Sunday, 10 May 2009

One of the best shows: Into the wild

Last night, I stayed up to watch a film called Into The Wild. Themost heartwarming, full with philosophy and the most touching show ever. It's about a young man, who was so bored about life and chooses to segrgate himself from civilization after graduation. In shan't tell you the ending though but Irecommend all of you to watch it.

I can only tell you one part of the ending. After living for so long from his family and friends alone, prior to his death, he made a conclusion; true happiness can only be found by sharing. (Or something like that). To be honest, this and countless other words his sister narrated really had a deep effect and changed my outlook of how I saw the world.

It was indeed true, that it was like we were living in a world governed by rules that just seperated us by the true nature of being a man. The so called push for us to suceed and have a place in life, and in doing so creates depression, stress and temporary happiness just sometimesis too much

People who have not enough money to come by just end up being trampled by people who are luckier than them, people who are born less smart, end up being workers to people who are smarter, people who are less strong and less confident just end up being a so called dimwit by others who have things morethan them. That my friends, is the creepy way this world works and I myself don't agree with the current facts.

For your information, Iam neither communist nor socialist. I am just a person who pities both others and people who are unluckier than me. Ok, I am receiving a high scholarship because of my so called smartness, but in Malaysia or a contradictory example, Africa, many people live lives with financial difficulties, inability for education, lack of even the simplest things in life, just because they have intellectual inabilities, or their country are just politically incompetent. People remain people. They have their own strenghts and uniqueness, but now, because of intellect, the so called 'people whose talent is not in the intellectual field' become the black sheeps of society. Another stupid fact. And here we are, relentlessly enjoying our lives in an foreign land, gnawing of our countries treasury to fulfill our own pettiless endulgement which in my case doesn't last.

Hypocracy exists in all of us, but what differs us from each other is the level of hypocracy we have. Double standardness is one thing, but people with a ridiculously high level of hypocracy, will become people who just ,make the world die faster. people. I myself am a hypocrite, but I hope that my hypocracy doesn't kill or hurt others.

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