Friday, 2 December 2011

Ingat duduk oversea senang ke? Kepala otak lu

Adoi... aku nak merungut. Lama x merungut. Suka hati la ko nak cakap apa. Ni blog aku, bukan blog bapak ko. Lu nak panggil gue emo, tu hak kau.

Susah tau duduk oversea. Semua orang ingat duduk oversea senang, glamour. Xyah risau apa2 sebab elaun cukup. Fikir nak belajar je. Kepala ho*** kau!!

Dah tiga tahun duduk sini. Otak aku dah penat. Penat piker. Penat menhadap karenah orang. Tambah2 lagi belaja kat jerman ni. Ingat senang? Wak lu!!

Ni aku nak merungut. BUkan nak berlagak. Kalau orang nak cakap aku berlagak suka hati ko la. Tu kepala hotak ko, bukan kepala otak aku.

  • Kena belajar ilmu kejuruteraan dalam bahasa asing. Rasa terencat kepala hotak aku kadang2 nak explain benda kat orang. Kadang2 aku faham konsep tu dalam bahasa yang otak aku dah biasa. Pas tu  bila org tanya, memanglah kene terangkan dalam bahasa asing. Aku rasa perlukan 3 kali kupayaan fikir daripada terangkan kat orang dalam bahasa yang kau dah terbiasa. And then bila diskusi, cam cipan. Kadang2 aku bole. Tapi ada sesetengah hari tu, bila dah penat, malas nak fikir, so malas nak bukak mulut. Lepas tu kene paksa. Bila aku melawan cakap ak ni pemalas. Suka hati aku LA!!!
  • Kena menghadap budaya yang lain yang ada baik buruknya. Budaya orang sini ada la baik buruk dia. Pasal deorang makan babi, minum arak aku dah x kesah sebab memang dah budaya. Aku nasihat je. Dan tu ak rasa tanggungjawab aku dah selesai. Yang baik, baik jugak. Tapi kadang2 bila baik ni melampau sangat, jadi rimas pulak. Orang sini memang buatkerja yang sangat jitu dan rapi. Xde main cincai2 punya. Tapi kadang2 terlampau rapi sampai kerja x jalan. Lepas tu x kene deadline . Kadang2 dudk gaduh pasal benda remeh. Kalau aku suruh kerja cepat so deadline boleh ikut, atau aku bagi idea yang akan cepatkan kerja tu siket, cakap 'Malaysiantechnik'. Haah, suka hati ko la. 
  • Kene bedikari. HUmph.. perkataan ''berdikari'', bunyi senang, tapi sangat susah. Kat sini, klau sakit, ko sakit sorang, klau lapar, kene cari makan sendiri, memang kene survive. Duit, urusan peribadi, masa, semua kene uruskan sendiri. Nak cari makanan bersih, halal. Susah. Lepas tu kalau nak pindah rumah nak nuat practical, nak cari rumah. Dah lah berurusan dengan orang jerman. Dalam bahasa deorang.Dalam masa sama nak kene pastikan markah stabil. Ingat senang? Ketahanan fizikal, mental sengan spritual memang kene kuat. 
  • Melayan karenah pengambil kesempatan. Aku rasa di mana2 tempat pasti ada orang jenis macam ni. Ibarat lintah. Sedut darah ko. Especially orang2 arab,turki kat tempat aku belajar. Cakap besar, tapi bila nak exam, baru nak senyum kat aku sebab nak mintak nota. No way fucker!! Sekarang aku memang x kawan sangat dengan orang kawasan timur tengah sebab perangai ni. Lepas tu layan aku, macam aku x reti cakap bahasa Jerman. Sangat ironik. Bahasa jerman deorang lagi mantap, tapi fail 2 3 kali gak. Ibarat orang yang bawak kereta baru 3 kali nak mengajar orang yang dah bawak kereta 10 000 kali. Sebelum semester aku buat practical, ak memang kuat mengalah. Sejak aku buat practical dekat company, aku jadi lagi garang. Xde dah main tapis2. Kalau ada orang nak pijak aku, aku akan pastikan orang tu yang ak akan pijak dengan kekuatan 5 kali ganda. AKu lagi happy buat macam tu. Klau orang tu still x reti bahasa, aku malas layan.
  • Dan banyak lagi...

Aku rasa ak benti setakat ni dulu.      


I have my experiences. They teach me a lot, and I choose not to flaunt my strength so that people won't manipulate me for what I have learned based on my experiences.

Life I see it as a battlefield. Sometimes you can push the enemy back with just one shot, and sometimes even if you have the upper hand, the enemy could miraculously push you back if you have a blind spot.

That is how it goes no matter where you are. There is a saying and it goes like this:

' 'The higher you go, the more people would want to pull you down'

And normally people who pull others down are filled with hatred. When they see people succeed them, they say that it is wrong. In Malaysia, political people uses this to influence low and middle income people. They are told that rich people are 'cronies'. But the thing is that, to be one, it takes intellect, steadfast, and wits. It takes a superior level of management and people skills to rise to the top.

Even people born rich lacking these skills will eventually fall.

But this post is not about politics. Its about people. There are people who stab you in the back, people who are not genuinely nice to you. People who smile but at the same time plot your downfall. Even people using sweet words to bring you down. That is human nature that I'm told to accept.

To accept is to see the human race falling down to a spiral of chaos. To simply accept is to see oppression and discrimination happening in every aspect of our lives as a norm. To blindly accept is to see a generation and the generations after it fill with insincerity and hypocrisy. Is this what we want for us? Is this what we want for our children and their children?   

To be honest, I know there are some judging me as being mellow dramatic, emotional and thinking too much. Well, they say that because they only think for themselves. Thinking that their goal in life is to have a steady income, get fucking rich, have a good sex life, and only thinking about themselves and the ones they care about.

I say open your mind, your hearts and souls before slandering others. Look into the mirror and judge yourself before judging others. Just look at each other beyond the borders of race, religion, belief or difference. I am certainly not a pluralist. I only want the world to be more caring, loving and not self centered.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

A duel

A brave person knows when to sheath his sword in battle.

He stops only for a while, to reassess, recollect and restructure.

While doing so he hides in the darkness unseen by the opponent

He hides on a tree.

And waits

The foe gets impatient and loses wisdom and focus,

Thinking the warrior has fled,

He sheathed his sword,

Upon sheathing the warrior flew from the tree,

And cuts his foe's two thumbs off

So no terror could be ever  committed again

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Turning Point

I'm to old for this. Should stop. Time to follow the tides of change. For if we fail to follow the tides, we will be swept away and drown.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


Tonight is hari raya night. Hari raya Aidiladha. The day in which we honour one of our Prophet for willing to sacrifice his own son to God and the willingness of his son to be sacrificed.

Eversince we are young our life encircles around sacrifices eventhough we may not notice it. When a baby stops breastfeeding, it sacrifices it's own desires. When a child goes to school for the first time, they have to sacrifice their time away from their parents. When a student wants good grades, he or she has to sacrifice his or her time to study. When we want to have something or someone, we have to sacrifice our time and money.

A soldier sacrifices his own life to protect the country. Poverty stricken people sometimes sacrifice their dignity just to survive.

We are all used to sacrificing eversince we were young but how many of us could be able to sacrifice their time for the Man above. How far are we able or willing to sacrifice for God?

That my friends is the question that I believe only you could answer. So reflect for a while, the sacrifices that we have made so far and think about it...

Happy Aidiladha!!

Friday, 21 October 2011


Dignity is an important aspect in keeping a society together. It banishes the feelings of resentment, it promotes a productive attitude and promotes a happy lifestyle free from dissatisfaction.

Dignity is in other words, 'keeping your head low eventhough how high you are'. A dignified person commands respect of everyone around him. But there are of course two extreme aspects when it comes to this topic.

One one extreme is: not having dignity at all.
The other extreme is: too much dignity, until one loses their self confidence

Not having dignity at all

In other words, people who just like to brag and don't know that their brags actually destroys others in the process. When I say destroy I mean cause resentment and sub consciously promotes unfriendly rivalry. Bragging is actually a virus in the society. When people brag, they cause others to brag, and the people infected by this 'bragging' disease will in turn affect others around them. Finally, the whole society is infected with this disease and dissatisfaction occurs.

People having this disease have a few traits in common. They are self centered, they tend to spend more than they can afford, they like to boast to others about the very small blessings they have from God. They interprete everything they hear around them as people bragging. But yet they don't know, that whatever blessings they got, it comes from God. They forget. But yet they say that their families are the holiest ones of them all. How ironic. (Paradox)

Having too much dignity

Having too much of a good thing, or perhaps anything at all is not good. We need to drink. But too much water harms your body. We need protein, but too much protein harms yourself. We need love, but too much love could prove suffocating. So much as we need dignity. But too much causes us to lose our confidence. We tend not to put any price at all on ourselves. We in turn become scared to volunteer. So frail. We who are strong see ourselves as weak. We become to accepting that we let the world become cruel.

Be in the middle

Many great people live in the middle. They eat sparingly. They don't destroy themselves. The chinese believe in a concept called yin and yang which means achieving complete balance in anything. Religion tells us to be medium in anything we do. Not to be an unbeliever and at the same time not being an extremist. So much as dignity. So I hope that all of you could benefit from my writing.

'If' by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Jangan fikir orang tu hebat sangat

Sejak balik dari internship ak kat Ulm, banyak benda aku belajar. Elok dan x elok. Sejak ak benti keje, ak dah apply banyak benda yanhg aku telah belajar dalam kehidupan harian.

Benda pertama. Ak dah tahu apa yang aku buat aku marah, apa yang buat aku suka and apa yang buat aku melenting. Aku dah tahu maksud ''cakap lebat'' and tahu kalau orang tu hanya cakap kosong atau memang cekap berisi.

Fuu... banyak. Macam2 jenis orang aku jumpa. Orang yang cakap beso, berlagak, tapi kalau ikut realiti x hebat mane pon. Aku pun dah buat satu konklusi iaitu:

Orang pandai takkan cakap kat orang lain yang dia pandai, orang kaya takkan mengaku dia kaya.

Hari2 aku jumpa manusia2 yang suka berlagak. Berlagak pasal asal usul dia, berlagak pasal kerja dia, berlagak pasal sekolah lama dia, keturunan dia, kasta dia. Aku pun buat satu konklusi tentang orang yang bongkak ni.

''Mereka ada satu penyakit nama dia ''inferiority complex''. Perasaan kurang keyakinan diri. Akhirnya mereka bercakap besar tentang benda yang sikit mereka ada sampai tahap nak melebih-lebih dalam semua benda. ''

Nak aku terangkan: ikutilah post aku yang setrusnya dalam bahasa Inggeris. (di atas)

Friday, 30 September 2011

Matanglah siket

Couple muda-muda ni, ok... hanya kalau dua2 pihak laki dan pompuan matang. Kalau sorang tu matang, sorang perangai mentah lagi... xkan jadi. Serius. Ak pun x galakkan. Sebab last2 hanya akan merana.

Klau yang matang tu, carilah yang matang. Yang x matang, xde confidence tu, xya nak ngade nak cari pasangan. Baiki diri sendiri tu dulu. Love yourself before you love sombeody else!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The test

We are humans. Made by clay. God command the angels to bow to us, but a few didn't want to. They became fallen angels and promised to God that they will make these beings of clay fall astray.

So is the story of creation. Something to think about.

In the middle ages in Europe, seeing a girl walk out late at night is something very rare. They become nurturing mothers, raise their sons and daughters well, and in turn produces a generation of thinkers and scientists. Now the situation is different. Very much different.

Both the parents are forced to work to provide for the family because society teaches each household what to have. Parents work to provide LUXURIES for the family instead of only supplying the household with NECESSITIES. Children are bought PSP's at a young age, taught to wear branded goods, and to save their money to buy more luxuries. In turn, the parents spend less time with their children and finally the children evolve to a generation of spoiled and immoral brats. The younger generation becomes a generation of rubbish. End effect, the society in the next 3 generations will collapse.

Last time, a car is considered expensive. Now, fresh graduates are busy making loans to banks just so they could have one even though they really cannot afford one. Their reason is mobility. But for me, if you cannot afford one, just take the bus or find other means. Young graduates search for couples even though truth be told they cannot afford one. Their results go down, they fight with their parents for their ''darlings'' and finally they end up not having savings just to support their ''darlings''. Now bankruptcy at a young age is considered common.

Society is heading towards total chaos. Material is put above the rest. Love, nurturing and unity is put aside. The temptation of the flesh i.e sex is not seen as pure and holy anymore. Thanks to the media, sex is seen as 'a common thing to do'. But it's not. Sex is meant to be done with someone you love and have a holy bond with. Not just some hooker or party animal we found in the streets.

Free sex means STD's, abortions and babies born without a father. Or in some cases throwing a new born baby in the dustbin. They say there's condoms. But for crying out loud: your virginity is a gift. Condoms don't work all the time. If the media maintains a strict policy of censorship and the public is educated in sex and its limitations, and if Hollywood stops emphasizing sex scenes in its movies, I think our penises and vaginae could be put under control.

Sorry for the language. But that's the fact.

Setting your priorities

We as students have so much to think about. Mainly our studies. To achieve balance, we need to set our priorities straight. Some of us have other commitments besides our studies, be it family, girl/boyfriends, work, money and more.

Some of us fail to set our priorities despite of our commitments. End effect, we don't really go anywhere. We just stay with our terrible results and never budge forward. Being a student trains us to become leaders. Leaders of our family, leaders of our department or leaders of certain groups. And being a leader, one must know which aspect one should prioritize in his or her life.

I know of a few, who are in difficult situations due to their failure in setting their priorities and goals straight. To share with you, I would like to share the priorities that I have set so far by rank:

0. Spiritual development
1. Career development
2. Studies
3. Family
4. Personal development
5. Friends
6. Soft skills and other non study related knowledge

Of course there is a number zero in this ranking which is spiritual development, i.e fulfilling your responsibility to God and listening to His commandments. This is important for it gives you a proper guideline on how to live your life and prevent you from going astray.

There are a few who prioritize their girl/boyfriends higher as their career development or studies. It's not good. The thing is that, we are still not married (for those who aren't). When we get married, then our priorities really need to change. Family must be put as rank 1 instead of your career or studies. For if it is not done, it will be a spell for relationship crisis and disaster. Marriage is the holy bond which ties two souls together. When we are still in a relationship, it's still the time for getting to know one another. Marriage is the 'Schluss' (closing).

Theory is easy but applying the theory is another story. Have a tough stance and maintain flexibility in times when we have to be.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Apa nak buat?

Benda paling tajam kat dunia ini ialah lidah. Kalau amek batu berlian pun, lepas tu kikir jadi bentuk piramid dengan panjang titik atas dia 0,05 mikrometer sekalipun, takan jadi setajam lidah.

Kalau luka pisau, boleh pakai plaster, lepas tu lama2 luka tu sembuh. Kalau teruk kene potong pun, bole pergi hospital. Insurance dengan subsidi kerajaan sempat belanja lagi. Jangan main2.
Tapi luka sebab lidah... fuuu... bahaya. Susah nak sembuh.

Bagi aku, penyembuh luka lidah senang je. Toleransi, minda terbuka dan sikap pemaaf. Kalau tersilap cakap tu, bincang la macam dewasa. Come on ar. Kita bukan budak2. Kadang2 sesetengah orang ni, takut nk bincang. Sebab apa?

1. Xde keyakinan diri.
2. Xnak terima pendapat orang len. Dalam Bahasa Inggerisnya => Stubborn
3. Berfikiran kebudak-budakan.
4. Jenis yang x reti bertolak ansur.
5. Jenis x reti berkompromi.

Tu satu. Tapi bila nak bicang dengan orang len pun, ada guideline dia.

1. Berfikiran terbuka
2. Tidak melaui kekerasan.
3. Tatasusila yang tinggi
4. Tidak terlalu mengalah atau mendesak. Tengah2.
5. Hormat
6. Berkata benar

Memang senang nak baca. Tapi nak amalkan sangat susah. Kami masyarakat terdiri daripada macam2 golongan dan individu. Setiap mempunyai pengalaman, pendapat, latar keluarga, dan persepsi yang berbeza. Oleh itu, konflik menjadi salah satu norm. Untuk elak konflik dan pergaduhan, setiap orang patut amalkan dasar toleransi, berfikiran terbuka dan kasih sayang antara satu sama lain. Barulah satu masyarakat itu akan bersatu padu.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Are you stressed? Then read this!

How to relieve stress. Written by me:
  1. Have a balanced diet. Sometimes we stuff ourselves with to much fast food, to much junk food, to much of this and too much of that that we fail to achieve balance. We don't eat fruits, we rarely drink plain water. We eat too much meat or sometimes we just skip our meals. I recommend eating 3 times a day. A light breakfast, a medium lunch and a heavy dinner.
  2. Have an organized life. Sometimes the main causes if stress is the feeling that we are losing control of our lives. Not having an organized schedule causes this. We don't have discipline, we do our work with no quality, and we tend to waste alot of our time wasting it doing pointless things. Try keeping a schedule.
  3. Have plenty of sleep. Sleeping renews our cells. It rejuvenates and heals. It keeps us happy, healthy and young. The problem for most of us, is that we sleep so late and wake up in a bad mood and we end up being unproductive the next day. Studying could be done before 10 pm and certainly not after it. I know a few friends who study at the break of dawn. Their results are totally superb!
  4. Near yourself to God. All the blessings we receive in this world comes from God. Show gratitude by doing what ought to be done.
  5. Don't bottle up. Having problems and not sharing it is one of the main reasons of depression. Bottling up your problems is like heating up a gas canister. When it explodes, it gets pretty messy. Sharing problems and discussing them with close friends help you not only know yourself more but also opens yourself more to the differing opinions of people around you.
  6. Help others in need. This may sound weird, but the effect of helping people around you, relieving their burdens, and making them succeed is very therapeutic. It gives you the feeling of being appreciated and being a part of the society. Doesn't mean that we have to go to a third world country or an old folks home to do charity. Charity begins with your neighbors and family.
  7. Do some physical activities. Some of us find excitement in competitive sports and some of us don't. The thing is that, find a physical sport that suits you and do it. As long as it keeps you happy and your heart pumping.
  8. Be a team player. Being in a team be it at school or work makes you feel important. Studying or working alone makes you feel not confident and not on track to what you are doing. Studying and working together keeps you in focus and provides more intellectual and cultural exchanges.
  9. Be positive and optimistic. In school we are taught not to be cruel with others, to forgive others, to love and care for others. But we are rarely taught not to be cruel to YOURSELF, to forgive YOURSELF and to care for YOURSELF. Being pessimistic is being cruel to yourself. Never say that you are stupid for stupidity will come if you say so. Never say that you are fat, because fat will come the more you say it. Never say you are worthless, for you will be worthless the more you say it.
  10. Reflect on yourself. (Muhasabah diri). Every night before you sleep, always reflect on what you did today. Always set a target, that tomorrow you will be better than who you were today.

copyright: Farid Hadri

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Strike 3... Beraya

Ada pokok x reti nak jaga. Kalau pokok tu layu salahkan spesies pokok. Pastu cakap semua spesies pokok tu x betol.

Hidup ni macam baseball. Strike 1... hmm-- bole main lagi... Strike 2... hmmmm.. dah bahaya.. tapi bole main lagi... strike 3... YOU'RE OUT.

Eh.. sori2... pagi2 dh tulis post emo kat blog ni. Xpe ar. Blog aku. Bukan blog bapak ko. Ske ati aku ar nak tulis apa2..

X lama lagi dah hari raya.. 1 Syawal. Klau ikut hati, nk beraya reramai. Tapi tetiba keje berlonggok pulak kat opis. Klau pegi beraya x salah. Cuma takut minggu lepas raya tu, keje aku berlonggok tahap meja nk roboh.

Xpe la. Nanti raya, orang buat ketupat kuah kacang. Mintak maaf ramai2. AKu maybe buat report atau experiment kat tempat keje. Hmm.. beraya di perantauan di tempat keje. Sedih plak. :(

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Ending sebuah drama

Drama. Ada manis, ada pahit. Ada benda yang sampai sekarang masih buntu, ada benda yang..ish.. macam2 la..

Tapi the thing about dramas, ending dia either good or bad. Ending yang paling gempak ialah semua orang bahagia. Ending yang ak x suka ialah sorang hidup bahagia, sorang hidup merana. Rasa nak pukul penulis skript dia.

Hidup ni macam drama gak. Kami usaha, Tuhan tentukan. Kalau kita sendiri xnak usahakan agar orang keliling kita semua bahagia, macamana masyarakat nak bahagia? And paling penting macamana diri sendiri nak bahagia?

Monday, 15 August 2011

Serious Talk

Sometimes its hard. Complicated. Everyday of the week, you are hunted by problems, the older you are, the older you get, and the more complicated things are. But, i don't mind... learning to accept is preety hard, but after doing so, you'll feel ok.

Ok.. ok... enough about emotions and crap. Now lets talk about something hard. Something I should have been discussing about around my birthday which just happened...

Bersih 2.0... jeng3...

Dah gatal dah tangan aku nak tulis pasal benda ni kat blog. Sekarang ada masa free, bole ak start tulis sket. Firstly, dari pandangan aku.. aku rasa sangat malu dengan keadaan di Malaysia. Setiap har kat surat khabar, penuh dengan artikel yang ntah pape. Biarpun dari surat khabar mainstream atau alternativ. Semua sama je. Penuh ngan sampah sarap. Sampai tahap aku malas dah tgk artikel suat khabar. Lebih bek aku concentrate kat berita dunia. Tapi kadang2 berita deorang penuh dengan sampah gak. So, senang cerita, klau sampah2 ni dah susah nak kawal, senang crite bek larikan diri dari sampah sarap ni. Xya baca surat khabar.

Memenag x elok pun x baca surat khabar. Kata cikgu dulu, bahsa xkan berkembang klau x baca. Senang baca je lah Kitab Suci. Dapat pahala. Kata2 kebenaran, bukan kata2 penipuan macam sampah sarap di surat khabar.

Back to the topic... ak rasa orang yang demonstrate termakan oleh sampah sarap media, biarpun pihak merah atau kuning. Aku bukan lah nak sokong sesapa. Serius x. Aku sokong benda yangg bawak manfaat kat negara. So, tengok demo ni, ak rasa x bawak manfaat kat negara. Nama Malaysia dah buruk sampai masuk surat media jerman. Nama polis Malaysia dah buruk, nama baik kita dah buruk and mungkin kami dipandang seperti negara yang kurang maju dari segi mentaliti.

Orang kuning cakap perhimpunan aman. Tapi sampai semua orang kumpul halang jalan raya and halang laluan bas awam, bukan ke menyusahkan orang2 len kat sana. Kumpul ramai2 memang sronok tapi habit manusia ni.. klau dah jadi kumpulan besar, dah x fikir dah orang len. Klau nk demo pun, at least bualah kat tempat yang x ganggu orang len.

Kerjaan pun bagi aku buat keputusan yang x berapa tepat. Bila orang bersih nak buat kat Stadium x nak bagi. Terpaksa la deorang buat kat jalan. End up nama polis Malaysia kene kotor sebab kene ikut arahan orang atas. Eh susah... senang crite.. x adil klau kite tunding jari kat poilis sebab deorang pun tengah buat keje. Keje deorang ialah jaga keamanan kat malaysia and sentiasa ikut arahan orang atas. So, bagi aku, pihak atasan kene menjawab. Bukan pegawai polis biasa.

Tapi niat bersih tu aku sokong gak ar.. Ak rasa kerjaan pun kene consider gak tuntutan Bersih. Tapi cara Bersih nk perjuangkan tuntutan deorang ak kurang setuju.

Pengunaan youtube dan internet yang meluas pun memainkan peranan penting. Internet ni, macam2. Nak sebar fitnah senang je. Nak sebar kebenaran pun senang. So, kita sebagai pengguna internet harus berfikiran terbuka dan sentiasa bijak nk kenalpasti antara yang baik dan buruk. Kat Singapore, sebab internet dah meluas, tengok PAP, terima tamparan hebat. And bagi aku, klau kerajaan x consider tuntutan orang bawah, meraka bakal hilang kuasa.

Senang cerita... ak rasa semua pihak kene fikir tuk masa depan. Kita tinggal lebih kurang 9 tahun lagi tuk wawasan 2020. malaysia negara maju.. and klau mentaliti kita masih terperangkap oleh mentaliti yang ntah pape, macamana kita nak maju.

Maju ekonomi, ak rasa bole kot memandangkan ekonomi barat semakin hari semakin teruk. Maju sosial social, maju psychology.. We've still got a long way to go..

Friday, 12 August 2011

Berpuasa di Perantauan.

You know what?? Ak rasa semakin lama, semakin malas ak nk update facebook or blog. Hanya akan update bila benda2 yang sgt relevan berlaku...

Tahun ni first time berpuasa di perantauan. Ramadhan lepas dan dua ramadhan sebelumnya kira sempat la nk berpuasa ngan famili. Kene kerah pergi bazar semua. Tapi sekarang, kene kerah kat tempat keje di ambang lapar dan dahaga. X kesa.. janji keje jalan.

Kehidupan berbuka berama-ramai tu hanya bole dirasa di hujung minggu dan certain2 hari bekerja.Weekend pertama ramadhan lepak ngan membe bek ak kat reutlingen, tolong angkut2 barang semua. Weekend kedua (weekend ak tulis post ni), melawat member kat Karlsruhe sebelum bertolak sama2 tuk ke konsulat Malaysia sempena majlis Iftar di Frankfurt di mana telah ku ketemu dengan ramai kenalan2 di German yang dah lama x jumpa di samping berterawih dan dengar tazkirah.

Basically it's nice.Tapi tido x cukup le bulan ni.

By the way, bulan terakhir keje ni, ialah bulan yang agak horror. Firstly keje ak bertimbun atas meja, and dua2 boss ak pergi bercuti dua minggu, ad Nad bakal benti selasa ni. Praktikant baru pun masuk Rabu, and kene spend masa gak nak explain kat dia semua pasal apa kita patut buat. Projekt Manager semua akan pergi kat aku tanyakan pasal status projekt, and at the same time, ak ada industrieprojekt yang bakal memeningkan kepala kalau ada benda yang x berfungsi seperti betul. Ok.. 2 minggu yang horror. Xde masalah. Sebulan lagi nak kene peningkan kepala and then.. relax...

Lega kembali ke Offenburg berjumpa kembali dengan teman2 seperjuangan dan semasakan. Rumah keduaku. Schwarzwald yang lawa dan masyarakat yang sangat mesra dibandingkan dengan masyarakat Ulm dan Bayern. uuuu... x saba

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Transition is hard

Change is never easy but it is an experience every being in this planet has to go through. And thus so far, i realized that drastic changes have been part of my life ever since.

But the changes i experienced in Malaysia was seemingly not so difficult because i had my family to guide me and support in whichever way they could. Now, the change i'm experiencing must be dealt with alone and experience has taught me that friends are not permanent like family. They come and go come back and go..

The primary focus is now on my family and perhaps my future. Dealing with the unknown and expecting the best of outcomes is the most stressful feeling a human soul could endure. Planning is one thing but carrying it out is another. I hope that God puts me in good predicament in which everything would run smoothly without putting any frown on anyone's face. I pray that i change for the better with wisdom and maturity for days to come.

Worry...worry...worry... that's all i could do and perhaps that is what making me thin. Before i sleep, i worry, the moment i wake up i worry, when i work i worry. When can i relax?? I need to relax. For once i wish that I'm not burdened by my decisions. Some of them were crappy and some i'm contented with. But it's ok...


Friday, 27 May 2011

Stress as a working man

Fuuulamak... tension siot. Ak keje kat firma ak ni, awal2 boss dah sound, 'Du wirst wie ein normaler Mitarbeiter in dieser Frima behandelt: Pass mal immer auf!''

Maksud dia, ''Ko akan dilayan sebagai pekerja biasa dalam syarikat ni. Jaga2!!'' In other words, no special treatment.

Tapi masa dia cakap tu ak happy sebab ak rasa benda ni akan buat ak insan lg mantap. Tapi sekarang, ak dah mula merungut. Jap2, ''Farid... buat ni... kene cepat....''. Lepas 30 saat dia cakap plak:Farid.. buat ni... high priority''. Lepas tu sorang lagi pun cakap ''Farid ni penting... klau bole cepat tau''.

Ku pun geram lalu berteriak, ''Boss... yang mana satu lagi penting ni???!''. Boss pun cakap, ''jangan tanya ak.. ak bukan boss!!'' Huhuhu.. So tiga2 keje ak kene buat dalam masa yang sama. Tambahan lagi 2 report yang masih perlu aku siapkan. Amek ko... So masa aku tengah buat tiga2 keje yang memakan otak yang banyak dan otot yang banyak nak bukak2 mesin smua... sorang lagi pegi kat ak, ''Farid... Kalau bole buat ni jap...'' Ak hilang sabar... lalu pegi ke mesin kopi... Fuu sedap... Ok.. lege sket... So sekarang ada 4 keje ak kene balance.

Lepas tu mamat turki sorang ni datang.. bagi ak arahan yang ntah apa2. Ak buat dek. X mampu layan. Tapi dia push2. Ak bertanya, ''apa??'' Dia pun menyuruhku buat ni... yang kata dia hanya memakan masa 2 minit. So ak buat la... N then boss ak dtg. Da pun berteriak,'' Oi.. Farid.. apa ko buat? Sejak bile ak sruh ko buat ni?''.. Ak pun menjawab, ''Mamat turki sruh buat''. Boss pon merajuk. N then ak ngan mamat turki kene marah. Ak bersabar. Hampir meletup. Ak mempertahankan diri, ''Mamat turki sruh buat''. Mamat turki pun seperti biasa x mengaku kesilapan dia, and cakap ak plak yang x faham arahan dia sebab ''masalah bahasa''. Memang macam tapir.

So ngan keje yang banyak, dan hati yang panas, ak sambung keje. Canister tekanan ak hampir meletup. Ku tengok jam. Aaa.. dah kol 1830. Hmmm bole kol membe ni jap. Luahkan perasaan so stress hilang. So membe la jadi mangsa. Sori ar... Nasib bek bes fren ak xyang dah kenal ak btul2. Thanx ar bro...

Balik, keje ak makan banyak2. tambah nasi tiga kali. X kesah. Janji puas. Pastu siap2 diri.. pastu.. three... haha... pastu tido. Tido yang dalam..

N besok, keje balik. But this time, Nad xde. So lagi lah merana hidup ak.. keje dia plak ak kene jawab bile boss tanya. Damn... Bersabarlah Farid...

I really need a long vacation u know :(. Huhuhuhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu .

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Another noice weekend

Yo... spring is here. A hot one indeed. Every weekend there's always something new and exciting.
Ok.. sori English speaking readers. I think I'll write in Malay this time... Ich übersetze meine auf Englisch geschriebene Text bald :D

Eh... setiap weekend ni mntb ar.. mesti ada benda baru. Weekend ni minggu futsal and BBQ. Gua x men futsal pun, tapi tolong2 gotong royong tu yang best. Msak mee goreng dari 11 pagi ke 4 ptg. Keje berat, tapi bile buat keje dalam suasana yang best dan ceria, keje berat x nmpk berat sgt. Kalau penat, minum kopi.. :)

Seperti biasa ku menerima kunjungan rakan2. Seperti fairy tale indah, itulah hidupku di Ulm. Weekend depan nek beskal ngan dak ulm, 2 minggu depan, jalan2 panjat gunung, 3 minggu depan pergi berlin, brussels, amsterdam n paris. 4 minggu depan bercuti ngan member2 masa pfingsten, dll...

Masa BBQ, jumpe member2 yang lama dah x jumpa, lepak2, borak2 dan beramah mesra. Dari 8 pagi ke 12 malam... mulut x benti bercakap.. tapi ok... nice... dpt tau perkembangan membe2 sekeliling. ..

Sunday, 1 May 2011


Fuu lama x update blog. Jarang ada masa nak update blog sbb keje2 practical and tanggungjawab2 lain.

By the way, semakin lama ak duk Ulm semakin sosial hidup ak. Tiap2 weekend ada aktiviti. Klau x dengan orang Malaysia, aktiviti dengan housemate aku ngan social circle deorg. Macam2 orang dah jumpa. Biasa men gitar hero n game PC ngan orang Malaysia.. sekarang dah men PS3 ngan game2 len ngan orang Deutscher. Hahaha... cool and mantap.

Kehidupan keje ak pun dah bertambah ok. Xla perfect tapi overall ak sangat berpuas hati. Boss layan, working environment sangat aman kecuali dengan orang2 tertentu yang ak xnk bazir waktu ak nk crite dalam blog ni. Not worth telling others sebab mcm "§$% sgt. Tp ok la. Just brush it aside. Boss sempat ajak buat prmulaan bachelor arbeit masa fasa practical pastu masa sem bachelor arbeit, sambung trus keje tu. Waaa... sangat best and sangat minat dengan bende yang dia suruh buat.

MInggu depan ada BBQ besar besaran kat Ulm, 2 minggu depan ada Treffen ngan kawan2 ak dari FH Offenburg kat Stuttgart. Waa... sangat best. 3 minggu depan ada fahrradtour 4 hari 3 malam Deutschland-Switzerland-Itali. Awal bulan 6 ada trip lagi pergi Berlin ngan Amsterdam.

Pastu Pfingsten, nak plan lagi ngan kengkawan. Xtau lagi nk pi mane. Tgk ar camne. Klau xde plan, pi Fahrradtour lagi... Fuh... best

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Hidup sbg engineer pun bermula

Sori ar beb aku x lama bukak post. Busy lately. Non stop sejak akhir februari. Ada tu la ada ni la... Semua sronok, tapi semuanya memakan masa aku untuk membazir masa dalam dunia blogging.

Banyak benda berlaku. Pertmanya, akaun facebook ak kene hack. Petua2 tuk korg...

1. Klau login kat pc len, jgn lupa logout.

2. Jangan nak ngade bagi password kat orang.

3. Make sure email di mana korang daftar akaun facebbok tu masih active.

3 kesilapan ni ak buat, and akibatnya akaun ak telah ditiadakan. Tapi fikir2 balik ok gak. Ak bole refresh balik friends ak. Buang orang yang ak x pernah contact langsung and friends ak kat facebook sekarang betul2 friends aku. Bukan friends yang setakat tekan butang approve.

Anyway, practical ak dah start and stakat ni, ak sgt berpuas hati hidup sebagai engineer. Tempat keje bole jadi tempat experiment and main2. Tempat bole kluarkan smua idea2 dalam kepala and tempat bole belaja benda yang best. Keje ak:

Sangat dinamik. Ada men ngan api, men ngan air, men ngan angin and men dengan semua benda yang boleh dibuat main. (Eh jangan fikir lain k? :D). Keje ak buat quality check tuk penyejuk ekzos dan research dengan R&D kat sini nak optimize product deorg. Dah banyak report ak buat, banyak jenis orang ak kenal and banyak thema yang dibincangkan masa keje. Borak ngan orang dewasa smua. Sangat lain pengalaman dari duk dalam lecture hall.

Masam manis keje smua pernah rasa. Happy dan marah smua dah pernah. Gado mulut ngan technician, melayan perangai hipokrit sesetengah orang dll. Tapi piker2 balik, benda2 ni yang buat kite jadi lagi mantap tuk menghadapi masa depan.

Btw, sem ni ak rasa tiap2 minggu mesti de aktiviti. Either dengan budak2 Ulm, ngan membe2, ngan dak2 ALG atau budak2 Offenburg. Setakat ni x pernah ak duk diam dalam bilik sehari n because of that, ak sgt happy. Kalau xde bende nak buat, pi nek beskal satu hari pastu malam dating ngan Nad... hahahaha.

By the way, kepada yang baru tau ak ada facebook baru, ni email facebook ak:

add klau korg nk.. so, tu je la... see u all next time. Chow!!!

Thursday, 17 February 2011


We humans are shaped differently. We look different, smell different, taste different and most importantly think different. We have different experiences, we all underwent our own sadness, traumas and happiness and each of us are brought up by our parents' different style of parenting.

Our responses towards certain stimulations like stress, joy, sadness and death are different and this what makes the world unique and at the same time complicated.

A glass half full

Some of us see the glass half full, some see it half empty, some of don't even see the glass at all, some of us don't even care how much water is in the glass, some of us only see the monetary value of the glass and some the philosophical nature of the existence of the half filled glass. Some see the glass as a worldly illusion, some are totally obsessed with the glass.

Perspective and tolerance

Because of the diversity granted by our Creator towards His creations, we ought to perceive others in the manner which I have said before. Not everyone thinks the same, not everyone likes the same things. And what some people have interest in could be scorned at by a few who regards their interests as preposterous or rubbish. These conflicts of interest are the source of all the quarrels, conflicts and wars which we see in our world today. Some of us are given good personality traits at birth, and some of us are born as psychopaths. Some are born normal, some are born abnormal. When normal people condemn abnormal people, that is discrimination. Better people should not condemn people who have less than what they have, but work together to shape them, to guide them and work with them so that all of us could have a win win situation. And better people should not think of themselves as superior beings because non of us are ever perfect.

Culture of open mindedness

Open mindedness doesn't mean simply accepting all the norms in a society but accepting facts that happen around us and at the same time work towards changing the discrepancies in the society. Sexual abuse, child abuse, violence, extremism- all these must never be condemned. Instead of wasting our brain power and time condemning these acts, it's better to sit together, and talk to find out how to overcome these issues. Action is better than talking. Leaders should also be open towards recommendations and advices by their followers, be it if their followers come from an academic background or not. Superiority should not exist in the minds of our leaders.

Ethics in actions

As I said earlier, when an action is made, ethics must come into play. Example, when a group comes out with a solution to tackle child abuse, which is to punish them by means of the death penalty, that is to be considered as an unethical action. Or a group which comes out a plan to alter the genes of babies so as they do not become murderers, that is also to be called unethical. But the definition of ethical and unethical varies day by day, generation after generation. So ethics to me is considered not strong because it doesn't have a strong foundation and could be easily brought down by any human.

Solving the problem of ethics

A book and a manuscript with a set of rules and guidelines that is always logical throughout the times is the Quran and the Hadith. The Quran (Words spoken by God through Gabriel to the prophet) and the Hadith (Words from the prophet). I recommend readers to this site:

Free books one can easily download for free in any language. I like this author for his facts are undisputed and is based on the facts of history, and science.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Fantasia ngan fantasi tu sama ke?

Rasanya 91,3% keje ak dah selesai sem ni. Fuh... fikir2 balik, sejak Oktober 2010, banyak bende dah buat... xnak ar senaraikan... tapi banyak.... fuh... penat..

Tinggal nak selesaikan 3 paper lagi n pindah umah...

By the way, baru found out yang practical aku tempoh dari awal Mac hingga akhir September.. 7 bulan keje non stop... Cuti practically xde... Tapi ok gak... Xde sebab nak membelanja tuk bercuti & duit extra sebulan masuk... So, it's cool... X sabar nk masuk dalam bidang industry kat Germany. Keje ngan orang sini kat campus dah mencabar... Apatah lagi keje ngan orang2 tua dalam syarikat. Harap2 pengalaman ni dapat menjadikan ak orang yang cekap masa keje ti..

Awal Oktober dah start sem ke 6, sem paling stress dalam hidup budak Bachelor kat Offenburg. So, practically, 2011 ialah tahun bekerja, n maybe ak bakal x bole lepak lama2 ngan rakan2 seperjuangan kat Deutschland seperti dulu kala (2009 & 2010).

2012 kene keje lagi... buat Bachelor Thesis. Lepas tu grad... yipee... Lepas tu sambung Master. Boo hoo.. Lepas tu akhir 2013 kene buat Master Thesis.. Mac 2014, maybe klau JPA x panggil balik, keje sini sat. Kumpul pengalaman n contacts... Lepas tu baru balik Malaysia..

AAAARRGGHH!!! Umur dah 27 masa tu... Nak kahwin!! Nak jugak rasa bila balik keje, sampai umah, tgk bini, bini buat kopi, n then borak lama2 sampai tido... Pastu take turn jaga anak malam2... Bangun tido, breakfast bini buat dengan senyuman dan kasih sayang... n then pegi keje dengan semangat yang kuat... haha... (fantasi)

Lepas tu bila anak dah besar, amek hantar anak pegi sekolah, ajar anak jadi insan yang cekap, mantap n cool cam bapak dia :)
Bila anak dah besa, rambut bini aku ngan aku dah start uban, masa tu ada company sendiri dah, n jadilah CEO company tu selagi tulang ni masih larat nak nagakt pen. Bila dah x larat dah, masa tu anak pun dah ada pengalaman banyak da, ganti tmpt bapak dia. So bini aku ngan aku, pindah kawasan gunung atau pantai, menetap sana untuk menghabiskan hari2 tua kami dengan penuh kasih sayang dan keinsafan... (fantasi)

Monday, 31 January 2011


If i coud invent an idiom.. i would like to invent one:

''Like vultures circling''

So, what does it mean? Ok, you jolly well know what vultures are don't you? What they eat and such? For you who do not know, they eat fresh carcasses of dead animals. In other words, they eat animals that just died.

So, the thing about vultures, they have a very instinctive way of knowing if an animal will die. And if they do know, they will circle this animal until this animal dies. After this animal blows its last breath, they swoop down, tear the carcass open with their sharp beaks and pull the guts out and consume it with utter greediness and satisfaction.

But the thing about vultures, they are cowards. They never kill an animal unless its dead but yet they prefer fresh carcasses. They will circle the animal as long as it takes, and only attack when the animal is dead. Such cowards.

People with vulture like personas are very dangerous. They look at their victims from a distance, and when they get hungry, they incite others around them with lies and bullshit, so that their victims could die faster. At the end of the day, they gain satisfaction from their victims' loss and laugh (or squawk).

That's my invention. I hope this post could get into Oxford Dictionary and be recognized as a valid literal idiom for the use in formal writings.

Sunday, 23 January 2011


Ok... trip pi Spain... Satu benda pengalaman baru ialah dapat jumpa pantai.

Dari kecik sampai ke besar, pantai merupakan tempat yang buat ak seronok. Mungkin sebab landscape dia yang menarik perhatian mata dan nyaman. Dan pokok2 kat area pantai semua sepesen je. Seronok.

Pantai, sebagaimana ak telah sebut dalam pos sebelum2 ni, merupakan tempat ak berjiwang dan bermuhasabah diri. Seronok dapat duduk atas pasir dia, dengar pukulan ombak dan tengok nelayan2 jauh, tengah bekerja. Klau nk dating ngan orang disayangi, macam best gak lepak kat pantai pastu buat picnic berdua. Sangat sronok. Lepas tu, bila dah habis borak2, mandi kat pantai, pastu makan sotong yang dicantas yang kene masak atas unggun api. Fuh, sronok.. (fantasi semata-mata)

Berbalik kepada Spain, ku telah pergi ke satu pantai di Malaga, iaitu satu pantai di selatan sepanyol berhadapan Laut Mediterranian. Indahnya. Tapi malangnya x bole nak lepak lama2 sangat sebab semua ingin kejar masa nak melawat tempat2 len. Maybe summer, ak nak pergi area2 pantai sepanyol lagi, jadi lone backpacker. Nak hirup betul2 budaya deorang dan berjalan tanpa perlu dihadkan oleh masa yang terhad. Rasa nak pergi mana2...pergi je... Waa... freedom.. Pastu orang2 kat sana macam peramah je. Senang nak cari teman. Tengok le camana ti... harap2 kewangan ak cukup..

Lepas exam kene training balik swimming. Dah 2 bulan x masuk air dalam sebab exam dan project. Moh, swimming. And most of all, ak wish semua rakan2 seperjuangan, good luck dalam menghadapi Klausur WS 10/11. Ak yakin korang dapat lulus semua dengan cemerlang. :D

Monday, 17 January 2011


God does not forbid you to treat kindly and act equitably toward those who neither fought you in the matter of religion nor driven you out of your home. Indeed, God loves the just. The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 60, Verse 8

Antagonism toward Islam has been a permanent fixture in Europe since the time of the Crusades. In the past, the enemy par excellence , the Arab heathen, was in a distant land. However, in this century, with a large immigrant and "converted" population, the West must confront this "enemy" in its own land. With more than SIX (6) million Muslims in America, xenophobia reveals itself often in an extremely virulent manner.

The media have been primary contributors to an erroneous image of Islam by stereotyping all Muslims as being fundamentalists or terrorists. For example, after the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the media depicted American Muslims in general as the cause of disaster. With circumstantial evidence, the media accused, indicted, tried, and found the alleged fundamentalists, thus all American Muslims, guilty.

Decide yourself how much of a threat Muslims pose to you.

The "fundamental" beliefs of a Muslim are the belief in only one God and the Prophethood of Mohammed, prayer, fasting, charity tax and pilgrimage. Thus, if a Muslim believes in these fundamentals, he or she is a fundamentalist.

However, most media reports use the term fundamentalist to imply extremism revealing a complete ignorance by the media sinceIslam explicitly prohibits extremism. Prophet Mohammed said, "Those persons who go to extremes (in practicing their religions) were cursed (by God)".

Another misconception about Islam involves jihad. Jihad, literally meaning struggle, can include anything a Muslim does for the sake of God. Everything from getting an education to simply eating or sleeping can be considered jihad. Therefore, the popular notion that means holy war is highly inaccurate.

The central dogma in Islam is the absolute oneness of God. In fact, a person becomes a Muslim after testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship except God and that there is no deity worthy of worship except God and that Mohammed is the messenger of God. Deity can mean material possessions, prophets, presidents, etc. The second point in the declaration is the Prophethood of Mohammed , who was the last in the lineage of prophets starting with Adam and including such Prophets as Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. In fact, the Quran mentions Jesus more times than Mohammed.

Furthermore, a Muslim must perform five daily prayer - one each at sunrise, midday, mid-afternoon, sunset and night. These prayers are significant in that throughout the day a Muslim is constantly aware of the Creator and the prescribed duties. The media regularly portray "fundamentalists" prostrating themselves in prayer. In the October 4 issue of Time, Muslims were shown performing prayers with guns with caption that read "guns and prayer go together in the fundamentalist battle." What was omitted was that these Muslims were praying on a battlefield in Afghanistan. Common sense dictates that with the very real possibility of an ambush, at any time, soldiers should remain armed at all times.

Fasting, the third pillar, is prescribed during the month of Ramadan. A Muslim cannot eat and drink during the daylight hours - from sunrise to sunset. It must be noted that a Muslim cannot interrupt daily routines while fasting. Through this action, a Muslim learns to persevere through hardships and gains a better understanding of others less fortunate. Therefore, even the Muslim leader understands the feelings of hunger and thirst experienced by the poor.

The charity tax is also compulsory to every financially capable Muslim. Every year, Muslims must pay 2.5 percent of their capital. The collected funds are then distributed to the less fortunate throughout society. How can a religion that promotes such well-being of people be responsible for killing of innocent lives? The Arabic word for this charity is zakat - which means both purification and growth. Therefore, in Islam, the giving of charity purifies one's income, while laying the foundation for future growth.

The annual pilgrimage to Mecca is the last pillar of Islam and is only obligatory for those who are physically and financially able. This pilgrimage is derived from Abraham tradition. Imagine millions of Muslims, regardless of age, sex, race or economic status, converging to one central point for the sole purpose of worshipping God. During this pilgrimage, every Muslim dresses the same, eliminating any material extravagance so commonly found throughout the world.

Now judge for yourself what type of threat Islam poses to you. There is no resemblance between "Media Islam" and "true Islam".Every religion has its zealots. But to stereotype a whole group based on the actions of a minuscule minority is to propagate the same type of message the Nazis delivered before the Holocaust. To blame Muslims as a whole for the scattered acts of violence throughout the world is to perpetuate the centuries old myth about Islam that it is a violent religion waiting to take over the West.

Learn about the various perspectives in the world, because misunderstanding only leads to hatred.

- Pricilia Martinez
Originally published in the University of Texas at Austin Students' newspaper, Daily Texan.

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Day by day, i grow weary of listening to the news. Be it news on the internet or the TV, it's all the same. World mainstream media, alternative media, government funded media, independent media. These medias give a bad taste because as I noticed, there is not a single media in the world which offers a free, fair and clean report on a certain issue, especially when it comes to politics.

In Malaysia for example, there now exists two types of media in the world of politics. One is the mainstream media and the other is the alternative media. To put it simply, media endorsed by the ruling government is called mainstream, and media endorsed by the opposition is called alternative. Reading both of these reports, it leaves the public in total confusion.

For example, one report says that the current financial administration in the country is going well and the other media says that Malaysia will be heading for bankruptcy if finance is to be continued at the current pace. So, the question is, who the hell is telling the truth? Are these all but perceptions..

I think media is a dangerous medium. It's much more dangerous than having a gun in the hand, because media could poison people, manipulate the populace and influence people who don't think. In the old days, when one has a powerful sword, he could rule the world, but now, if one controls the media, he could manipulate the world and shape the world as he pleases without having to kill a single person. That is the danger of media.

Until the day that the media culture in Malaysia will be mature and open minded, that will be the day when I will start reading the newspapers with enthusiasm again. Now, I'd rather stick to watching anime, cartoons and documentaries. Much more peaceful and undepressing.. Call me ignorant... but sometimes being ignorant is a bliss

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Spanish-Portugal Road trip - People

Travelling on the road ni, bukan setakat banyak tempat kita cam whore tapi juga banyak jenis orang kita jumpa.

Orang Sepanyol bagi ak good looking... Maybe sebab percampuran darah antara orang Arab ngan orang Eropah zaman Islam Cordoba dulu. Lama sebenarnya empayar Islam menentap di Sepanyol.

Tapi basically, pasal orang Sepanyol ni, deorang peramah. Xde gap.. Kalau duduk dalam train, duduk rapat2 paha ke paha, bahu ke bahu perkara biasa bagi deorang. Facial expression sket, tapi body contact banyak. Deorang not so distant macam org German bila jumpa ngan orang yang deorg x kenal. Deorang xde la prejudice sangat. Macam klau korang men2 ngan anak dia, deorang biar je.. Xdela macam kebanyakan orang German, men2 sket, ingat ak nk bawak anak deorang lari.. And mostly, they like to stare. And bile ak tengok balik, deorang pun buat dek je mcm xde pape berlaku... fuh... best..

New years day kat Barcelona, jalan penuh ngan orang2 mabuk. Macam2 jenis reaksi bila mabuk. Ada yang tetiba jadi ganas, ada yang tetiba berwatak feminin, n mcm2 lagi la.. Tp unfortunately XDE FIREWORKS... HUHUHU..

Sebab harga dia murah, dudukla kat hostel. and satu lagi, kadang kala korang kene kongsi bilik ngan orang yang korang x pernah jumpa. Hostel first yang kita duduk kat Madrid n Barcelona, taklah people friendly sangat.. masing2 buat hal sendiri... tp oklah... receptionist comel... hihihi

Perjalanan sosial start di Malaga iaitu bandar pelabuhan di selatan Sepanyol. Hostel di sana ada dapur yang pelawat boleh guna nak masak apa2.. mujurlah kitorang bawak spaghetti la, beras la, sos la, telur la, n macam2 lagi... so kos makan bole jimat... n sambil masak, sempat jugak borak2 dengan penghuni hostel yang lain. Dari US dua orang... dapat tau mcmn dia hidup, apa dia buat ngan hidup dia... n benda ak kagum ngan orang US sorang ni, walaupun umur dah tua n mempunyai anak cucu, dia masih travel around the world cari keje n buat benda2 yang dia memang suka... respect siot..

Di Seville, hostel dia memang paling best tuk jumpa ngan orang2 baru... 2 Malam tido sana.. setiap malam ada je benda... Borak ngan orang US, Brazil, Mexico, German... smua ada... N one thing, deorang smua guna English... so tiada halangan nak berbahasa, sebagaimana kehidupan biasa di Germany. Kumpul pengalaman borak2. X pernah borak ngan orang seramai tu dalam satu malam.. Mereka minum alcohol, kami minum kopi... Tapi seronok jugak... Pastu walking tour kat Seville, borak2 lagi n dengar pendapat seorang tour guide ni yang asalnya dari Itali tentang sejarah Sepanyol... memang masyhuk..

Di samping itu, sorang dari US telah hitchhike bersama kami ke Lisbon... So ok la tu... banyak jugak dengar dia cakap.. n for one thing, dah dapat dah dialect ngan body language orang yang datang dari US..

Tapi Portugal len crite plak. Orang dia distant. X mesra tetamu sangat... kecuali pemilik hostel yang kita duduk yang memang top class punya pelayan tetamu. Men bola smua etc2.. Tp by the time kita sampai Portugal tenaga batin dah kurang... so xde la se 'euphoric' seperti hari pertama

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Post one in a million

Offenburg-Barcelona-Madrid- Alhambra-Granada-Sevilla-Lisbon-Porto-Offenburg

Post ni special sebab ditulis dan dipost dari kota seville di negara sepanyol yang indah...

1. Ak xnak crite panjang sangat sebab ni baru intro.. plan nak buat sesi berkongsi pendapat pasal road trip di sepanyol kat blog ni secara berperingkat...

2. Perjalanan 12 hari, memang best, sebab dalam masa yang agak panjang ni, bole mengenali magik2, keunikan, persamaan, dan perbezaan antara budaya.. n ak rasa budaya orang sepanyol memang setakat ni budaya yang paling unik ak pernah berhadapi..

3. Road trip yang lama ni memberi kebebasan untuk bergerak dan berilek tanpa perlu membazir masa kat airport atau mengejar masa tuk catch flight. Flexibility memang ada... tapi duit tu... len crite la... huhuh..

4. Adventure memang best... sebab seribu satu benda baru pernah tengok, lihat, rasa dan hadapi.. End of the day, walaupun penat lelah dan cramp kaki, hati masih gembira mengenang peristiwa2 yang telah berlaku pada hari tu...

5. Haha.. biarlah poyo... tapi saje nk dikongsi... Ni pun tujuan korang menulis dan membaca blog kan? :D