Saturday, 10 October 2009

Indonesia, Malaysia, Humans

When I was back in Malaysia, I was attracted by this article in the New Straight Times.. It was regarding the Pendet Dance and the resentment it caused in the Indonesian side.

In June, Jakarta stopped sending maids to Malaysia temporarily until the two countries agreed on new measures to provide better protection to the workers.

The latest controversy is not the first time that Indonesians have been up in arms over the perceived theft of their cultural icons. A similar spat erupted two years ago over the use of the Indonesian folk song Rasa Sayang in another Malaysian tourism advertisement.

Malaysia has apologized for the use of the Balinese Pendet dance, claiming that the mistake was made by a production house paid by Malaysia's Tourism Ministry to produce the commercial, which has since been withdrawn. (Taken from

Eversince I read that article, I always thought there was xenophobism only between Singaporeans and Malaysians but now, there was one between Malaysia and Indonesia. (Well there has always been one since the confrontation). This comes to the point that BENDERA is created saying that they will cause harm to Malaysians residing in Indonesia. (Fortunately it was only cakap2 kosong). However, a strong point in which a few Indonesians have prejudice against Malaysians is mainly our National Anthem, 'Negaraku', where Indonesians say that the melody comes from their local song 'Terang Bulan' (which was strangely adapted from the French song, La Rosalie). There came to a point when the old President, Sukaerno told the public not to sing the 'Terang Bulan' for it has a stench of Malaysian Nationalism in it.

My opinion, as I said earlier in my blog, this is an example of extremism or in other words 'Extreme Nationalism'. This is the after effect of the reshaping of the political map after the era of colonialism. Eventhough we are genetically the same people, we fight each other as though we are aliens to one another. Before Malacca, there was the Majapahit empire which extended from Sumatra, Java, Bali, East and West Malaysia, Sulawesi and the Islands east of Sulawesi. It was a prosporous nation, filled with culture and poilitical supremacy. But when Malacca rose, when the colonialists rose, it wiped out traces of this unity and gave rise to three different countries, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Now, these nations day by day feed each other with impractical prejudice and dirty politics. Ironically they have been under the same rule before the 15th Century.

6 centuries later, politics makes us fight. Our egos make us hurt one another, and superiority is a pillar of self esteem. Our tolerance for each other as fellow humans gets shallower day by day, and we see ourselves no longer as children of Adam but as humans with colour, creed and chromosomes. For me, a self-actualized person doesn't see others as a negro, a hispanic, or a Russian, but sees others also as fellow humans, comrades in our inner battle facing the wrath of ego and the devil. No matter how high, small, big, low or different another person is, love them unconditionally and the world will in turn learn to love each other again.

Back to the topic: What is the difference when an Indonesian steals and a Malaysian steals? STupid people will say, 'Bodoh ar Endon ni' or 'Bodoh ar Melayu ni'. What if their own loved ones steal?.. I think they will never call their loved ones 'Bodoh'. They will never go 'branding' who they love. In turn, if they really love him or her, they will just get angry and in turn forgive and forget. And this implies also between two different people.

Domestic maids get abused because their employers think they are superior. National anthems get ridiculed because everyone wants credit for something good. People say their cultures are stolen, but for me, cultures are meant to be shared, tolerated and respected by everyone in this world. So, who is to blame.. The answer.. nobody. Only ego and superiority is to be blamed for these two aspects of the devil will destroy the world bit by bit. If people learn to love each other unconditionally, ego and superiority will cease to exist and the world will in turn heal itself.

So, I pray for the best of miracles..

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