Monday, 31 January 2011


If i coud invent an idiom.. i would like to invent one:

''Like vultures circling''

So, what does it mean? Ok, you jolly well know what vultures are don't you? What they eat and such? For you who do not know, they eat fresh carcasses of dead animals. In other words, they eat animals that just died.

So, the thing about vultures, they have a very instinctive way of knowing if an animal will die. And if they do know, they will circle this animal until this animal dies. After this animal blows its last breath, they swoop down, tear the carcass open with their sharp beaks and pull the guts out and consume it with utter greediness and satisfaction.

But the thing about vultures, they are cowards. They never kill an animal unless its dead but yet they prefer fresh carcasses. They will circle the animal as long as it takes, and only attack when the animal is dead. Such cowards.

People with vulture like personas are very dangerous. They look at their victims from a distance, and when they get hungry, they incite others around them with lies and bullshit, so that their victims could die faster. At the end of the day, they gain satisfaction from their victims' loss and laugh (or squawk).

That's my invention. I hope this post could get into Oxford Dictionary and be recognized as a valid literal idiom for the use in formal writings.

Sunday, 23 January 2011


Ok... trip pi Spain... Satu benda pengalaman baru ialah dapat jumpa pantai.

Dari kecik sampai ke besar, pantai merupakan tempat yang buat ak seronok. Mungkin sebab landscape dia yang menarik perhatian mata dan nyaman. Dan pokok2 kat area pantai semua sepesen je. Seronok.

Pantai, sebagaimana ak telah sebut dalam pos sebelum2 ni, merupakan tempat ak berjiwang dan bermuhasabah diri. Seronok dapat duduk atas pasir dia, dengar pukulan ombak dan tengok nelayan2 jauh, tengah bekerja. Klau nk dating ngan orang disayangi, macam best gak lepak kat pantai pastu buat picnic berdua. Sangat sronok. Lepas tu, bila dah habis borak2, mandi kat pantai, pastu makan sotong yang dicantas yang kene masak atas unggun api. Fuh, sronok.. (fantasi semata-mata)

Berbalik kepada Spain, ku telah pergi ke satu pantai di Malaga, iaitu satu pantai di selatan sepanyol berhadapan Laut Mediterranian. Indahnya. Tapi malangnya x bole nak lepak lama2 sangat sebab semua ingin kejar masa nak melawat tempat2 len. Maybe summer, ak nak pergi area2 pantai sepanyol lagi, jadi lone backpacker. Nak hirup betul2 budaya deorang dan berjalan tanpa perlu dihadkan oleh masa yang terhad. Rasa nak pergi mana2...pergi je... Waa... freedom.. Pastu orang2 kat sana macam peramah je. Senang nak cari teman. Tengok le camana ti... harap2 kewangan ak cukup..

Lepas exam kene training balik swimming. Dah 2 bulan x masuk air dalam sebab exam dan project. Moh, swimming. And most of all, ak wish semua rakan2 seperjuangan, good luck dalam menghadapi Klausur WS 10/11. Ak yakin korang dapat lulus semua dengan cemerlang. :D

Monday, 17 January 2011


God does not forbid you to treat kindly and act equitably toward those who neither fought you in the matter of religion nor driven you out of your home. Indeed, God loves the just. The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 60, Verse 8

Antagonism toward Islam has been a permanent fixture in Europe since the time of the Crusades. In the past, the enemy par excellence , the Arab heathen, was in a distant land. However, in this century, with a large immigrant and "converted" population, the West must confront this "enemy" in its own land. With more than SIX (6) million Muslims in America, xenophobia reveals itself often in an extremely virulent manner.

The media have been primary contributors to an erroneous image of Islam by stereotyping all Muslims as being fundamentalists or terrorists. For example, after the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the media depicted American Muslims in general as the cause of disaster. With circumstantial evidence, the media accused, indicted, tried, and found the alleged fundamentalists, thus all American Muslims, guilty.

Decide yourself how much of a threat Muslims pose to you.

The "fundamental" beliefs of a Muslim are the belief in only one God and the Prophethood of Mohammed, prayer, fasting, charity tax and pilgrimage. Thus, if a Muslim believes in these fundamentals, he or she is a fundamentalist.

However, most media reports use the term fundamentalist to imply extremism revealing a complete ignorance by the media sinceIslam explicitly prohibits extremism. Prophet Mohammed said, "Those persons who go to extremes (in practicing their religions) were cursed (by God)".

Another misconception about Islam involves jihad. Jihad, literally meaning struggle, can include anything a Muslim does for the sake of God. Everything from getting an education to simply eating or sleeping can be considered jihad. Therefore, the popular notion that means holy war is highly inaccurate.

The central dogma in Islam is the absolute oneness of God. In fact, a person becomes a Muslim after testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship except God and that there is no deity worthy of worship except God and that Mohammed is the messenger of God. Deity can mean material possessions, prophets, presidents, etc. The second point in the declaration is the Prophethood of Mohammed , who was the last in the lineage of prophets starting with Adam and including such Prophets as Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. In fact, the Quran mentions Jesus more times than Mohammed.

Furthermore, a Muslim must perform five daily prayer - one each at sunrise, midday, mid-afternoon, sunset and night. These prayers are significant in that throughout the day a Muslim is constantly aware of the Creator and the prescribed duties. The media regularly portray "fundamentalists" prostrating themselves in prayer. In the October 4 issue of Time, Muslims were shown performing prayers with guns with caption that read "guns and prayer go together in the fundamentalist battle." What was omitted was that these Muslims were praying on a battlefield in Afghanistan. Common sense dictates that with the very real possibility of an ambush, at any time, soldiers should remain armed at all times.

Fasting, the third pillar, is prescribed during the month of Ramadan. A Muslim cannot eat and drink during the daylight hours - from sunrise to sunset. It must be noted that a Muslim cannot interrupt daily routines while fasting. Through this action, a Muslim learns to persevere through hardships and gains a better understanding of others less fortunate. Therefore, even the Muslim leader understands the feelings of hunger and thirst experienced by the poor.

The charity tax is also compulsory to every financially capable Muslim. Every year, Muslims must pay 2.5 percent of their capital. The collected funds are then distributed to the less fortunate throughout society. How can a religion that promotes such well-being of people be responsible for killing of innocent lives? The Arabic word for this charity is zakat - which means both purification and growth. Therefore, in Islam, the giving of charity purifies one's income, while laying the foundation for future growth.

The annual pilgrimage to Mecca is the last pillar of Islam and is only obligatory for those who are physically and financially able. This pilgrimage is derived from Abraham tradition. Imagine millions of Muslims, regardless of age, sex, race or economic status, converging to one central point for the sole purpose of worshipping God. During this pilgrimage, every Muslim dresses the same, eliminating any material extravagance so commonly found throughout the world.

Now judge for yourself what type of threat Islam poses to you. There is no resemblance between "Media Islam" and "true Islam".Every religion has its zealots. But to stereotype a whole group based on the actions of a minuscule minority is to propagate the same type of message the Nazis delivered before the Holocaust. To blame Muslims as a whole for the scattered acts of violence throughout the world is to perpetuate the centuries old myth about Islam that it is a violent religion waiting to take over the West.

Learn about the various perspectives in the world, because misunderstanding only leads to hatred.

- Pricilia Martinez
Originally published in the University of Texas at Austin Students' newspaper, Daily Texan.

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Day by day, i grow weary of listening to the news. Be it news on the internet or the TV, it's all the same. World mainstream media, alternative media, government funded media, independent media. These medias give a bad taste because as I noticed, there is not a single media in the world which offers a free, fair and clean report on a certain issue, especially when it comes to politics.

In Malaysia for example, there now exists two types of media in the world of politics. One is the mainstream media and the other is the alternative media. To put it simply, media endorsed by the ruling government is called mainstream, and media endorsed by the opposition is called alternative. Reading both of these reports, it leaves the public in total confusion.

For example, one report says that the current financial administration in the country is going well and the other media says that Malaysia will be heading for bankruptcy if finance is to be continued at the current pace. So, the question is, who the hell is telling the truth? Are these all but perceptions..

I think media is a dangerous medium. It's much more dangerous than having a gun in the hand, because media could poison people, manipulate the populace and influence people who don't think. In the old days, when one has a powerful sword, he could rule the world, but now, if one controls the media, he could manipulate the world and shape the world as he pleases without having to kill a single person. That is the danger of media.

Until the day that the media culture in Malaysia will be mature and open minded, that will be the day when I will start reading the newspapers with enthusiasm again. Now, I'd rather stick to watching anime, cartoons and documentaries. Much more peaceful and undepressing.. Call me ignorant... but sometimes being ignorant is a bliss

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Spanish-Portugal Road trip - People

Travelling on the road ni, bukan setakat banyak tempat kita cam whore tapi juga banyak jenis orang kita jumpa.

Orang Sepanyol bagi ak good looking... Maybe sebab percampuran darah antara orang Arab ngan orang Eropah zaman Islam Cordoba dulu. Lama sebenarnya empayar Islam menentap di Sepanyol.

Tapi basically, pasal orang Sepanyol ni, deorang peramah. Xde gap.. Kalau duduk dalam train, duduk rapat2 paha ke paha, bahu ke bahu perkara biasa bagi deorang. Facial expression sket, tapi body contact banyak. Deorang not so distant macam org German bila jumpa ngan orang yang deorg x kenal. Deorang xde la prejudice sangat. Macam klau korang men2 ngan anak dia, deorang biar je.. Xdela macam kebanyakan orang German, men2 sket, ingat ak nk bawak anak deorang lari.. And mostly, they like to stare. And bile ak tengok balik, deorang pun buat dek je mcm xde pape berlaku... fuh... best..

New years day kat Barcelona, jalan penuh ngan orang2 mabuk. Macam2 jenis reaksi bila mabuk. Ada yang tetiba jadi ganas, ada yang tetiba berwatak feminin, n mcm2 lagi la.. Tp unfortunately XDE FIREWORKS... HUHUHU..

Sebab harga dia murah, dudukla kat hostel. and satu lagi, kadang kala korang kene kongsi bilik ngan orang yang korang x pernah jumpa. Hostel first yang kita duduk kat Madrid n Barcelona, taklah people friendly sangat.. masing2 buat hal sendiri... tp oklah... receptionist comel... hihihi

Perjalanan sosial start di Malaga iaitu bandar pelabuhan di selatan Sepanyol. Hostel di sana ada dapur yang pelawat boleh guna nak masak apa2.. mujurlah kitorang bawak spaghetti la, beras la, sos la, telur la, n macam2 lagi... so kos makan bole jimat... n sambil masak, sempat jugak borak2 dengan penghuni hostel yang lain. Dari US dua orang... dapat tau mcmn dia hidup, apa dia buat ngan hidup dia... n benda ak kagum ngan orang US sorang ni, walaupun umur dah tua n mempunyai anak cucu, dia masih travel around the world cari keje n buat benda2 yang dia memang suka... respect siot..

Di Seville, hostel dia memang paling best tuk jumpa ngan orang2 baru... 2 Malam tido sana.. setiap malam ada je benda... Borak ngan orang US, Brazil, Mexico, German... smua ada... N one thing, deorang smua guna English... so tiada halangan nak berbahasa, sebagaimana kehidupan biasa di Germany. Kumpul pengalaman borak2. X pernah borak ngan orang seramai tu dalam satu malam.. Mereka minum alcohol, kami minum kopi... Tapi seronok jugak... Pastu walking tour kat Seville, borak2 lagi n dengar pendapat seorang tour guide ni yang asalnya dari Itali tentang sejarah Sepanyol... memang masyhuk..

Di samping itu, sorang dari US telah hitchhike bersama kami ke Lisbon... So ok la tu... banyak jugak dengar dia cakap.. n for one thing, dah dapat dah dialect ngan body language orang yang datang dari US..

Tapi Portugal len crite plak. Orang dia distant. X mesra tetamu sangat... kecuali pemilik hostel yang kita duduk yang memang top class punya pelayan tetamu. Men bola smua etc2.. Tp by the time kita sampai Portugal tenaga batin dah kurang... so xde la se 'euphoric' seperti hari pertama

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Post one in a million

Offenburg-Barcelona-Madrid- Alhambra-Granada-Sevilla-Lisbon-Porto-Offenburg

Post ni special sebab ditulis dan dipost dari kota seville di negara sepanyol yang indah...

1. Ak xnak crite panjang sangat sebab ni baru intro.. plan nak buat sesi berkongsi pendapat pasal road trip di sepanyol kat blog ni secara berperingkat...

2. Perjalanan 12 hari, memang best, sebab dalam masa yang agak panjang ni, bole mengenali magik2, keunikan, persamaan, dan perbezaan antara budaya.. n ak rasa budaya orang sepanyol memang setakat ni budaya yang paling unik ak pernah berhadapi..

3. Road trip yang lama ni memberi kebebasan untuk bergerak dan berilek tanpa perlu membazir masa kat airport atau mengejar masa tuk catch flight. Flexibility memang ada... tapi duit tu... len crite la... huhuh..

4. Adventure memang best... sebab seribu satu benda baru pernah tengok, lihat, rasa dan hadapi.. End of the day, walaupun penat lelah dan cramp kaki, hati masih gembira mengenang peristiwa2 yang telah berlaku pada hari tu...

5. Haha.. biarlah poyo... tapi saje nk dikongsi... Ni pun tujuan korang menulis dan membaca blog kan? :D