Friday, 30 September 2011

Matanglah siket

Couple muda-muda ni, ok... hanya kalau dua2 pihak laki dan pompuan matang. Kalau sorang tu matang, sorang perangai mentah lagi... xkan jadi. Serius. Ak pun x galakkan. Sebab last2 hanya akan merana.

Klau yang matang tu, carilah yang matang. Yang x matang, xde confidence tu, xya nak ngade nak cari pasangan. Baiki diri sendiri tu dulu. Love yourself before you love sombeody else!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The test

We are humans. Made by clay. God command the angels to bow to us, but a few didn't want to. They became fallen angels and promised to God that they will make these beings of clay fall astray.

So is the story of creation. Something to think about.

In the middle ages in Europe, seeing a girl walk out late at night is something very rare. They become nurturing mothers, raise their sons and daughters well, and in turn produces a generation of thinkers and scientists. Now the situation is different. Very much different.

Both the parents are forced to work to provide for the family because society teaches each household what to have. Parents work to provide LUXURIES for the family instead of only supplying the household with NECESSITIES. Children are bought PSP's at a young age, taught to wear branded goods, and to save their money to buy more luxuries. In turn, the parents spend less time with their children and finally the children evolve to a generation of spoiled and immoral brats. The younger generation becomes a generation of rubbish. End effect, the society in the next 3 generations will collapse.

Last time, a car is considered expensive. Now, fresh graduates are busy making loans to banks just so they could have one even though they really cannot afford one. Their reason is mobility. But for me, if you cannot afford one, just take the bus or find other means. Young graduates search for couples even though truth be told they cannot afford one. Their results go down, they fight with their parents for their ''darlings'' and finally they end up not having savings just to support their ''darlings''. Now bankruptcy at a young age is considered common.

Society is heading towards total chaos. Material is put above the rest. Love, nurturing and unity is put aside. The temptation of the flesh i.e sex is not seen as pure and holy anymore. Thanks to the media, sex is seen as 'a common thing to do'. But it's not. Sex is meant to be done with someone you love and have a holy bond with. Not just some hooker or party animal we found in the streets.

Free sex means STD's, abortions and babies born without a father. Or in some cases throwing a new born baby in the dustbin. They say there's condoms. But for crying out loud: your virginity is a gift. Condoms don't work all the time. If the media maintains a strict policy of censorship and the public is educated in sex and its limitations, and if Hollywood stops emphasizing sex scenes in its movies, I think our penises and vaginae could be put under control.

Sorry for the language. But that's the fact.

Setting your priorities

We as students have so much to think about. Mainly our studies. To achieve balance, we need to set our priorities straight. Some of us have other commitments besides our studies, be it family, girl/boyfriends, work, money and more.

Some of us fail to set our priorities despite of our commitments. End effect, we don't really go anywhere. We just stay with our terrible results and never budge forward. Being a student trains us to become leaders. Leaders of our family, leaders of our department or leaders of certain groups. And being a leader, one must know which aspect one should prioritize in his or her life.

I know of a few, who are in difficult situations due to their failure in setting their priorities and goals straight. To share with you, I would like to share the priorities that I have set so far by rank:

0. Spiritual development
1. Career development
2. Studies
3. Family
4. Personal development
5. Friends
6. Soft skills and other non study related knowledge

Of course there is a number zero in this ranking which is spiritual development, i.e fulfilling your responsibility to God and listening to His commandments. This is important for it gives you a proper guideline on how to live your life and prevent you from going astray.

There are a few who prioritize their girl/boyfriends higher as their career development or studies. It's not good. The thing is that, we are still not married (for those who aren't). When we get married, then our priorities really need to change. Family must be put as rank 1 instead of your career or studies. For if it is not done, it will be a spell for relationship crisis and disaster. Marriage is the holy bond which ties two souls together. When we are still in a relationship, it's still the time for getting to know one another. Marriage is the 'Schluss' (closing).

Theory is easy but applying the theory is another story. Have a tough stance and maintain flexibility in times when we have to be.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Apa nak buat?

Benda paling tajam kat dunia ini ialah lidah. Kalau amek batu berlian pun, lepas tu kikir jadi bentuk piramid dengan panjang titik atas dia 0,05 mikrometer sekalipun, takan jadi setajam lidah.

Kalau luka pisau, boleh pakai plaster, lepas tu lama2 luka tu sembuh. Kalau teruk kene potong pun, bole pergi hospital. Insurance dengan subsidi kerajaan sempat belanja lagi. Jangan main2.
Tapi luka sebab lidah... fuuu... bahaya. Susah nak sembuh.

Bagi aku, penyembuh luka lidah senang je. Toleransi, minda terbuka dan sikap pemaaf. Kalau tersilap cakap tu, bincang la macam dewasa. Come on ar. Kita bukan budak2. Kadang2 sesetengah orang ni, takut nk bincang. Sebab apa?

1. Xde keyakinan diri.
2. Xnak terima pendapat orang len. Dalam Bahasa Inggerisnya => Stubborn
3. Berfikiran kebudak-budakan.
4. Jenis yang x reti bertolak ansur.
5. Jenis x reti berkompromi.

Tu satu. Tapi bila nak bicang dengan orang len pun, ada guideline dia.

1. Berfikiran terbuka
2. Tidak melaui kekerasan.
3. Tatasusila yang tinggi
4. Tidak terlalu mengalah atau mendesak. Tengah2.
5. Hormat
6. Berkata benar

Memang senang nak baca. Tapi nak amalkan sangat susah. Kami masyarakat terdiri daripada macam2 golongan dan individu. Setiap mempunyai pengalaman, pendapat, latar keluarga, dan persepsi yang berbeza. Oleh itu, konflik menjadi salah satu norm. Untuk elak konflik dan pergaduhan, setiap orang patut amalkan dasar toleransi, berfikiran terbuka dan kasih sayang antara satu sama lain. Barulah satu masyarakat itu akan bersatu padu.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Are you stressed? Then read this!

How to relieve stress. Written by me:
  1. Have a balanced diet. Sometimes we stuff ourselves with to much fast food, to much junk food, to much of this and too much of that that we fail to achieve balance. We don't eat fruits, we rarely drink plain water. We eat too much meat or sometimes we just skip our meals. I recommend eating 3 times a day. A light breakfast, a medium lunch and a heavy dinner.
  2. Have an organized life. Sometimes the main causes if stress is the feeling that we are losing control of our lives. Not having an organized schedule causes this. We don't have discipline, we do our work with no quality, and we tend to waste alot of our time wasting it doing pointless things. Try keeping a schedule.
  3. Have plenty of sleep. Sleeping renews our cells. It rejuvenates and heals. It keeps us happy, healthy and young. The problem for most of us, is that we sleep so late and wake up in a bad mood and we end up being unproductive the next day. Studying could be done before 10 pm and certainly not after it. I know a few friends who study at the break of dawn. Their results are totally superb!
  4. Near yourself to God. All the blessings we receive in this world comes from God. Show gratitude by doing what ought to be done.
  5. Don't bottle up. Having problems and not sharing it is one of the main reasons of depression. Bottling up your problems is like heating up a gas canister. When it explodes, it gets pretty messy. Sharing problems and discussing them with close friends help you not only know yourself more but also opens yourself more to the differing opinions of people around you.
  6. Help others in need. This may sound weird, but the effect of helping people around you, relieving their burdens, and making them succeed is very therapeutic. It gives you the feeling of being appreciated and being a part of the society. Doesn't mean that we have to go to a third world country or an old folks home to do charity. Charity begins with your neighbors and family.
  7. Do some physical activities. Some of us find excitement in competitive sports and some of us don't. The thing is that, find a physical sport that suits you and do it. As long as it keeps you happy and your heart pumping.
  8. Be a team player. Being in a team be it at school or work makes you feel important. Studying or working alone makes you feel not confident and not on track to what you are doing. Studying and working together keeps you in focus and provides more intellectual and cultural exchanges.
  9. Be positive and optimistic. In school we are taught not to be cruel with others, to forgive others, to love and care for others. But we are rarely taught not to be cruel to YOURSELF, to forgive YOURSELF and to care for YOURSELF. Being pessimistic is being cruel to yourself. Never say that you are stupid for stupidity will come if you say so. Never say that you are fat, because fat will come the more you say it. Never say you are worthless, for you will be worthless the more you say it.
  10. Reflect on yourself. (Muhasabah diri). Every night before you sleep, always reflect on what you did today. Always set a target, that tomorrow you will be better than who you were today.

copyright: Farid Hadri