Saturday, 31 October 2009

Awek baru

Tanggal 30 hb November, kedatangan teman setiaku di dunia yang sepi. Dia dilahirkan di Baden Württemberg dan bewarna hitam. Kedatangannya disambut dengan kegembiraan dan semangat yang kian membara.

ku masih ingat teman lama ku. Walaupun telah banyak bekerjasama, dia akan berhenti x tentu pasal seolah-olah merajuk. Kalau dikerja lama siket, mesti berhenti seolah-olah tidak ikhlas untuk membantuku menyiapkan kerja dan menghiburkan diri. Adakah ni kesan daripada kapasiti dalamannya yang rendah? Kian hari, aku resah apabila berdepan dengan teman lamaku. Tetapi, ku tidak punya pilihan kerana dialah satu-satunya tempat untuk saya menyiapkan kerja dan menghiburkan hati.

Sebanarnya teman lamaku pernah dimiliki seorang insan selama 3 tahun. Tetapi sewaktu dia dimiliki, ku kadang2 akan meminjamnya untuk memberi saya layanan yang dapat menghiburkan saya. Oleh kerana terlalu banyak kali meminjamnya daripada insan tersebut, ku menjadi kemaruk kepadanya. Mengapa mengapa?

Tetapi tidak ku sangka, insan tersebut curang kepadanya kerana telah mendapat kekasih baru. Oleh itu, dia telah menjual milikannya kepadaku dengan haraga yang berpatutan. Ku sangat gembira, sampai gelak tertawa kerana akhirnya, dia menjadi milikku.

Tetapi, malangnya, sejak dia menjadi milikku, masalah pun tiba. Seperti yang ku telah berkata. Dia tidak lagi beupaya untuk mengikuti jejak langkahku. Dia tidak mampu mengikuti arahanku kerana kapasiti dalamannya yang rendah. Ku kadang2 bertanya, mengapa.. mengapa..

Akhirnya setelah menuruti nasihat rakan-rakanku, ku bangkit semula daripada perasaan hampa dan mencari kekasih hatiku yang baru di internet. Di saat itu, saya terpesona melihat awek baru ku, yang ku maksudkan dalam tajuk novel ini.

Tanggal 30 November 2009, kekasih baruku telah tiba. Duka bertukar menjadi suka. Aku meletakkannya di bilikku, tetapi jauh dari kekasih lamaku, yang masih ku simpan. Jika mereka cemburu, biarlah mereka kerana yang penting, janji ku bahagia.. hehehe

P/S: Untuk menolak spekulasi:
1. Kekasih lama = laptop lama
2. Kekasih baru = desktop baru
3. Insan = Hanfi Jaafar (pemilik lama laptop lama aku)
4. Kekasih baru insan tersebut = Sony Vaio yang dia baru beli
4. Aku bukan poligamist


Monday, 26 October 2009

Pondering time

Sunday 3am local time in Western Europe, everyone sets the time 1 hour earlier. I don't know for what reason. Perhaps its just a depressing fact that we could see the sun only for a short time. But, when there was the time for me to set my watch backwards an hour, it made me think..

U see. We are governed by time in our daily lies. In eery aspect of our lives, time plays an important role. We define our age based on time, we define our patience based on time and every programming and electrical device is based on time. Even in sciences, the definition of time, t, is very important in determining an outcome of any processes in this world. So, what is time?

Is time defined by bits and pieces of units called seconds? What is a second? OK, in Physics 1 second is defined, but what if for example, the definition of 1 second is redefined? What if for example, 1 second is defined as a duration in which is longer than the current definition of a second? Will we age slower? Will we as humans see the world in a more slow paced manner?

Ok, if we look at age.. If the units of time time were to be redefined as a longer duration, will we feel older or maybe younger? If the meaning of a second is redefined, will we change the way we organize time?

Now we look into the world of perceptions. How is it that sometimes 1 hour in a difficult exam runs faster than one hour in a boring lecture hall? When we are in a hurry to cover a deadline, why is it that we feel that the second clock is ticking very fast? And yet when we have nothing to rush, we feel that the clock is ticking slow? How is it that when we watch 30 episodes of drama, or finish one whole game in our Playstations, we feel as though time passes us by without us noticing it?

There lies but only one answer to all the questions above: Time is nothing else but mere PERCEPTIONS of our mind. But is matter also a perception?

Imagine one atom. The volume of the nucleus is 1/5000 the volume of the whole atom. The rest of the atom is mere empty space. We can depict a 5 litre bottle. Only one drop of water fills this space. And that is the world. Basically matter is just emptiness. We see colour because of photons. The 'electron jumps' makes us perceive colour. We could stand on emptiness because of gravity, one of the four fundamental forces building our world.

The particle wave duality theory. It says that every matter in this world is moving in a wave. Even we are moving in waves, just like electrons do in their orbits. So what are we? What are the things that we see in front of us, the computer, the keyboard the table, your friends? Just mere waves and photons being percieved by our minds.

But what makes us think? What makes us smile when we see each other? What makes us feel happy when we love, waht makes us get angry when we hate? What makes us sad and lonely when nobody is near? What gives mothers instincts to protect their children?

The answer is simple, the human soul..

So what I say is simple. Nurture the human soul instead of time and matter. Nurture with faith, knowledge, truth, honour and responsibility and perhaps our souls will be taken care of in God's loving hands. Amin

Sunday, 18 October 2009

A clear cut example.

I found an interesting video about politics, and after watching it, I become more greatful that I am a Malaysian despite of its imperfection. The following video is about the life of Singapore's opposition leader and how much he has suffered being an opposition.

My comment about this: eventhough some say that there lies no room for opposition in Malaysia, there are more regimes in this world who are more unfair in the political game. Being either a government supporter or an opposition is not wrong. What makes it wrong is if one uses his position, be it as a prime minister or an opposition leader to undermine the nation and its people for his own importance and purpose.

So, strive ahead for our religion, race and country and don't let power or politics obstruct your path. Malaysia boleh!!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Bersabar dengan hang

Dah tiba masanya ak kena tukar laptop. Fed up gak. Tgh2 YM, hang, tgh2 main game, hang. Ad sekali tu, ak tgh buat lawak ngan member ak kat ym, lawak blum habis, hang. So, member ak dah piker len..

Ntah la. Nak cuba windows baru ke nak stick dgn XP. Tujuan tukar computer sebenarnya sebab nk install Solidworks. Dia nak 1GB RAM pulak. Laptop lama ak, 512 je. Adoi.. Nk berjaya pny pasal..

Tp tgk2 desktop kat internet, ok je budget. Dah dapat 4GB RAM, Geforce punye Video card, n macam2 lg. Ad warranty 3 tahun pulak tu. Kalau beli ok, tp takut x blaja je. Asyek men game je siang malam. Habis ar sem ni. Xpe ar. Janji puas beli surfing. janji x hang lg..

So buat masa 2 inggu ni, dgn duit yg sket, bersabar je la dengan hang. Kalau hang, restart je la. Tp kalau tgh buat keje, x save, pastu tetiba hang, nasib la tu. One more thing, tgh2 musim sejuk ni, nk kluar macam malas je. Nk jogging, jangan harap. Nk jalan2 sambil x menggigil, mustahil. So, harap2 desktop tu akan jadi teman ak yg setia musim sejuk ni.

So, kalau lapto hang hang, bersabar la ye. Reformat ke, tukar RAM ke. Sebab laptop hang baru. Laptop ak dah nak masuk 4 tahun sejak pemilik asal dia beli. Lagi satu, kalau hang xnk guna computer yang hang selalu, tunggu bulan depan, dtg Offenburg, hang dapat merasa.

hihi :p

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Indonesia, Malaysia, Humans

When I was back in Malaysia, I was attracted by this article in the New Straight Times.. It was regarding the Pendet Dance and the resentment it caused in the Indonesian side.

In June, Jakarta stopped sending maids to Malaysia temporarily until the two countries agreed on new measures to provide better protection to the workers.

The latest controversy is not the first time that Indonesians have been up in arms over the perceived theft of their cultural icons. A similar spat erupted two years ago over the use of the Indonesian folk song Rasa Sayang in another Malaysian tourism advertisement.

Malaysia has apologized for the use of the Balinese Pendet dance, claiming that the mistake was made by a production house paid by Malaysia's Tourism Ministry to produce the commercial, which has since been withdrawn. (Taken from

Eversince I read that article, I always thought there was xenophobism only between Singaporeans and Malaysians but now, there was one between Malaysia and Indonesia. (Well there has always been one since the confrontation). This comes to the point that BENDERA is created saying that they will cause harm to Malaysians residing in Indonesia. (Fortunately it was only cakap2 kosong). However, a strong point in which a few Indonesians have prejudice against Malaysians is mainly our National Anthem, 'Negaraku', where Indonesians say that the melody comes from their local song 'Terang Bulan' (which was strangely adapted from the French song, La Rosalie). There came to a point when the old President, Sukaerno told the public not to sing the 'Terang Bulan' for it has a stench of Malaysian Nationalism in it.

My opinion, as I said earlier in my blog, this is an example of extremism or in other words 'Extreme Nationalism'. This is the after effect of the reshaping of the political map after the era of colonialism. Eventhough we are genetically the same people, we fight each other as though we are aliens to one another. Before Malacca, there was the Majapahit empire which extended from Sumatra, Java, Bali, East and West Malaysia, Sulawesi and the Islands east of Sulawesi. It was a prosporous nation, filled with culture and poilitical supremacy. But when Malacca rose, when the colonialists rose, it wiped out traces of this unity and gave rise to three different countries, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Now, these nations day by day feed each other with impractical prejudice and dirty politics. Ironically they have been under the same rule before the 15th Century.

6 centuries later, politics makes us fight. Our egos make us hurt one another, and superiority is a pillar of self esteem. Our tolerance for each other as fellow humans gets shallower day by day, and we see ourselves no longer as children of Adam but as humans with colour, creed and chromosomes. For me, a self-actualized person doesn't see others as a negro, a hispanic, or a Russian, but sees others also as fellow humans, comrades in our inner battle facing the wrath of ego and the devil. No matter how high, small, big, low or different another person is, love them unconditionally and the world will in turn learn to love each other again.

Back to the topic: What is the difference when an Indonesian steals and a Malaysian steals? STupid people will say, 'Bodoh ar Endon ni' or 'Bodoh ar Melayu ni'. What if their own loved ones steal?.. I think they will never call their loved ones 'Bodoh'. They will never go 'branding' who they love. In turn, if they really love him or her, they will just get angry and in turn forgive and forget. And this implies also between two different people.

Domestic maids get abused because their employers think they are superior. National anthems get ridiculed because everyone wants credit for something good. People say their cultures are stolen, but for me, cultures are meant to be shared, tolerated and respected by everyone in this world. So, who is to blame.. The answer.. nobody. Only ego and superiority is to be blamed for these two aspects of the devil will destroy the world bit by bit. If people learn to love each other unconditionally, ego and superiority will cease to exist and the world will in turn heal itself.

So, I pray for the best of miracles..

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Betul ke ni?

Nk update ar posting kat blog.. lama gak x tulis.. so walaupun xde ap2 nk tulis, carilah apa2 yang bole ditulis..

Minggu pertama 2nd semester.. Fuyoo.. catastrophic gila.. Semua baru.. Tp yang best nye, dah x rasa kekok dah bile masuk kelas.. Yang catastrophicnya, (sori ehr DBP), bila dah 40 hari balik Malaysia, sepatah apa German x cakap. Bila balik sini, gedegang!! Bukan culture shock tapi language shock. So nak atasi bende ni, senyap jela dalam kelas. Yang x bestnye, bila budak2 kelas tegur, atau tanya apa2 (especially pasal bende ilmiah), ak jawab 'sedap mulut'. Grammar dah x jaga, verb dah berterabur.. Lagi satu, ak rasa stakat hari ni, x pernah aku siapkan satu ayat penuh dalam bahasa German. Verb mesti tergantung bile cakap. Tp oklah.. dak2 tempat aku tahu ak x seberapa dgn bahasa.. so dia teka apa yang ak nk sampaikan.. and amazingly, tekaan deorg 90% betul.. Mantap gile dak2 German..

Tp yang pelik pun berlaku minggu ni.. Sejak ak sampai sini, asyik mimpi pattern yang sama. Pattern dia: Ak selalu tengah lari dari orang yang mengganas yang tgh kejar ak. Bila ak lari, ramai orang keliling aku kene bunuh oleh org yang mengganas ni. Tp last2 ak selamat. Setakat ni, x pernah ak mimpi ak kena bunuh, tapi nilah kali pertama ak nampak banyak sangat darah dalam mimpi aku berderet-deret. Tp semua yang kene bunuh tu semua muka ak x kenal. Kene bunuh dgn cara yan amat kejam. Stkt ni, bila ak bgn tido, mesti berdebar x tentu pasal.. Permainan minda, atau petunjuk? Wallahualam.. Harap2 ak ngan org2 keliling ak slamat kat dunia yg nyata..