Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Opportunity to do something worthwhile in my life. Something that I will always be proud of. My beloved machine. A testing rig able to deliver a flow up to 1200 m³/h and a vacuum of 310 mbar relative pressure. This rig is built for the measurements of gas ventils, which are used in stationary gas power plants, in which the very exact and precise measurement of the flow and the pressure drop plays a very important role in ensuring the quality of the exhaust gases in these power plants are in par with the current law.  

This machine consists of a total of 70 components based on my conception. But choosing them, and talking to the supplier what you want in german was one of the hurdles. This project, something which normally takes 2 years to really execute, I pushed myself and completed it in 6 months. The controlling aspect of this project was also a hurdle, for skills which a normal mechanical engineer never learns in classes like analog processing, measurement technology and more are used.  After 6 months, I finally commisioned this machine. Now this machine has the ability to measure flow, pressure drop, temperature, humidity, under many conditions, all with a maximum error of 0.65%, thanks to the calibration and the ultra fast signal processing. 

Then comes the automation of the machine, which means increasing the user friendliness, so that normal workers could operate it. This automation also enables the measurements to be done in a very short amount of time. Here was the usage of Visual Basics a winning factor. 

A one man project, a project which once gracefully completed, initiated a great deal of respect from my bosses and collegues. But the most important thing is that as a young engineer, I learned so many things. Not only technically but also socially, like how to converse with bosses as well as workers, ethics when talking on the phone, writing mails to influence and mostly how to be proffesional in how we act. The most important however is learning the western mentality of directness, precision, effectiveness and quality.

But its unfair for me to bare the credit alone. Many people helped me along the way. My friends and most importantly my old boss, Thomas. Special thanksto my company for giving me the opportunity, my study partners in the University, and also the Malaysian government for allowing me to be in Germany.