Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Swine flu blues

Swine flu is out... And many are worried. Well, I myself am a Muslim and now I could see inherently why we are forbidden to touch pigs and how much more eat their flesh. For me, they smell rotten, pretty much unpleasant and having an unpleasant smell when their meat gets turned into delicacies.
It's not that I'm saying that we must ban the consumption of pork and pig products extremely. At the other side of the story, many pig farmers in the world depend entirely on pigs to make their living. Not only in devoloped countries but also developing and third world countries. Pig dung are used as fertilisers and there are countless usages of pork meat in both modern and traditional delicacies throughout the world. In europe itself, due to the high demand of pork, the price of pork is much cheaper than the price of beef and chicken.
Pigs are said to be unhygienic and contain strains of viruses dangerous to health. Scientists (my biology teacher) say that they contain tapeworms which cannot be killed despite high acidity and extreme temperatures. Tapeworms multiply rapidly and vastly in numbers until the point that these parasites will slowly make one not as healthy as one is ought to be.
Currently, I hope that this new outbreak won't be as deadly as the SARS, or will later wipe out most of the human population in this world. But a question remains? Seeing into the current political scenario and the so called establishment of the "New World Order", why is the source of this flu in Mexico? The country that is neighbouring the United States?
Biotechnological advancement?.. Perhaps this new strain of flu is engineered by a certain group of knieving fools who just want to get even with the worl or perhaps this flu is a sign by the Almighty that it is time for us humans to repent?

1 comment:

  1. ko jage diri beabek kt sane..
    kang balek malaysia troz kene masok hosp sg buloh..leh jumpe ak kt ctu..hehehe
