to endeavors that allow them to deal with theory and complexity. Professors often spot their intellectual inclination and encourage it. INFJs often settle early into a career choice and diligently apply themselves to the career's requirements. This same diligent pattern applies when selecting other important things in their lives, such as where to live, who to marry, and what activities are worthy of their dedication. INFJs have an internal picture of how they would like their work to contribute to the general good. If they are in an appropriate career area, INFJs may reap the rewards of their insight and hard work. Because of their future-focus, their people orientation, and their push toward task completion, they may rise to positions of responsibility.
INFJs have a strong love of learning, and they tend to do well academically. Through persistence, diligence, and conscientiousness, they complete their assignments on time. They are likely to enjoy research and will go great lengths to find answers. INFJs enjoy investigating the possibilities and meanings beyond the actual facts and realities. Reading holds a particular fascination for them because it allows them to have quiet reflection time and engages their imagination. They also like the written word (and rely on it more than the spoken word) since it is usually better structured and more coherent with a ready-made framework. INFJs write and communicate well because they want to formulate their ideas clearly. They place high regard on their reader and audience. They seek to communicate their ideals to others. When their ideals need to be championed, they speak up in an enthusiastic and impassioned way. As students, INFJs prefer learning from teachers whom they both like and admire, and who give them personal attention. INFJs are often 'model' students. They are quiet and orderly, reflective and thoughtful, and sincerely want to please their teachers and learn the right thing. They learn best from others but want time to assimilate material by themselves. INFJs will go beyond what has been presented and often mull material over in their minds. Occasionally they will discuss ruminations with others in order to learn even more. They particularly like the more conceptual and theoretical classes, therefore, higher education is comfortable to them.
INFJs tend to be devoted to what they believe in and seek work where their needs, values, and ideals can be deeply engaged. They move on the wave of their inspirations and are determined to see that their values are worked out in their lives. They will work toward their goals individually and, when needed, will put together a team of other highly dedicated people like themselves. They are personal be with others, working with integrity and consistency, and they follow through on their commitments. INFJs, while concentrating on what is important to them, may ignore the political ramifications of their actions. They can be surprised by the necessity of being political and usually resent that aspect of organizational life. Being able to talk honestly and comfortably to people at work is much more important to them than 'playing games.' INFJs orient themselves toward their goals using a personal, values-based framework. They do not 'advertise' their values and priorities because they believe in harmony and positive relationships. However, one would do well not to underestimate the amount of perseverance, energy, and time INFJs give to their priorities. What they do, they do with an almost religious intensity. The INFJ external environment may be only partially organized. Their internal environment, by contrast, is anything but haphazard. Their ideas need to fit into a coherent whole that has the pieces in place. Organization of the internal world takes precedence over organization of an external world. INFJs prefer occupations that focus on the big picture, involve conceptual awareness, and lead to a better understanding of the spiritual, emotional, or future needs of people. They want their work to have impact and meaning and for it to bring them admiration and respect. While INFJs can and do enter all occupations, some are more appealing to them than others. These include Clergy, Education Consultant, English Teacher, Fine Arts Teacher, Librarian, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Scientist, Social Worker, and other occupations that allow INFJs an opportunity to make their own creative contribution.
INFJs lead through their quiet yet persistent and determined effort toward long-range goals for themselves, others and their organizations. In working toward their vision, they win cooperation rather than demand it. INFJs work to make their insights real and are able to inspire others with their ideals. They use a low-key, soft, yet intense and determined course of action. When they do not directly lead others, they may still act as facilitators between people. In meetings, they focus on both people and new ideas.
Leisure-time pursuits for INFJs are often solitary or involve the company of others who are particularly important to them. Sitting around with dear friends discussing feelings can be very special to INFJs. INFJs are likely to have friends of long standing rather than make many new acquaintances. They may meet with their friends fairly consistently to share what is happening in their lives. It is sometimes difficult for others to break into this circle. These deep friendships are important, even though INFJs may not share much directly about themselves.
For INFJs, 'still waters run deep.' They tend to become attracted to someone special and prefer this one deep relationship over many superficial ones. The depth of involvement and feeling that the INFJ has toward loved ones is only partially communicated outward. At times, when alone, INFJs become truly in touch with the depth of the love they have for their partner. They may not openly demonstrate or even verbalize their intense feelings. INFJs often have an ideal standard of what love is. They hold to their ideal and are disappointed when, inevitably, their relationship and/or mate reveal flaws. INFJs enjoy sharing activities like a regular 'date,' revisiting the place where they first met their mates, or doing other symbolic things that help to continue and confirm the existence of the bond that they feel for their partner. INFJs want to give love and to be loved. They enter into relationships just to be cared for, even when the person is not right for them and they suspect it. However, when they meet that special person, they are quick to get into the relationship and make it a serious one. They will end their other relationships in order to pursue their loved one. They become very focused, intense, and direct in that pursuit. INFJs, when scorned, take it personally and retreat inward. They may obsess about the relationship and their role in its failure. One INFJ explained, 'people can do the most outrageous things, yet I blame myself for triggering their behavior or not recognizing it. I see myself as responsible for relationships. Other people can dismiss them --- I'm not able to.' INFJs may blame themselves and experience a period of mourning. If they do not marshal their resources, externalized their feelings, and take risks to move on, they may experience a long period of self-examination.
Monday, 20 May 2013
"I can only show you the door, but you have to go to it yourself"
Promoting ideas to change the world is not an easy task. There will always be hurdles, not only from others but also from within.
We live in a polarised society. A society where we are free to choose what we want, and what is best for us. But freedom is only valid, as long as we do not limit the freedom of others.
Due to this logic, the concept of freedom itself is quite difficult to comprehend. Are we free to take advantage of others? Are we free to steal from the rich? Are we free to bring harm unto others?
I see that putting a limit on freedom is the only way a society can thrive. If we give children to much freedom, they will never want to go to school, and would rather just play until time is too late for them to become a great contributor to society itself. If we give freedom for people to upload videos or write articles on the media, people will tend to spread lies for their own advantage for this is the nature of humans.
Humans, when they are in desperation will do anything to survive. Even the chivalrous and the most righteous of them. The evil ones use religion, ideologies, social concepts and influence to make sure that their needs are met. Some will sell their faith and belief just for an easy life. This is but the reality of the world we are living in.
Humans tend to misuse freedom. They spread lies, promote hatred, bring down people just for the sake of ego and the will to win. In Facebook, I find it quite depressing seeing people spreading bullshit. They point out the problems, but rarely say anything to solve them. Yet if they say things to solve only a few actually take the initiative to execute what they do.
Due to this, I myself am quite depressed at the state of the being of us humans. We are at an all time low. Its too late for the generation above me and my generation to change. But I believe that the genaration below me can change and I will try my best to guide them. I also believe in all my heart, that to change the world, one has to first master his or herself, before he or she can rid the world of the imperfection it has.
Promoting ideas to change the world is not an easy task. There will always be hurdles, not only from others but also from within.
We live in a polarised society. A society where we are free to choose what we want, and what is best for us. But freedom is only valid, as long as we do not limit the freedom of others.
Due to this logic, the concept of freedom itself is quite difficult to comprehend. Are we free to take advantage of others? Are we free to steal from the rich? Are we free to bring harm unto others?
I see that putting a limit on freedom is the only way a society can thrive. If we give children to much freedom, they will never want to go to school, and would rather just play until time is too late for them to become a great contributor to society itself. If we give freedom for people to upload videos or write articles on the media, people will tend to spread lies for their own advantage for this is the nature of humans.
Humans, when they are in desperation will do anything to survive. Even the chivalrous and the most righteous of them. The evil ones use religion, ideologies, social concepts and influence to make sure that their needs are met. Some will sell their faith and belief just for an easy life. This is but the reality of the world we are living in.
Humans tend to misuse freedom. They spread lies, promote hatred, bring down people just for the sake of ego and the will to win. In Facebook, I find it quite depressing seeing people spreading bullshit. They point out the problems, but rarely say anything to solve them. Yet if they say things to solve only a few actually take the initiative to execute what they do.
Due to this, I myself am quite depressed at the state of the being of us humans. We are at an all time low. Its too late for the generation above me and my generation to change. But I believe that the genaration below me can change and I will try my best to guide them. I also believe in all my heart, that to change the world, one has to first master his or herself, before he or she can rid the world of the imperfection it has.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Helping the needy
I have a concept on helping the needy. If you were to have plenty of extra money, would you give the needy the extra money that you have. My answer is: NO!
Shocking is it? But hear me out here.
If I were to have plenty of money, I would invest on things that will teach the needy to make their own money. Example: Education, skill, work etc. To quote an idiom:
"Give a man a fish, he can eat it in a day, teach a man to fish, he can eat it for a lifetime"
Providing the needy with means to serve the society, not only increases their worth, but also the worth of society itself. By providing facilities for them to develop themselves, they will no longer be classified as needy, for they are provided with means to feed themselves.
Society itself is projecting an aura of insincerity. Corporations donate for the sake of "tax relief" and "marketing". With their ridiculous giant mock cheques, while being surrounded by the ever money hungry media. Another case is so, that some people who become rich act all cocky and end up having this sense of superiority that furthermore increases the social rift between rich and poor. I myself am embarrassed to say that I'm human.
Jealousy is also a problem. Powerful executives get shunned by the lower and middle class because they say that the distribution of wealth is unfair. But for me, these executives are people who provide jobs an opportunity for the middle and lower classes. Researchers catalyse the advancements of technology. Their research provide more opportunities. Why shouldn't their achievements be rewarded? They toil with their studies, they nurture their talents to become who they are. They themselves sacrifice a lot. Everyone should try thinking in the situation of others.
The needy also should take the initiative. Wealth doesn't come to lazy people. Not ever. If the human development facilities are there, but they themselves are too lazy to develop themselves, I think that they don't deserve the right to complain about the unfair distribution of wealth.
Its time for us to sit down and discuss.
Shocking is it? But hear me out here.
If I were to have plenty of money, I would invest on things that will teach the needy to make their own money. Example: Education, skill, work etc. To quote an idiom:
"Give a man a fish, he can eat it in a day, teach a man to fish, he can eat it for a lifetime"
Providing the needy with means to serve the society, not only increases their worth, but also the worth of society itself. By providing facilities for them to develop themselves, they will no longer be classified as needy, for they are provided with means to feed themselves.
Society itself is projecting an aura of insincerity. Corporations donate for the sake of "tax relief" and "marketing". With their ridiculous giant mock cheques, while being surrounded by the ever money hungry media. Another case is so, that some people who become rich act all cocky and end up having this sense of superiority that furthermore increases the social rift between rich and poor. I myself am embarrassed to say that I'm human.
Jealousy is also a problem. Powerful executives get shunned by the lower and middle class because they say that the distribution of wealth is unfair. But for me, these executives are people who provide jobs an opportunity for the middle and lower classes. Researchers catalyse the advancements of technology. Their research provide more opportunities. Why shouldn't their achievements be rewarded? They toil with their studies, they nurture their talents to become who they are. They themselves sacrifice a lot. Everyone should try thinking in the situation of others.
The needy also should take the initiative. Wealth doesn't come to lazy people. Not ever. If the human development facilities are there, but they themselves are too lazy to develop themselves, I think that they don't deserve the right to complain about the unfair distribution of wealth.
Its time for us to sit down and discuss.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Human potential
An idea to unify, to relate, to find a completing theory that will push human potential towards a point of no limitations.
To combine socionics and the sciences to the mind, body and soul, and to bring this idea to mankind, is the dream I wish to bring towards the world. To achieve a wonderful balance in the being a human being, pushing them to perfection and self satisfaction, and at the same time destroying barriers that limits human potential.
Humans can swim, can fly, can walk, can crawl. They could go to the moon, climb mountains, survive the harshest climate, build wonders of art, could outrun machines and many others. But I believe that the potential we have is only the tip of the iceberg. A high percentage of our minds lie dormant, our souls mostly lies lost to the tides of materialism and the need of money. The media tells us how to think, what to wear, and dictate our mind. Furthermore limiting human potential.
For that I continue my scholarly activities by reading, talking and observing until I come to an idea. An idea that will one day make a very big difference.
To combine socionics and the sciences to the mind, body and soul, and to bring this idea to mankind, is the dream I wish to bring towards the world. To achieve a wonderful balance in the being a human being, pushing them to perfection and self satisfaction, and at the same time destroying barriers that limits human potential.
Humans can swim, can fly, can walk, can crawl. They could go to the moon, climb mountains, survive the harshest climate, build wonders of art, could outrun machines and many others. But I believe that the potential we have is only the tip of the iceberg. A high percentage of our minds lie dormant, our souls mostly lies lost to the tides of materialism and the need of money. The media tells us how to think, what to wear, and dictate our mind. Furthermore limiting human potential.
For that I continue my scholarly activities by reading, talking and observing until I come to an idea. An idea that will one day make a very big difference.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Bak kata seorang tokoh aku: Kalau kita tidak kayuh dengan kuat menghadapi arus perubahan, maka kita akan hanyut dan mati ditarik oleh arus ini.
Salam sejahtera. Sebelum saya memulakan, ingin saya nyatakan bahawa posting ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan unsur politik murahan yang sering dikeluarkan dalam facebook, youtube dan lain-lain. Posting ini juga tidak mempunyai sebarang unsur sindiran. Posting ini merupakan posting berkenaan perjuangan, idealisme dan lonjakan mentaliti. 3 aspek yang pada pendapat saya akan menentukan nasib negara dalam beberapa tahun akan datang. Pada post ini saya ingin menyentuh tentang topik pertama iaitu perjuangan.
Perjuangan merupakan perkara yang amat mulia. Tetapi sebuah perjuanagan yang walaupun niatnya amat suci macamanapun, tidak akan membawa kebaikan jika tidak disulami dengan keikhlasan. Di laman sosial terdapat segelintir rakan-rakan yang selalu berkongsi post di facebook berkenaan opresi, agama, anaka bangsa dan sbgnya. memang eloklah kalau perkara baik dkongsi dengan orang ramai. Tetapi yang memalukan saya ialah "paradox" dalam tingkah laku manusia. Mulut kata lain tapi tangan buat lain. Sebagai contoh, ayah yang melarang anaknya merokok, sambil menghisap rokok. Perkara ni amat kerap berlaku, dan ini sangat menghampakan saya.
Perjuangan yang disulami dengan agenda tersembunyi tidak akan berhasil. Ini dibuktikan melalui sejarah. (Nazisme: Menegakkan darah Aryan, tetapi agenda tersembunyinya, membunuh ramai manusia yang tidak bersalah, Sozialisme: Menegakkan dasar ekonomi sosialis, tetapi membiar rakyat mati kelaparan). Soviet Rusia dan Jerman pada perang dunia kedua akhirnya musnah.
Setakat ini hanya segelintir sahaja rakan-rakan saya yang memperjuangkan syiar Islam yang pada pendapat saya, ikhlas memperjuangkannya. Segelintir pejuang pada zahirnya memperjuangkan perkara ini, tapi melihat tingkah laku mereka, sangat meghampakan.
A new chapter of my life
Alhamdulillah aku dah grad Bachelor. Kalau nak banding Januari 2009 dengan Mac 2013, aku rasa diri aku lagi matang dari dulu. Dalam tempoh 4 tahun ni, banyak benda yang ditempuhi. 1001 emosi, cubaan, tekanan. Di samping itu ada jugak kenangan paling best, yang sampai tua aku akan ingat.
Duduk oversea ni, famili duduk jauh. Berdikari sangat penting. Jaga hubungan dengan orang, diri sendiri dan kerja merupakan cara paling effektiv untuk menyerikan hidup di sini.
Sini, banyak benda pasal diriku ku belajar. Persahabatan kat sini memang amat dihargai, especially bila dapat rakan yang memang sekepala, memang best.
Kini hidupku diteruskan. Ku menyambung ke peringkat sarjana. Insya Allah September 2014 siap. Kerja lagi berat, tapi sebab dah terbiasa dengan kerja berat sepanjang 2012, rasanya boleh kot nak bawak. Tambah2 lagi ada geng sekepala masuk satu kos, lagilah best.
Kini ku pelajar sepenuh masa. Matlamat, nak jadi yang terbaik, nak buat sesuatu yang boleh ubah dunia ni, ke arah yang lebih baik. Itu cita-citaku, dan aku berharap agar saya dapat mencapai matlamat tersebut.
Duduk oversea ni, famili duduk jauh. Berdikari sangat penting. Jaga hubungan dengan orang, diri sendiri dan kerja merupakan cara paling effektiv untuk menyerikan hidup di sini.
Sini, banyak benda pasal diriku ku belajar. Persahabatan kat sini memang amat dihargai, especially bila dapat rakan yang memang sekepala, memang best.
Kini hidupku diteruskan. Ku menyambung ke peringkat sarjana. Insya Allah September 2014 siap. Kerja lagi berat, tapi sebab dah terbiasa dengan kerja berat sepanjang 2012, rasanya boleh kot nak bawak. Tambah2 lagi ada geng sekepala masuk satu kos, lagilah best.
Kini ku pelajar sepenuh masa. Matlamat, nak jadi yang terbaik, nak buat sesuatu yang boleh ubah dunia ni, ke arah yang lebih baik. Itu cita-citaku, dan aku berharap agar saya dapat mencapai matlamat tersebut.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
What makes a powerful decision maker
Decision making is never easy. Because once you decide, it's hard to turn back. I would like to list certain qualities that make a powerful decision maker.
- Has a clear set of priorities
- Never let emotions or personal vendettas go in the way
- Consistent and fierce in upholding their stance
- Think based on facts and figures
- Has a strong set of principles
- Futuristic
- Sees things in many perspectives
- Responsible
- Open minded
Thoughts from my heart
When emotions overcome logic,
words get played and twisted.
best of intentions become worse of schemes.
bad decisions are made. The devil smiling.
Hurtful things said.
Selfishness looms its wings.
humans become Animals
And hatred diminishes the sun's loving rays
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Blog Stats
I made a survey on my blog. Amount of views in comparison to the topics presented. So far, here is my conclusion
1. The more overall the topic is, the more readers there are. Posts like Palm Oil, The Dangers of Financing and Credit, got much more views than topics which just explains my personal achievements and experiences.
2. People tend to read, but not comment. For example, this one post I got 50 views in a week, but 0 comments. Maybe they're just lazy to write.
3. Readers from Malaysia tend to skip topics based on social studies, moral, politics and psychology. Maybe some feel offended when it comes to my liberal views on politics, humans and life. The thing is that my blog is aimed at international readers and not only a few minor groups in the society.
4. Google is a major source of internet traffic. Words normally searched by people on google got most hits on my blog. Words like "financing", "mentality", "palm oil", etc. are clear examples.
5. Promoting my blog on facebook has more negative than positive side effects. Of course the readers increase. But the readers belong to the "friends" category. So, some of them use my blog as a tool of judging and stereotype. They attack me not by commenting, but sharing posts in facebook which really contradicts my opinions. Its not thinking bad,, but a matter of observing these coincidences, and the regularities that these "coincidences" occur. Examples I won't say.
Let me explain the reason why I blog, or perhaps the reason why most people blog. Blogs are pages to share your opinions. Share what you think. Share one's ideals, one's interests and tendencies. SOme people say that exposing myself makes me more vulnerable. But the thing is that, as a human, when one dies, one's action vanishes with his life. What stays are only his deeds and his knowledge in which he changed the world with. That is entirely it.
Perhaps I am no politician, or powerful patron. My words may be faint now. Perhaps even ignored and seen as ludicrous. But if i were to go anytime soon, this blog will stay and it's words catalyzing the thoughts of its readers. My opinions are never perfect. Perfection lies only in God. I just hope that these opinions become a source of critic and inspiration which will give rise to a more unified way of thinking.
1. The more overall the topic is, the more readers there are. Posts like Palm Oil, The Dangers of Financing and Credit, got much more views than topics which just explains my personal achievements and experiences.
2. People tend to read, but not comment. For example, this one post I got 50 views in a week, but 0 comments. Maybe they're just lazy to write.
3. Readers from Malaysia tend to skip topics based on social studies, moral, politics and psychology. Maybe some feel offended when it comes to my liberal views on politics, humans and life. The thing is that my blog is aimed at international readers and not only a few minor groups in the society.
4. Google is a major source of internet traffic. Words normally searched by people on google got most hits on my blog. Words like "financing", "mentality", "palm oil", etc. are clear examples.
5. Promoting my blog on facebook has more negative than positive side effects. Of course the readers increase. But the readers belong to the "friends" category. So, some of them use my blog as a tool of judging and stereotype. They attack me not by commenting, but sharing posts in facebook which really contradicts my opinions. Its not thinking bad,, but a matter of observing these coincidences, and the regularities that these "coincidences" occur. Examples I won't say.
Let me explain the reason why I blog, or perhaps the reason why most people blog. Blogs are pages to share your opinions. Share what you think. Share one's ideals, one's interests and tendencies. SOme people say that exposing myself makes me more vulnerable. But the thing is that, as a human, when one dies, one's action vanishes with his life. What stays are only his deeds and his knowledge in which he changed the world with. That is entirely it.
Perhaps I am no politician, or powerful patron. My words may be faint now. Perhaps even ignored and seen as ludicrous. But if i were to go anytime soon, this blog will stay and it's words catalyzing the thoughts of its readers. My opinions are never perfect. Perfection lies only in God. I just hope that these opinions become a source of critic and inspiration which will give rise to a more unified way of thinking.
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