Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Opportunity to do something worthwhile in my life. Something that I will always be proud of. My beloved machine. A testing rig able to deliver a flow up to 1200 m³/h and a vacuum of 310 mbar relative pressure. This rig is built for the measurements of gas ventils, which are used in stationary gas power plants, in which the very exact and precise measurement of the flow and the pressure drop plays a very important role in ensuring the quality of the exhaust gases in these power plants are in par with the current law.  

This machine consists of a total of 70 components based on my conception. But choosing them, and talking to the supplier what you want in german was one of the hurdles. This project, something which normally takes 2 years to really execute, I pushed myself and completed it in 6 months. The controlling aspect of this project was also a hurdle, for skills which a normal mechanical engineer never learns in classes like analog processing, measurement technology and more are used.  After 6 months, I finally commisioned this machine. Now this machine has the ability to measure flow, pressure drop, temperature, humidity, under many conditions, all with a maximum error of 0.65%, thanks to the calibration and the ultra fast signal processing. 

Then comes the automation of the machine, which means increasing the user friendliness, so that normal workers could operate it. This automation also enables the measurements to be done in a very short amount of time. Here was the usage of Visual Basics a winning factor. 

A one man project, a project which once gracefully completed, initiated a great deal of respect from my bosses and collegues. But the most important thing is that as a young engineer, I learned so many things. Not only technically but also socially, like how to converse with bosses as well as workers, ethics when talking on the phone, writing mails to influence and mostly how to be proffesional in how we act. The most important however is learning the western mentality of directness, precision, effectiveness and quality.

But its unfair for me to bare the credit alone. Many people helped me along the way. My friends and most importantly my old boss, Thomas. Special thanksto my company for giving me the opportunity, my study partners in the University, and also the Malaysian government for allowing me to be in Germany.      

Monday, 12 November 2012

The dangers of financing and credit

Before I begin, let it be known that my opinion is based on a logical view point and has nothing to do with anyone. Its nothing personal, just facts and my private opinion on the topic of loans, interest, and financial management.


Today we lived in  a capitalized society. A free market where we can choose freely what we want to buy, what to sell, and make more profits based on the initial capital we invest on anything be it business, services, manpower etc. These profits in turn fuel the economy, provide jobs, and provides users with the basic necessities to live, food, clothing and shelter. People who invest a lot of capital get more returns and can afford to buy big houses, fancy cars, gadgets and jewels. Capital in this sense is "education" and the "time" we spend on education, for besides money and services, that is also an investment which could spur big returns.

This capitalized and free market society has it perks, but also its downfall. Of course people are free to choose. But not all people are smart in making decisions, for all our backgrounds are different. People see things differently among themselves. We are born in  world of diverse mentalities, backgrounds and personalities. That is why there exists a term rich and poor. Rich which refers to people who have wealth more than average and poor, whose wealth is considered below average. In the capitalistic point of view, rich people are people whose investments have paid off, and poor people are those who either did not invest or just made a poor investment at the first place.

People who are born rich are enjoying the investments their parents or ancestors have invested. But as our financial history has dictated, economies tend to collapse, due to many unavoidable factors. Nature, weak investor trust and many others. When one aspect of our economy collapses, the others will also collapse with it, just like a row of domino blocks. He comes the role of a centralized system so as to counter this domino effect.

Some of us are weak in financial management or sometimes born unlucky. Some of us invest in a house only to have discovered that the house would have been destroyed the next day by a flood. Some of us invest in hand phones not knowing that smart phones are already a thing in the consumer market. That's why wealth is something that takes a lot of wisdom and vision to create.

A summarized history of banking

Banks. In the middle ages, at the times of the crusades, banks were created to transfer assets quickly from one place to another at a certain fee. This fee is paid for the service of the bankers. This helped society a lot because it provided a safe way of transferring assets in the presence of bandits and robbers, hoping to have some wealth for themselves. These bankers had so much fees, until they became richer than kingdoms. Kings and queens who often went bankrupt because of the war they had lost, often borrowed money from these bankers. The more they borrowed, the more "fees" they have to pay. Some kingdoms went bankrupt because they couldn't afford paying back these bankers. Finally the kingdom's assets are taken away by these bankers, and the more these bankers became rich and had power behind the scenes.

With the richness that these bankers have, they invest more. They lend more money. And the more people who cannot pay up their debts, the more assets they earned. With this seized wealth, they make smart investments and the value of their wealth quadruples. This pile up of wealth eventually leads to power mongering and abuse by the "upper" class which is for me a modern form of oppression itself.
These power people buys influence and power with these assets and finally shape the world to what it is today. An age where the rich opresses the weak in a clean way, in broad daylight.

These "fees" finally was given a name: interest, that which mainly shapes our financial system today. Banking is a way of taking advantage of the weakness of the human soul, the yearning for richness, to turn this yearning of others to profits for another. The weak humans end up having to work hard just to pay up these "fees" instead of paying for the real value of the things they bought. These "fees" fuel the richness of the bankers and the more these bankers oppress.

Capitalism and marketing

It has now become a trend. People tend to buy things they cannot afford and don't need. This problem comes from the rise of electronic media: television, radios, internet.--> Advertisements.

Advertisements are by-products marketing. Marketing is a way of communicating the value of the product to the consumers. Marketing to the final consumer (non business) is using the neuro linguistics programming of the human mind to make the user buy the product. The final consumer mostly buys the product not as an investment but as a need or a desire.

When we look at ads around us: For example, a cool, rock hipster with girls and riches all around him, or a beautiful hot chic, whose eyes of men roll when they see her. Ant these cool or beautiful people, they all use a product. Hmm... an I-Phone perhaps, or a Tablet, or a Passat, or Maybeline makeup. These ads gives the end consumers a sense of inadequancy. Its another word saying that if we don't buy it, we will never be cool, happy, sexy etc. That is why only good looking people appear on ads.  We subconsciously have the mind set that if we buy those marketed products, we will also become like the people in the advertisements. --> Happy? Muscular? Sexy? Fulfilled? Impotent? Just look at any bill boards around you and think about it.

Marketing is not entirely bad. It is good if it helps the society by selling to them what they really need. Telling them to buy necessities instead of luxuries. The capitalistic system that we have nowadays promotes wasteful buying. It tells us to buy things we don't really need. Finally when we throw away these useless products, and buy more useless products which is more expensive.    

Loans: An illusion of wealth

Banks also market their "products" by using ads. They show a happy couple with smiling kids (mostly all good looking) happy with the house that they bought. At the end of the ad, there comes a message, "Finance Packages: 3 % Anually". 3 % seems to look harmless. But imagine if you want to make a loan which cost $300 000 and want to make a 30 year loan so that you can own that house. Ok lets do Math:

3%/year x 30 years = 90%

Total money borrowed form the bank:
$300 000 + (90% of $300 000) = $ 570 000

Amount paid per month:
$570 000 / (30 years) / (12 Months/year) = $ 1583,33 / month

Which means for the first 14.2 years, the consumer is only paying interest ($270 000) in total. What do you call that? Isn't that opression?

That is why when we walk throug financial centres, these banks have gigantic buildings compared to normal retailers. Imagine the income they make from 1000 consumers, who take up the same bank loan. And lets say, if any consumer couldn't afford to keep up with the payment due to a financial meltdown which makes people lose their jobs, the new owner of the house will be the bank.  

Some home owners who couldn't afford mortgages opt for refinancing, which means they borrow money to cover up the debts they cannot pay. This decreases their monthly payments. Only one thing increases. The income of the banks. So these banks become richer, at the expense of people who are struggling with their mortgages.

The thing about houses: Based on their location: The value goes up. A smart investor could make a loan for a new house, wait for a few years and sell it again at a price higher than what he is paying the bank in total. That however requires careful planning and smart decison making.

Cash loans - A bigger trap

Cash loans. The consumer gets flexible cash. But it comes at a higher price, namely a higher interest. For example a consumer makes a small $20 000 cash loan at 8% interest per year and he wants to pay it in 10 years. Let do Math's again:


8%/year x 10 years = 80%

Total money borrowed form the bank:
$20 000+ (80% of $20 000) = $ 36 000
Amount paid per month:
$36 000 / (30 years) / (12 Months/year) = $ 100/ month

Ok. Seems less. But the danger of cash loans, is that one tends to missuse the cash they see in front of them. They get $ 20 000 of loan. And thers a big chance that they will spend it on bad investments like luxuries which doesn't give any returns due to the flexibility of cash and the dangers of capitalistic marketing.

Mindset change towards loans

Being a smart consumer, one should never forget this rule:
"Spend only what you can afford"

Being a smart investor, on should
"Take risks only with a solid foundation and a clear vision. Always have strong reliable backups"

And most importantly. One should see the capital we get from loans as capital for investment. This capital is not wealth. It is never wealth, for if we think that is wealth, forever will the banks have a hold on our lives and continue opressing the weak.

Credit card misuse. The end of civilization
Another product trend by the financial industry (ironic why they call it industry):
Its located in everybody's wallet/purse. Almost all businesses accept them. Anybody with a simple pay check is eligible to own them. --> Credit cards

They offer nice credit limits. CREDIT limits. Another word for Loans -> with the interest.

Good usage is using them and paying all of what you use with your next pay check. Bad usage is not doing so. However the best usage is not using them at all, but for the sake of easing our transactions like airline booking, online shopping etc, there are several perks to have them, ONLY if you know how to use them.

Having a credit card without knowing how to use them is like driving a airplane without a license. --> Crash and burn!!

Having one credit card is enough. Having two or three because one is reaching its credit limit and is not usable anymore is a disaster. Both short term and long term.




Friday, 28 September 2012

Oh Hidup

Hari ini secara rasminya ku mula bekerja sebagai Jurutera. Walaupun tak mendapat ijazah lagi, kuasaku di syarikat ini seperti jurutera. Gaji x sama lagi. Tapi takpe lah. Mula dari bawah dulu. Lama2 naik ke atas.

Kadang2 teman2 aku bertanya, ''Farid, kenapa kau susahkan diri kau?''. Ku hanya membalas dengan senyuman kerana ku yakin apabila ku terangkan, mereka tidak akan bersetuju denganku. Sebenarnya ku bekerja lebih, bukan hanya kerana duit. Bagiku duit boleh dicari mana2. Yang payah dicari ialah pengalaman.

Seperti segelintir yang mengetahui, keluargaku bukan keluarga yang disuap dengan harta warisan. Ayahku telah bekerja keras untuk mendapat segala kesenangan yang keluargaku kecapi hari ini. Sauadara maraku bukan jenis kelas atasan. Tidak punyai pangkat2 yang besar seperti yang sering diheboh-hebohkan oleh segelintir rakan yang lain. Keluarga kami biasa. Tidak punya orang2 dalam. Kalau nak masuk asrama ke Universiti ke, kena ikut sistem. Tak boleh mengambil jalan senang.

Dari luar memang nampak senang tapi hanya keluargaku tahu. Ada kala ku dulu selepas SPM, ayahku tidak mempunyai kerja. Masih teringat aku dan ibuku terpaksa kumpul surat khabar lama di keliling rumah untuk membeli goreng pisang. Ku bekerja sebagai pelayan. Di kala rakan2 ku yang lain seronok membuat lesen yang dibiayai ibu bapa mereka, ku bekerja sambil dicaci segelintir pelanggan2 restoran yang biadap. Duitku ku tolong keluarga ku.

Dulu ku sedih, tapi kini ku bersyukur kerana pengalaman ini membuatku lebih kental dan kuat. Pengalaman ini membuatku lebih memahami orang2 yang kurang bernasib baik dariku. Pengalaman ini memberi ku motivasi untuk bekerja keras dan tidak mudah putus asa.

Di UiTM, ku kenal dengan Puan Rokiah dan keluarganya. Mereka mengajarku banyak perkara tentang kehidupan. Ku diberi peluang memotivasikan orang2 lain di bawah naungan Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya. Ku kenal ramai orang. Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Intec Students Peer Group (ISPEG), Peers UiTM dll. Persatuan2 ini membuka mataku kepada perjuangan segelintir kumpulan di masyarakatku. Di kala ketidakstabilan ku di usia remaja, Pn Rokiah memberi banyak pertolongan emosi dan rohani kepadaku. Di samping itu, tidak lupa Ustazah Syarifah Zaharah dan Puan Siti Aluyah. Nama2 ini ku tidak akan lupa.

DI samping itu teman2 saya tidak patut dilupai. Mereka banyak membantuku, mengisi kebosananku, dan memberi warna kepada kehidupanku. Di German, saya amat bersyukur kerana diletakkan di Offenburg. Di sini saya berpeluang mengintegrasikan diri saya ke masyarakat antrabangsa. Tidak dari segi sosial tapi dari segi kerja. Ku banyak belajar dari mereka. Mengambil mentaliti kerja mereka, dan memastikan mutu kerja ku menjadi sangat tepat. Mereka pun banyak mencontohiku dari segi peradaban, fokus dan intelek. Kesusahan hidup di dunia asing yang mempunyai budaya dan bahasa berbeza membuatku lebih kental dan lebih mengenali diriku.

Kini ku bekerja sebagai Jurutera sambil menghabiskan semester terakhir saya. Pengalaman menjadi hala tujuku yang utama. Ku tahu ku tidak mempunyai orang2 dalam. Oleh itu saya berharap agar saya dapat naik tangga kerjaya berbekalan pengalaman dan kegigihan yang luar biasa.

Tujuan hidupku bukan untuk bermewah. Ku hanya mahu keluargaku hidup selesa. Sebagai bakal suami, saya mahu anak saya membesar dengan hidup yang sederhana dan dipenuhi kasih sayang oleh keluarga sendiri. Ku tidak mahu anak-anakku diabaikan kerana ibu bapa mereka terlampau mengejar kemewahan, sepertimana yang sering berlaku sekarang.

Ku tidak mahu kereta import yang mahal, rumah yang mewah atau bercuti di tempat2 yang mewah apabila ku menjadi bakal pemimpin keluarga. Ku hanya impikan keluargaku selesa dan gembira, diriku tenang dan peluang untuk beramal dengan membantu orang-orang yang susah di kelilingku. Membantu bukan dari segi kewangan, tetapi dari segi motivasi, mentaliti dan modal insan, kerana 3 perkara inilah yang membezakan antara manusia yang biasa dan manusia yang luarbiasa.

Bagiku semua manusia sama. Yang membezakan adalah perangai dan tingkah laku mereka. Ku mempunyai hormat yang luar biasa kepada mereka yang merendah diri, dan mereka yang menyayangi orang lain lebih daripada diri mereka sendiri. Buat bukan sebab agama suruh. Buat sebab diri sendiri nak. Agama tu bagi kami petunjuk. Nak ikhlaskan hati dengan petunjuk ni bukan perkara senang. Ni pendapat peribadi aku.           

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Semakin tua...

Kadang2 duduk fikir sorang2. Tahun 2011 dan 2012.. x habis2 rushing. Semakin tua, semakin banyak tanggungjawab, urusan, dan benda yang kena fikir.

Kat German, ak rasa 2009 dengan 2010 . Sekarang 2011, 2012, dah bukan macam dulu dah. Pindah rumah, kerja, projek, pindah rumah lagi, urusan dll. Meh aku ringkaskan:

Jan 2009- Dec 2010: Tahun vacation. Duduk pergi kelas, risau pasal exam je. 2 tahun tu, tahun seronok. Selalu lepak ngan kengkawan. Macam2 drama. Tapi seronok. Dan best.  

Jan-Mac 2011: Sibuk  dengan exam, cari rumah, sibuk cari tempat practical, interview, sibuk pindah rumah

Mac-Sept 2011: Practical, tolong dak2 MGSS, pindah rumah, masuk rumah baru. Sibuk tahap permulaan katakan. Kerja berat kat ofis. Macam2 karenah orang pelik kat ofis. Walaupun begitu kepala masih senang untuk bersosial ngan kengkawan. Sempat buat Eurotrip, lepak Neuschwanstein, berbasikal ngan member, dan bermesra ngan budak2 Ulm. Haha So, ok lah. Lepas tu September, kena pindah balik Offenburg. Penat.

Okt- Jan 2011: Sem horror untuk budak course aku. Sem perlu makan banyak kepala hotak nak survive. Siang malam study group, pergi rumah budak kelas, study group lagi, discussion. Masa yang sama kena mintak tempat kat syarikat nak buat thesis untuk tahun depan. Kat kampus, ke hulur ke hilir. Interview dll.  Walaupun begitu, masih senang nak bersosial ngan budak Offenburgers malam2. Tengok cerita la, tengok muvie la, main game la, masak2 la. Ngan budak2 luar Offenburg, semakin kurang dah sebab weekend masa rehatkan kepala otak. 

Jan -Mac 2012: Exam untuk sem horror, interview ada sekali. Lepas dah konfem dapat tempat nak buat thesis next sem, nak kena cari rumah, pindah rumah. Nasib baik dak2 kelas tolong pindahkan barang. Masa ni, jarang sangat ada kat rumah. Asyik atas train je.

Mac-Julai 2012: Waktu paling kritikal setakat ni. Masuk tempat nak buat projek thesis.. FUlamak. Boss mcm Donald Trump, thema thesis sangat susah, kena cakap Deutsch dgn banyaknya nak berurusan kat telepon. Beli barang, amek quotation, tiap2 bulan meeting. Memang dilayan mcm engineer habis-habisan. Dapat budget 50 000 Euro untuk projek. Kebebasan banyak. Dapat meja sendiri, tepon sendiri. Tapi harga kebébasan itu ialah tanggungjawab dan tekanan nak memenuhi harapan department aku. Isnin-Khamis. Tiap hari 10 jam kerja. Naik train 3 jam ke Offenburg Khamis malam. Jumaat dari pagi ke petang ada kelas. Jumaat bertolak balik ke rumah. Sampai malam. Pening. Stress. Sampai paper exam semua aku tolak sem depan. Xpe la. Masa ni, sempat bercuti skl je. Nak bersosial ngan kawan2 macam dulu semakin jarang. Kontakt deorg pun dah siket.

Ogos-Sept 2012: Waktu aku jadi gila. Ngan thesis, (bahasa German macam sampah), kena betulkan banyak kali. Mujur dak2 kelas ada. Lepas tu ngan raya sekali, buka2 puasa nye. Lepas tu barang untuk projek ak dah sampai siket2. Nak bina2 semua benda berat dalam bengkel. Semua buat sorang2. Tapi sekarang ada prestij siket dalam syarikat aku. Kena nek pangkat. haha. Boleh kerah orang2 bawah dah. Hahaha.  Lepas tu kena pindah rumah lagi. Hanya dengan basikal. Adoi. Penat. Dah lah lama x balik Malaysia dah. Ngan homesick. Lepas tu dengan urusan lain2 lagi. Insurance la, ni la tu la.

Harap2 Tuhan berkati gaya hidup aku. Amin 

Friday, 7 September 2012

Palm oil

Many issues are surrounding palm oil. This is my take:

  1. Malaysia is the second largest exporter of palm oil next to Indonesia with plantation land ranging to about 4,5 Million hectars.
  2. Palm oil is a good source of fat vital for nutrition and a good source of biofuel.
  3. The production cost of palm oil is very low. This yields higher profits in comparison to other types of oil.
  4. About 10% of our exports is palm oil. 
  5. Plantations and refineries provide jobs for people and the profits made by palm oil could provide a great capital investment for the development of our country.
  6. Thanks to the Human Model Development project initiated by our government, where there is a very high subsidy in higher education both domestic and abroad; There are now plenty of specialists in the job market that can provide more research, sales, and development. The more we head to the future, the less dependant we are to imported specialists. 
  7. New land could be opened up thanks to agencies like FELDA. This allows the more effective use of land mass in Malaysia. 
  8. Westeners say that palm oil consumes land, which is bad for the climate and the environment. But they never consider the fact that plam oil is the solution for the food vs. oil crisis, and has raised the standard of living for many people who lived in poverty. Would animal lovers rather protect a dying orangutan or a dying person? Which is more precious? That is the question I would like to ask them. 
  9. The land used for palm oil is turned to agricultural land. Those are still plantations, which contributes to the climate. This is much better than building uncontrollable amounts factories, and nuclear power plants, like the westeners like to do.
  10. Developments in the combustion engine will pave the way for cars or power plants that relies solely on biofuel. Biofuel has less emissions in comparison to fossil fuels. The supply is also unlimited because these fuels are planted, not drilled from a reserve.
Because of this, I see palm oil as a good investment. I may forsee a sharp hike in the price of palm oil:
  •  when the supply of fossil fuel leads to dangerous levels 
  •  the fossil fuel market may collapse due to a sudden occurance of catastrophical political instability
So, thats my take on palm oil. What do u think?

Friday, 27 July 2012

Penghabisan thesis

Benda yang paling best ialah: Lepas 6 bulan bertungkus lumus, berfikir, jadi gila jap, lepas tu berfikir lagi, lepas tu meeting sana sini, telefon sana sini, sampai extend satu semester, berurusan dengan seribu satu loghat orang Jerman, boss garang, xde orang Malaysia dalam julat 50 kilometer, presentation yang sangat menakutkan; akhirnya hasil karya aku siap. Dalam bahasa Jerman.  Thesis ku: 65 Muka surat ayat buatan sendiri. Ringkasan pembelajaran degree mechanical engineering di Jerman.

Thesis yang sangat mencabar. Alhamdulillah habis. Projek yang makan bajet 40 000 Euro, 268 cawan kopi sepanjang 6 bulan, dan mengambil 960 jam untuk direalisasikan. Benda yang paling best ialah perkara2 yang dibelajar semasa buat projek ni, yang tidak boleh dipelajari dari mana2 kelas atau kuliah  iaitut; Cara berinteraksi, cara bagi arahan, cara bercakap dengan orang atasan, bawahan dan cara menjadi fleksibel dan proffesional dalam apa jua keadaan. Pengalamanku dewasakanku.

Awal2, ada sesetengah orang gelak, cakap aku x kan sempat siap. X amek aku serius. Cakap projek ak makan masa dua tahun la, suruh aku putus asa la. Kini mereka salah.

Kepada yang membaca: Pesanan aku: Jangan jadikan apa2 rintangan sebagai alasan untuk putus asa. Biarpun faktor bahasa ke, budaya ke, persekitaran ke, kewangan ke. Kalau buat silap, baiki. Silap lagi, baiki lagi. Gunalah apa2 cara, biarpun pelik atau luar mainstream, sampai benda tu berfungsi.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

We learn

We were young. We made miracles, mischief and mistakes. As humans,we learn from them and become the best person there is to be.

Learning is a life long process. We learn to breathe with our noses and mouths the moment we come out from our mother's womb. We learn to speak, read, write, and most importantly live. Experiences teach us, mold us to become who we are today. When we were teens, we learned to blend into crowds. We learned the art of mixing with others. When we are adults, we learn to seek love and seek who we are, learn our likes, dislikes and seek peace with others and mostly with our own selves.

We learn that imperfection is part of being human. We learn to tolerate, thrive and survive. That's who we are.

We learn how to talk to different types of people. We learn how to use our knowledge for our families and colleagues. We learn that sometimes what we really want we are not meant to get, and what we    do not want is what we really need. We learn the secrets of happiness. We learn to see the world based on our new found experiences. We seek solace in religion. We find wisdom in older people. We  learn to choose the proper role model. We give motivation to people we love, we seek help from people who could give us help. We learn to tolerate our friends, spouse, and family for the imperfection they have.

We learn so many things every single day. And this goes on till the day we die. For the knowledge we share could either benefit generations to come or bring it to total destruction. We must accept that learning is life long and never ever think that we learned enough. For there exists a sea of knowledge around us and it is our job to use this for the sake of humankind so that it could survive the tough times ahead.

Friday, 6 July 2012

24 years old

I write this post in accordance to my 24th year of being on this planet.

24 Years old. Seriously whenever I think to myself and say that I'm now 24, it is seemingly unbelievable. 1988 - 2012. Oh man. That is very long. I praise the Creator for giving me a long age to learn about myself and about thé reality of this world.

These 3 years living in Germany, really changed me. Last time, my opinion did not change a single thing in this world. Now my opinion is the leading factor that governs how the world works around me. Last time, it was like when I talked, nobody listened. Now, whatever you say, people actually listen eventhough they pretend not to. And I am very thankful for this.

But for every blessing, there is a price to pay. Now, my opinions counts too much that I really have to be careful what comes out from my mouth. All my words are being judged because I am no longer a teenager or a child. Thank the Almighty, I am able to make the correct decisions in my life that put me in a respectable position. The sacrifice I made so far i.e leaving the comforts of my home in Malaysia, becoming a travelling student in a cuntry whose culture is far different from ours, having to change the language of thought: from English to German.

My decisions took 15 years of my age. But with this sacrifice, i got freedom. But freedom comes with a price which is that one has to endure painfully and carry all the risks alone.

Ya Allah. 24 years old. 2 years away from my family. And entering 3 years. How I miss seeing my younger sister grow up. Being the hottest, smartest and the most popular girl in school.

I don't want to change to a boring adult. But the fact is that, the wheels of destiny are forcing me to change. Deep in my heart, the child within me is very much alive. But I have to kill it, so as it could fit me being a ''Prüfstandingenieur''. Being proffesional is number one prority.

As what my dad used to tell me: Be tough, don't be stepped on, always protect yourself
As what my mum used to tell me: Be humble, always be patient, Allah will always reward your deeds.

Happy Birthday Farid Hadri. 07.07.1988.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Mengubah dunia ni

Aku rasa nak tegur siket la trend2 yang berlaku kat facebook baru2 ni. Trend tukar gamba profile kalau sokong sesuatu benda, trend tulis perkara-perkara yang jijik untuk buat orang lain sedar dll.

Nak tanya mereka semua.. ada kesan ke? Ada perubahan konkrit ke kalau buat mcam tu? Kalau tukar profile pic tu, kira ada main peranan ke? Tulis perkara-perkara kat facebook yang jijik ada perubahan ke? Kalau nak melawan korupsi, atau nak menegakkan keadilan, ingat tukar profile pic boleh ubah hakikat dunia?

Pendekatan ini aku sangat tak setuju. Bagi aku, kalau nak ubah hakikat dunia ni, cari kuasa. Kalau nak ubah nasib rakyat palestin, satu jeritan dari hujung dunia xkan mengubah apa2 secara konkrit. Kalau nak ubah, pastikan pengaruh kuat, karisma ada, kewangan kukuh, baru boleh ubah dunia ni. 

Secara jujur, dunia ni memang dah jadi sampah. Hipokrit bersepah, orang x ikhlas bersepah, sistem yang adil hanya wujud dalam fantasi semata-mata. Penipuan bersepah. Manipulasi dalam media menjadi perkara biasa dan lain2. Yang boleh bersihkan sampah ni, ialah kuasa. Bukan jeritan di facebook.

Untuk mecari kuasa, kita bukan sahaja kena belaja kuat, kita juga kena kuasai diri kita. Kita kena sentiasa muhasabah diri. Bak kata pepatah, ''Kenal diri sendiri, sebelum nak ubah orang lain''. Mengubah orang lain tanpa menguasai diri sendiri ibarat ayam belajar burung terbang.

Dan satu lagi hakikat dunia ni: Bila kuasa ada, ramai orang nak jatuhkan. Xtau kenapa. Dengki?

Tolonglah jangan jerit sia-sia di facebook. Ubah diri sendiri tu. 

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Biasa orang x suka stress. Aku pun x suka stress. Tapi sekarang stress yang aku hadapi stress seronok. Stress kepuasan. Kini bekerja untuk membina satu ''Prüfstand''. Dalam BI nye: Testing Bench. Dalam BM nye.. ntah..

Dari segi theori sangat puas hati. Sebab semua sampah aku belaja dalam kelas, semua diaplikasikan dalam benda ni. Puas. Susah tapi puas.  

Boss pun garang macam Donald Trump. Tapi lama2 kerja ngan dia, sedar2 dia x garang sebnarnya. Dia hanya tegas and sangat proffesional. Serius ak nak jadi macam dia. Tegas style Jerman. Xde emosi, hanya logik apabila tengah bincang. Bila betul cakap. Bila silap terus mengaku silap. Tabik ar. Engineer paling berkaliber yang aku pernah tengok sepanjang hidup aku. Lagi satu dia memang sempoi. Sempoi bukan maksudnya buat kerje ala kadar dan biarkan je anak buah x terurus. Sempoi dari segi perbualan. Boleh cakap apa2. Xde sistem senioriti and sentiasa terbuka kepada kritikan dari atas dan bawah. Klau x setuju ngan kritik tu.. cakap sebab kenapa. Membahas menjadi adat. Dan bahas mereka bukan untuk menang dan merasa ego. Bahas mereka ialah untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

Serius aku kagum dengan budaya kerja orang Jerman. Sebab tu mesin2 mereka berkualiti. Kejuruteraan Jerman ada 2 aspek sebenarnya. Aspek pertama ialah kualiti.. kualiti... kualiti... Aspek kedua ialah etika bekerja. 2 aspek ini saling perlukan satu sama lain untuk satu sistem menjadi sangat efektif. Dari atas ke bawah semua orang menyumbang untuk syarikat. Xde orang duduk goyang kaki atau berpura-pura buat kerja. .

Aku tulis post ni sebab nak kongsi pengalaman dan harap agar pengalaman saya dapat menjadi teladan kepada bidang industri di negara kita. Bagaimana satu negara yang musnah teruk dari perang dunia kedua, boleh menjadi antara negara yang terkaya di dunia. Kaya bukan dari segi bahan mentah, tapi dari segi teknologi dan kepakaran. Kaya ilmu ialah aset paling tinggi orang boleh ada. Ada pepatah aku rekasendiri:

''Lebih elok kaya dengan ilmu dari kaya dengan harta benda.
Lebih elok kaya dengan jasa dari kaya dengan sijil dan piala ''

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Buat thesis. STUCK!

Sekarang tengah duk dlam opis. Bos ak xde so ak bole tulis blog. haha
Tengah buntu. Buntu. Susah sebenarnya jadi engineer. Masa practical dah satu hal. Ni sekarang buat research, lagi sakit kepala otak. Duduk dalam pejabat 4 hari seminggu, 10 jam sehari. Tgh fikir camana nak selesaikan masalah teknikal. Adoi2..

Tapi yang bestnya, ak diberi kemudahan macam jurutera2 lain kat syarikat ni. Nombor sendiri, tempat duduk sendiri, pastu kebebasan sendiri. Kalau nak buat lawatan pun suke hati. Boleh claim. Kuasa banyak. Boleh suruh orang buat apa2 yang ko nak. Tapi 'With great power comes great responsibility'.

Deadline 6 bulan untuk selesaikan masalah ni. Nak kene tengok theorie, nak kene order barang, nak kene pasang, nak kena program. Sampai jurutera lain pun cakap macam ak tgh buat kerja yang sgt besar. Adoi. Xpela. Pengalaman.

 Bila tgh research, ada hari yang idea2 semua datang dalam kepala otak secara lancar. 1001 idea boleh fikir dalam seminggu. Tapi bila dah xde idea.. haa.. BUNTU!!

Rasa nak hentak tengkorak ni depan monitor. Rasa nak jadi gila, gelak tanpa sebab, tapi xde member yang segila aku kat sini. So, buatlah poker face dalam opis. Nak cari maklumat semua kena buat sendiri. Bos cakap nak tu, ak bagi la benda tu. Bila aku bagi, x kene plak dgn apa dia nak. So, kene tengok balik. Serius ak x tau apa dia nak. Dah kene marah hari tu dengan dia. Down gak ar. Tapi esoknya, ak decide nak buktikan kat dia, yang ak boleh. Tapi idea xde. So lagi down.

Sekarang xde idea. KEINE AHNUNG! Tolong. Ak call prof, prof sruh tanya jurutera-jurutera lain kat sana. Ak tanya jurutera2 lain, deorang pun x tahu. So... BUNTU!! Adakah ini maksudnya menjadi jurutera? Kebuntuan dan kebodohan? TOLON!!

Besok ada kelas. Harap2 x buntu lagi. Jumpa rakan2 seperjuangan di Offenburg. Liyana, Pat, Christoph, Rusi dll. Boleh jadi gila sket depan deorang. :D

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Putting limits in your head

There's an interesting quote I heard somewhere: A spiritual person understands and a religious person believes. The perfect balance of spirituality and faith is the key to sincerity. We open our hearts to books, knowledge, and opinions eventhough how wrong or twisted it may be, and face it all with an open heart and an open mind.  Into seeking the truth, one must learn. Every point in our lives we are faced with teachers of every kind. Teachers do not mean a person sitting in front of you in class and teaching you. In life everything is a teacher. The ecosystem, the animals, books, even friends. All of them are teachers for we learn a lot from them. Not just by listening but also through observing and critical analysis.

Knowledge must not be limited from the access of the students. For me, a person forbidding others to learn what they want is a hypocrite towards the world of academia itself. Academics open their hearts and minds to learn and absorb the knowledge of this world and beyond that. They make analysis, do research and finally deepen the knowledge that the world currently has. This type of thinking has molded great inventors, researchers and scientists from the dawn of time. Brilliant academics are normally laughed at by people who don't understand them but finally make the world open their mouth in awe when their ''bogus'' theory becomes true and legitimate. A clear example is Einstein. in the 1920's his theory on relativity was laughed at, but in the 1940's his theory paved way for nuclear energy as well as nuclear bombs (sadly). His name is associated with ingeniousness and his formula E = mc² is memorized by almost everyone in the scientific community.

The main problem that limits our train of brilliance and genius is always the problem of bias. Our minds tend to swerve towards bias facts. Facts that are always imbalance and tend to favor one argument than the other. Universal knowledge is almost non-existent in academia nowadays because there are too much majors. For example, when one is an engineer his scientific thinking is only biased towards technical and business areas that they leave out the disciplines of psychology, philosophy and art out of their work. Sometimes there are concrete and truthful facts that are right within our grasp but our minds just ignore them because these facts contradict with the facts we have learned so far. We skip a paragraph from any book we read because these facts are not in par with our own train of thought and how we are molded to think. Academic biases are one of the big reasons that dampen the development of sciences.

Efficiency is an important factor. Let me put it in this example. Farmer A has 100 female sheep that produces 400 litres of milk a day. Farmer B also has 100 sheep that only produce 200 liters of milk a day. So to say, farmer A has a higher milking efficiency than farmer A eventhough they have the same amount of sheep. Back to the story. We have a population of 7 billion. Everyone is gifted in their own way. Why not put the efficiency of mankind to good use? We spend a lot of time learning useless things like ''Who won the grammy awards, who is married to whom, and manipulative political garbage in the internet''. We live in a sea of information. Why not use the internet to learn things that benefit the human race. The thing is that when disasters or accidents occur, we could only shake our heads and lame others for the mistakes. Never do we blame ourselves for failing to prevent that catastrophe with the developments we have in the internet. That for me is one of the paradoxes in human nature. We will tend to put the blame on others and never look at our own misdeeds.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Bukalah minda

Sebelum korang baca, aku nak minta maaf dulu kalau kata2 aku akan menyinggung beberapa pihak. Kalau korang nak nilai aku, nilai la. Tapi dah sampai peringkat ak rasa kene bgtau..

Kalau aku tengok berita Malaysia, aku meluat. Kadang2 tengok mentaliti kebanyakan orang yang sewarna kulit dengan aku, ak meluat. Nak tau sebab apa. Sebab lagi aku tengok benda tu x rasional, lagi aku rasa satu perkara tu sangat pelik. Sepertimana aku pernah bagitau dalam post facebook ak, ''There's too much paradox''.

1. Kita dididik supaya mengamalkan satu cara di mana hak semua orang dihormati. X kesah lah, orang tu Muslim ke Buddhist ke, Melayu  ke, Kadazan ke. Tapi semakin hari, semakin minda orang Malaysia tertutup. Semakin taksub kita dengan satu pendapat, contohnya politik, tokoh agama atau dakyah2 dari youtube sampai jadi x rasional. Setiap hari, semakin banyak kata2 berunsur perkauman yang keluar, bukan setakat di Facebook atau Youtube, malahan juga di akhbar tempatan dan sekolah. Contohnya, kenyataan ni : ''Orang Islam yang mengucap selamat hari natal kepada orang kristian dianggap menerima Nabi Isa sebagai anak Tuhan''. Mereka mengeluarkan kata2 ni, tanpa fikir apa orang lain ak merasa. Pada pendapat saya juga, kenyataan itu kurang tepat. Semua benda tu ada niat. Contohnya dalam tema melihat wanita. Kalau orang tu pandang wanita dengan nafsu, memang x betul, tapi kalau orang tu pandang wanita sebab nak berurusan secara telus dan profesional , dosa kah? Jikalau begitu, baik kita haramkan terus perempuan dari masuk dalam bidang profesional.

2. Malaysia terdiri daripada masyarakat yang harmoni dan berbilang kaum. Majoriti tetap majoriti dan minoriti pun wajib dijaga hak mereka. Itu nama dia demokrasi. Kini banyak perkara dipolitikkan oleh orang2 politik. Bendera Malaysia lah, malah sistem pendidikan kita dicemari oleh orang2 yang berkepentingan. Ada segelintir guru yang mengajar anak2 murid supaya membenci kaum lain, bercerita politik kepada anak2 muda yang ingin ke sekolah untuk menuntut ilmu semata-mata. Contohnya di tadika adik saya di Johor Bahru, guru melarang seorang pelajar cina untuk mengambil mee dengan tangan, walhal pelajar2 melayu lain boleh dengan menyatakan tangan mereka tidak bersih. Perkara ini diceritakan oleh adik saya kepada ibu saya yang kemudia diceritakan kepada saya. Cuba bayangkan, idea pasal perkauman sudah ditanam ke anak2 muda kita. Kemudian kami dipaksa menulis karangan ''cara memupuk intergrasi kaum''. Sangat paradox di situ.

3. Semua manusia sama di sisi manusia. Itulah kenyataan yang patut kita pupukkan. Tapi dia Malaysia, ada satu trend pemikiran yang nama dia, ''racial and religous superiority''. Satu cara berfikir yang mengatakan bahawa bangsa mereka adalah bangsa yang bersih, dan agama mereka je yang wujud di bumi ini. Sejarah sudah berulang kali mengatakan bahawa satu sistem yang ada kaitan dengan perasaan takbur dan assabiyah sesuatu kaum tidak akan bertahan lama. Ideologi nazisma di Jerman adalah satu contoh yang amat diketahui ramai. Ideologi ini menyebabkan kemusnahan kota2 mereka. Kini di Jerman bangunan lama dia bandar2 besar tidak sebegitu kelihatan kerana dibom pada masa perang. Aset2 sebuah negara boleh musnah dalam sekelip mata sahaja apabila dilanda bukan sahaja perang, malahan juga perang saudara.

4. Semestinya ajaran agama kita harus dipraktikkan, bukan diubah. Mungkin ada sesetengah pihak akan melabel saya ''pluralis''. Saya bukan pluralis. Ajaran agama masing2 wajib ditegakkan, tetapi anasir2 yang menggalakkan kekacauan harus dikawal. Sejarah mengatakan bahawa Malaysia sebuah negara yang aman, dan sudah lama tidak dilanda perang atau perang saudara. Pada pendapat saya, generasi saya sekarang tidak begitu bersyukur tentang kedamaian yang mereka miliki sejar mereka lahir. Mereka tidak fikir tentang kesan kata2 mereka yang boleh menyebabkan keseimbangan sosial tumbang dalam sekelip mata. Kini generasi saya diguna oleh ramai orang berkepentingan untuk merealisasikan agenda mereka. Kini IT membolehkan maklumat senang dicari, dan membolehkan terdapatnya beribu-ribu maklumat di internet. Tetapi kini, maklumat boleh tersebar dengan cepat. Bukan setakat maklumat betul, tetapi juga maklumat yang salah. Dan anak2 muda yang sememangnya sibuk dengan kerja dan pembelajaran mereka hanya akan merujuk kepada 'maklumat tersebar' ini untuk 'mengetahui'. Pada pendapat saya itu merupakan manipulasi pemikiran dalam satu gelombang yang besar.

5. Globalisasi sedang berlaku dalam kadar yang sangat cepat. Ramai syarikat asing sudah berkubu di Malaysia, dan sebaliknya. Pembangunan dalam bidang IT dan logistik memainkan peranan yang sangat besar. Semakin hari semakin banyak kita akan berurusan dengan bermacam-macam jenis manusia dari berbagai-bagai pelusuk dunia. Jika kita belum lagi mampu untuk mengintergrasikan negara kita sendiri, bagaimana kami nak mengintergrasikan diri kita dengan masyarakat dunia? Lama-kelamaan negara kita akan ketinggalan dalam arus globalisasi dan akan terus memegang taraf 'negara membangun' untuk masa yang sangat lama. Negara yang maju bukan sahaja negara yang ekonominya sangat kukuh; negara maju ialah satu negara di mana rakyatnya matang, inovatif, terbuka dan produktif. Malaysia mempunyai petroleum, minyak sawit, getah, elektrik, beras dll. Tapi kami masih belum maju. Negara barat dan asia timur tidak mempunyai bahan mentah sebegini, tetapi mereka masih tinggi dari segi mentaliti dan disiplin. Walaupun mereka mengamalkan budaya yang tetap ada buruknya, kita patut menjadi lebih terbuka. Terbuka bukan bermaksud menerima semua perkara dalam sesuatu budaya; Terbuka bermaksud menerima kekuatan satu budaya dalam masa yang sama menolak kelemahan yang mereka ada.

6. Banyak lagi topik aku nak sentuh, tapi setakat ni je la. Nanti akan disambung

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Something to think about

Now, my exams are mostly finished. I just need to settle a few minor things before I settle down in Schönau. Next semester is another big semester. 10 hours a day in the company from Monday to Thursday. Thursday evening I travel to Offenburg and the following day, which is Friday are classes from morning till evening. Saturday travel back to Schönau (3.5 Hours by train), and relax. Sunday relax, and Monday, another cycle begins.

I  think it will take a while for me to get used to this new pace. Rushing here, rushing there. Not to mention my research, my thesis, my lab work etc.. etc..etc. Fuu, life is tough. I hope my hard work pays off one day. My contract with the company finishes at the end of August, which is also my deadline for my thesis, and I have to start searching for universities to further my studies to Masters by then.

But at the end of the day, I feel that this hectic really shaped me. It made me into someone versatile, more flexible and assertive. Day by day I know more and more people who mostly I respect because they have qualities which I can learn from. Between January 2009 and January 2012... 3 years.. so many things I've seen, experienced, felt and endured. I felt the world and had a few German acquaintances which grew into a friendship like no other I have ever felt.

Readers. My advice to you: Not only have an open mind, but also an open heart when doing anything. Be it meeting new people, working or even studying. Because opening yourselves makes you open to all types of experiences, all in which teaches you things that books or words from others could never teach you. To learn is to feel and experience it first hand and to engrave that knowledge in your hearts. Knowledge is not just there for exams. It is what shapes you, shapes yourself, shapes your personality, and awakens the greatness that lies dormant inside your hearts. That is what being an academic is all about.

At the end of our studies, we get certificates. (Degrees, Diplomas, SPM etc) . But to tell you the truth, that piece of paper doesn't determine who you are. What determines who you are are your experiences in obtaining that worthless piece of paper. It's a waste of money when we have worthless pieces of paper (certificates), but end up not knowing anything.

That is why I have a few critics of the Malaysia curriculum. It seems as though the main target of studying in the curriculum, is only to have a worthless piece of paper with letters that signify how well one does in their exams. Students neither feel nor appreciate the knowledge. They only study for exams for those worthless letters, so as to make their school proud. Teachers in Malaysia also work hard only to maintain the standards of their school, which is defined as ''how many worthless letters'', their students achieve in the state exams. The school that gets the highest ''quality'' of worthless letters, are given a good name, and for me, that is impractical.

This system incriminates academics and cheaters, but discriminates non academic people like technicians, musicians etc. In the industry we are dependent on both sides, the academics and the non-academics. So I hope that schools in Malaysia not only give birth to academically talented students, but also doers, thinkers and leaders. That is for me the ultimate zeal of education.  

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Re-opening of my blog

I took a break from blogging these past few months. Well, my workload was getting to much, and my blogging mind became mostly irrational back then. Now it's ok... My exams are halfway done, my projects, reports, practicals, etc2.. Almost all finished.

This semester i made 2 big presentations in German. How frightening. My management subject and my industry project. All went unexpectedly good. Thank God. Then there was laboratory work, study groups, discussions, preparation for lab work, reports, all of them which my team completed with understanding, quality and precision.

Team work is something I learned alot in 2011. There was practical at my company, group works this semester, study groups, discussions etc2. The work culture in German is top class. At first I complained, but now, I feel very comfortable working here. Work is always done in teams here. The experience here is priceless. Honestly I salute how the people here tackle problems. Very proffessional. Aggresive but proffesional. At the end of the work, the outcome is always perfection.

Now, thank God I received a research grant where I could finish my Bachelor Thesis at. It's a company producing and researching stationary combustion engines. The pay is so to say good which also comes with an offer if I could work there as an engineer after I graduate. Well, if my government doesn't need german graduates, i may consider working there for a few years.

Sometimes we could never control our fates. Whatever God has planned for us, there is always a hidden bonus. It may seem painful and hard to accept at first, but in the long run, God knows what's best for all of us. Sometimes what we want, we don't get, because God wants to show us that not everything we want is what we need and not everything we want is what we can handle.