Monday, 20 December 2010

Merdeka sementara

Ok.. tengah happy... 3 exam dah selesai... hal ehwal praxis dah selesai.. haha..

Tinggal nak

1. Cari apartment baru kat Ulm...

2. Cari prof nak nilai Industrieprojekt ak

3. Projekt tuk maschine element yang dah 65% selesai

4. Ulangkaji fluid dynamics, Mechanik, Business n Electrotechnik

5. Cari awek.. ( Haha.. kidding je la... )

So buat masa ni... game3, movie3, n swimming3.. study sempoi2. Akhirnya ada masa nak sambung pembacaan buku2 ilmiah yang xde kene mengena dengan belajar... yeargh!!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Wake up

We saw things that were clearly wrong, in front of our eyes, could not speak because we didn't want to hurt. We saw something wrong, but when we chose to speak out, others shun us, saying we could not think right. Others got emotional and lashed out at us based on emotions instead of facts. Sometimes, what has been taught to us since young, is wrong, but we were dumb children, who only accepted the experience of others. But the more things we saw in life, sometimes we realize, what has been taught to us, is pretty much wrong.

We live through our own experiences, not the experiences of others. So we go far away. Solitary. Living in it for a long time makes us think. Makes us regret, makes us grow and makes us a man. No longer a pawn or a decoration for others to use to feel good about themselves. An independent man, a free man, who could think clearly, and move the world with his own two hands, to the path of what he sees as right.

Time changes, people change, the society changes. And yet there exists groups of people stubbornly rejecting change and wanting to ridiculously stand their ground. For me, they are inflexible, like a thin piece of wood, when we bend them, they break. An effective person, is like rubber, they could bend, stretch, and bind. They cannot break eventhough you throw him on the ground with a lot of force. But nothing is perfect. Rubbers are soft. But if this softness is used properly, it could create a world where people don't have to have guns, where people will lay aside their differences for the greater good. A world where people will live side by side as a happy family.

I write here in my blog today, as an advice to my generation and the generation after me, and the genaration after them. Every human, be it high or low, small or big, weak or strong, rich or poor has their own strengths, weaknesses and uniqueness. Until the time we see each other as equals, peace will not exist, wars will always rage, innocent people will always suffer and opression will always occur. Dissatisfaction will always leave a bad taste in our mouths. Not only wars in battlefields but also conflicts in the household, conflicts at work, and personal conflicts. It is the time for us as humans to evolve our way of thought and not limit it to sentiments of the past.

With that, I end my post..

Saturday, 11 December 2010

2 bulan ku hilang .. muncul kejap...


Tapi oklah tu... Lama x berleter kat sini... Berleter ar jap...

1. Sem ni, byk kelas, banyak team work, banyak exam. Denagn 1001 jenis orang ak bekerja dengan n berkenalan semester ni... lecturer, budak2 kelas, orang2 tua kat Offenburg dll...

2. Banyak gak maklumat berguna dapat sem ni.. Ada satu kelas ni, 'Asas Undang2' unutk engineer. Dia ajar hak seorang engineer kat jerman apabila sumbang satu idea yang membawa untung yang banyak kpd syarikat. (Arbeitsnehmererfindergesetz). But mostly dia ajar macamana nak daftar Patent, denagn jenama. Procedure2 dia, syarat2 dia dr term undang2 dll.. so klau korg ada syarikat nnt, pastu orang pandai2 je tiru idea korang, korang boleh bawak dia ke makhamah dan dapat banyak gila duit daripada copycat ni.

3. Dlam kelas undang2 ni pun, dia bagi banyak maklumat secara x langsung pasal german mentaliti, asian mentaliti, american mentality n beza2 yang ketara antara orang US dgn orang German. Seriously, agak berbaloi, tambah2 pula dengan exam dia yang senang.. (I luv u prof).

4. Dalam kelas tu, banyak jugak pasal orang Asia dia kritik. Bagi kebanyakan orang Eropah:

Asian = Chinese

So, kalau deorang cakap macam tu, ak plak nak stereotype deorang

Orang putih = American

Fair n square ehk? Tapi who's to blame... Memang sebahagian besar orang Asia are chinese.. n memang sebahgian besar media barat asalnya dari US.

4. Sem ni pun banyak projek.. Macam2 jenis orang jd partner ak.. A sampai Z... ada yang buat keje sronok, ada yang buat keje best jadi x best, ada yang buat keje x best jadi best... But at the end of the day, it's all about being professional n maintaining your cool waluapun apa yang berlaku.

5. Pasal practical plak, ak xnk elaborate. Tengah menunggu jawapan dengan kesabaran n menerima setiap Absage (reject) dengan hati yang terbuka n bermuhasabah diri. So kawan2 doakan ye agarkan urusan kami dipermudahkan... Amin..

6. Btw, cuti hari natal ni, ku membuat spanish roadtrip bersama rakan2 seperjuangan di Offenburg.. Harap2 perjalanan kami selamat. Amin..