Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Flaws in the Mcdonald fries test..

1. I was told one day, that eating at Mcdonalds is to be discouraged because the ingredients of the food is put under scrutiny.

2. These news are spread through alternative medias like youtube, facebook, and many other sources.

3. But being a person who I am, i never trust things unless it is proven to me in front of my eyes and is backed up by scientific facts.

4. A brief description of the test; They put McDonald's products in air tight containers like big macs and fries, each separated in another container. Then, as control, they put an ordinary burger in another separate container and normal home made fries in another. They leave those containers for a few weeks. (Just look at youtube and search)

5. The result: The fries never go bad, the McDonald burgers take a much longer time to decay than ordinary burgers. So, they say that the fries are artificial, the beef is artificial and this and that. Pish posh.. To keep it short, they say : Don't eat at McD. I myself am not a fan of fast food but a fan of science and facts.

6. Being a number one fan of Discovery Channel's 'Mythbusters', after seeing them researching, proofing and negating conspiracy theorists I decided to be a Mythbuster myself.

7. My conclusion: This test is to be discredited because

  • in the French Fries explanation
a) When we swallow food, our saliva and teeth break them down to smaller particles.

b) The chewed food is broken down through Hydrochloric acid in our stomachs whose pH levels range from 1 to 2.

c) The test is carried out under the absence of physical breakdown and chemical break
down. In other words, the fries not decaying doesn't mean that our food is not being digested. Its just a matter of the advancements McDonalds have in their food preservation technology. If it is "poison", i think the authorities would have already banned Mcdonalds a log time ago.

  • The burgers decaying later than ordinary burgers
a) A simple explanation. McDonald's beef patties are manufactured under a very controlled hygienic environment. Normal beef patty (in this experiment = hand-made), are made
from hand and in a non industrial hygienically certified environment. That's why they decay faster.

8. For me, this is another example of unhealthy competition in the fast food industry. Some other companies use alternative media to spread lies and in turn discredit their rival's capability.

9. Any feedback, please comment. Thanks :)

Sunday, 22 August 2010


Polpot killed thousands of cambodians.

Hitler killed countless civilians.

Israel kills countless Palestinians.

European settlers killed thousands of Australian aborigines

Communists killed so many during the Darurat (Emergency)

Japanese killed countless civilians during WW2

Spanish colonialists killed countless of Mayans

And many other similar scenarios...

But all these killings have one thing in common. The leaders responsible for these killings never admit that they have done wrong. All will come out with arguments to justify their actions even though it is clear to human logic that what they do is inherently wrong. I wonder, what if these leaders were themselves victims to their own decisions, I wonder what will they say by then.

These leaders say that people who condemn them could never grasp the big picture of what their cause was for. Polpot strived for an agricultural ethiopia in Cambodia, Hitler strived for the sake of the German race, Israel kills for internal security and so on.. until u get sick of their arguments.

For me, they are criminals, like how people who murder children, would argue when they justify their actions in court.

In war, only soldiers should be killed on the battlefield, not innocent people. But if innocent people help them, then, they are to be treated as soldiers, for they are also contributing to the enemies' advance. That is the dirty truth of wars. It is difficult if war occurs.

Ok, if u were a warlord, and the enemy is having mortars and rocket launchers, bombing the houses of you families. But the catch is, each mortar and rocket launcher is accompanied by one child. As a warlord, what will you do?

a) kill the rocket launchers and at the same time killing the accompanying child


b) have sympathy for the children, and just let the enemy fire mortars killing your own family.

So being in a war is not easy. Deceits occur, people get killed, more widows roam the street, and more children become orphans.

But back to the topic, "justification", : every human being will tend to do something perceived as good to them, but perceived as bad by others. And when that occurs, they will justify their actions even though it goes far away from human logic. So in this pretext, the word RIGHT and WRONG technically doesn't exist. Nothing is RIGHT in this world and nothing is WRONG in this world if you catch my drift.

But what gives meaning to the word RIGHT and WRONG is the satisfaction you feel having the feeling that what you do, is in your perspective CORRECT.

So how does God save the human race from this dilemma. He sends to us Revelations through our Prophets so as we are not guided astray due to our human nature.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

It takes somebody

Alhamdulillah i"m home in JB to spend the ramadhan with my family and spend time with friends.

I like the weather here, not as hot like last year, and relaxing spending time at home, in a territory you don't feel so foreign like living in a student college.

By the way, still jet-lagging, and don"t know when this ordeal will end. Sleep in the day, active at night. For me, the medicine for jet lagging is gallons of coffee, but since its the fasting month, i have to naturally set my body clock without the means of stimulants.

Back here, i realized my oral english is slowly deteriorating. Have not been able to complete a sentence in 100% english. There must always be "rojak" one way or another.

That's what happens when you don't practice: you forget.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

How propaganda changes perspectives

My opinion: People can use media to mislead the masses.

Have you ever seen short home made films or movies that wants to bring out the scene by putting sad or violent background musics to make their point clear.

Ok, i bet some of you still cannot understand. I'll give you an example.

The movie clip is about a war torn town in Baghdad. Without the background music and special effects, it's just another lame movie clip about the aftermath of wars

But, u see, there's an art in propoganda. It means going through the inner part of the mind and planting information in those areas be it true or false, leading or misleading. Ok back to the clip:

What's the difference if you put the background music of a national anthem of a country and the background music of a sad concerto. The mind then perceives the boring clip of Baghdad in two persepectives.

One of them, is the perspective that, the destruction of Baghdad is nationalistic and must be done to protect justice and liberty and the other perspective is that the destruction of Baghdad is sad, unfair and inhumane. So watching those edited clips, we let the movie makers go inside our mind and unknowingly change the perspective of how we see things.

You see, what propaganda does is tell you what to think instead of how to think. ANother example, is north korea and china. Westerners see the booming economy of the asians as a threat to their stability, so, they come out with propoganda scientists with the aim of discrediting the chinese labour market. They say that they charge cheap, inhumane labour through their documentaries and at the same time fail to look at the chaotic situation they themselves have being hostages to worker's union threatening to stop production or services if the demands of these unions are not met.

So, what I'm saying is that all propoganda, be it good or bad, all have one thing in common. All are one-sided. It produces one-sided thinkers instead of wise ones. Be it semitic or anti semitic, democrat or republican, consevative or liberal, all of them have equally the same destructive effects to the human psyche.

That is why, i like watching cartoons. No propoganda. Just pure relaxing entertainment.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Balik lagi sekali

Ok2.. Mesti ada yang pelik kenapa ak tiap2 tahun nak balik.

1. Kat sini bosan
2. Lagi saving kalau balik
3. Rindu makan dengan keluarga tercinta
4. Tahun depan kemungkinan beso x bole blk sebab ada practical
5. Alang2 raya kene time cuti summer, blk je la..
6. Rindu mak masak, rindu famili

Semakin jauh dari negara sendiri, semakin korang cinta kat tanahair. Kalau dah duduk dekat, agak susah sbenarnya nak hargai bende yang ada depan mata.

By the way, penat sebnarnya bercuti ni. Lagi penat dari masa tgh ada kelas. Nk pegi sana la, sini la, situ lah, nk berjalan satu hal, nk plan satu hal, bile balik JB, serius lega. Xya fikir ap dah.

Kesimpulannya, susuah sebenarnya duduk oversea ni. Ada bek buruk dia. Bek dia, memnag ar dpt pusing2, melancong.. tp buruknya ada gak. Ko terpaksa berdikari sorg2. Klau demam, sakit, xde org nk manjakan korang. Urusan hidup semua kene buat sendiri. Silap langkah, fale pekse, kene bayar balik penaja. So setiap kebaikan datang dgn keburukan and setiap keburukan ada kebaikan dia yang tersembunyi.