Thursday, 29 July 2010

CAT Scans and operation

Ok.. i have a sharp pain my teeth, the dentist says that i have 4 extra teeth, one on every corner of my mouth causing me discomfort after I eat. I never noticed it, but once the doctor mentions it, i start feeling the pain. Typical case of a placebo effect.

So, deciiding to benefit 100% from the insurance policy in Germnay, I decided to pull those 4 teeth out. I found out that it was a big deal to pull out 4 teeth.

1. My teeth was x-rayed for the first time. Seriously, during the process, i discovered that either I was slightly claustrophobic or I had a distrust for things I'm not familiar with. U see, they told me to bite a plastic biting thingy while the x ray machine rotated around my face. That x ray machine invaded my private space. Just imagine, a meer 5 cm from the tip of my nose.

2. Got a mini lecture by the dentist about dentistry. Talking medicine to an engineer. Just imagine. Well, what should I say. The horrible part was when the dentist explained to me the worst case scenario if I undertook the operation. Scary..

3. The dentist then transfered me to a chiropractor. Ok, another long lecture. Now about neurology. Then, he told me that I had to go profile my the nerves in my gums at a radiologist. So, again, I got transfered to one.

4. The appointment at the radiologist was 7:45am. So many old people were there. I thought it would be just another normal xray, but no. A CAT scan. One of my uncomfortable encounters in my life worth telling. The feeling was worse than being whistled at by a group of transvetites. Seriously. I had to bite a piece of tissue, and close my eyes, while the alien machine rotated around my whole body. Not only the fear of tight spaces, but the fear of not being to look at what was causing the fear was horrible.

5. The following afternoon, was the another yet horrible thing. You see, I was the type who hated foreign unknown objects going inside my body, like needles and medicine. The chiropractor told me to lie down on the dentist chair and relax. Well, I relaxed until I saw the biggest needle I ever seen in my life. The whole device was even larger than the German docotr's hand. SO, I said to myself: Ok, just one shot and its ok. The nurse beside me could read my fearful facial expression. So she held my hand. Ok that took of the pressure, but waht I felt next was super traumatic

6. The giant needle went into my gums. Because my mouth was opened, I screamed like a madman. So far as I knew, all books saying that injections just feel like a slight sting was wrong. It really felt like someone what scraping your gums out with a teaspoon. Then something unexpected came, my lips were injected, my upper gums was injected. And of course, I saw my life brushing through me.

7.The last time I had to feel like this was during I circumcised. I really felt like punching the doctor at that time, but if i were to have punched him, perhaps the needle would only be sticking in mouth and the more it would hurt. The nurse kept holding my hand, and only that gave me comfort through the pain. 4 injections from big needles.

8. After the torture was complete, couldn't feel my mouth. That made my heart beat so rapidly. By that time, I was sweating like a pig. I really regretted my visit to the dentist but it was too late. By that time, things i never thought of suddenly rushed into my head like water in a drain. Really felt like I was not in this world. Was this the feeling of getting high?

9. So while i was dazed because of the bius, the doctor took out his tool kit and layed all the pliers on the table. But unexpectedly, i smiled at the doctor and the nurse. Seriusly the drugs were taking effect.

10. Soon after, the operation came. I was told to close my eyes while the doctor forcefully yanked my teeth out. I felt like a machine. He pushed my head to his bloated belly and pulled the two teeth out with a large plier. When he wanted to stich my gums, I could feel the strings sliding from my chin into the mouth because my chin was not numb. A grueling 30 minutes and when the procedure was finished, i saw the teeth.

11. When everything was done, I was very happy. Never felt that relieved im my entire life. When I came home, blood was gushing out from the stitches. Another grueling 8 hours to recuperate. After a nightmarisch 8 hours, the stitch partially dried up and i no longer had to swallow my blood.

12. In conclusion, surgery sucks. I recommend to you readers to take care of your health, quit smoking, drink lots of water and excercise regularly. Because if u don't, u will have to go through this harmless looking but heavily torturous ordeal.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Operation dan appointment

Temujanji dalam bahasa Jerman = Termin = Appointment

Ad satu suku kata ak reka sendiri = Deutschland, Land des Temins = Jerman, negara temujanji. Nak pergi dktor kene buat Termin, nak servis beskal, kene buat termin, nasib baik nak makan luar xya buat termin. Klau x ak buat termin sekali untuk kerosakan sistem birokrasi yang membebankan rakyat.

Tapi on the bright side, buat temujanji banyak faedah tersembunyi rupanya. Dapat bajet masa, xya nk beratur, xya nk tension sbb lambat, tapi yang lemahnya, xbole buat benda dengan spontan. Kalau macam tetiba tergerak hati nak gi klinik sbb tetiba demam, kira membebankan jugak.

Jalan penyelesaian nk elak beratur panjang dkt pejabat pentadbiran kerajaan ialah temujanji. Cuba bayangkan, kalau kat imegresen, klau semua pelanggan wajib atur janji nk datang pukul berapa, lepas tu orang pentadbiran kat imegresen tetapkan, contoh, purata untuk satu urusan 7 minit, ak rasa xya la nak pakai sistem amek nombo kat pejabat, lepas tu bazirkan masa nk tunggu org len siap.

Lepas tu, orang pentadbiran, pakailah simple maths, nak tetapkan berapa pegawai yang kene bertugas dalam satu jangka masa tertentu.

-->. Contoh 80 pegawai, purata masa untuk satu urusan 10 minit,
--> Pegawai2 wajib keje dari pukul 8 pagi sampai 5 petang tolak waktu rehat dan solat = satu hari 7 jam.
--> Jumlah pelanggan yang boleh dilayan = 7 x 6 x 80 = 3360

Masa rakyat jimat, rakyat dapat guna masa yang terlebih tu untuk majukan lagi negara daripada bazirkan masa beratur dekat pejabat pentadbiran. Qualiti perkhidmatan akan melonjak 100% sebab pegawai2 xkan diberi tekanan sebab kurang masa. Efficency pegawai meningkat, kerana masa deorang xkan diguna untuk bergoyang kaki dan cakap2 kosong kat pejabat.

Dalam masa yang sama, rakyat pun akan jd lagi disiplin sebab terikat dgn masa temujanji. Disiplin pengurusan masa rakyat akan meningkat 100%, Malaysia maju 2020.

By the way: Minggu depan ak kene operation, kene buang 4 gigi kat hujung. aaa.. cuak. Masa dia check gigi ak sebelum dia putuskan nak buang gigi ak, serius seram. Dah la ganas doktor tu. Tekan gusi ak, tekan macam nak bunuh orang. Lepas gigi ak di'xray', ak diberi kelas pergigian oleh doktor tu. Angguk dan 'ye'kan je lah apa yang kluar dr mulut dia. Bukan tau pape pun pasal gigi. Lepas tu kene transfer pergi chiropractic sepanjang minggu depan. Huhuhu.. cuak3..

Thursday, 22 July 2010

No milk in coffee

Panes gile ak kat sini. Ada sorg ni dr Afrika, yang duduk umah ak. Basically macam ni: Dia pandai2 buat peraturan: Barang aku barang dia, barang dia barang aku.. Ak x kesah.. serius.. tapi bila tahap dia ajak kawan datang, pastu barang ak nak pow sampai habis, agak2 le..

Cili padi ak amek, bl nk masak, dah x pedas. Yang panasnya, susu kopi ak nak amek tu. Skarang nk minum kopi dah x bersusu. X kesah dia amek sikit. Tapi yang bengangnya, ada ke kawan dia datang, amek susu ak x bgtau. Pastu ntah camna, dia buat susu tu macam dadah agaknya. Habis satu kotak habis. Dah la kotak last ak, yang ak budget nak simpan smpai scholar next masuk.

So, skang minum kopi dah x best. X bersusu. Manis dan pahit semata-mata tanpa lemak. Dah banyak da benda slack dia buat ngan ak. Tp ak bersabar x tahu sampai bila bole bertahan.

Persoalannya sekarang mentaliti. Cuba tengok, orang2 German x pernah buat camni. Orang2 negara maju jarang nak meminta-minta and merungut bila ditimpa kesusahan malah akan kerja lebih kuat supaya boleh lepas dari kesusahan dia hadapi. Tapi orang 3rd class mentaliti ni, klau susah, merungut. Fine, klau merungut, x salah, tapi merungut tanpa jalan penyelesaian ak rasa bodoh. Merungut pekse susah, akan fail, tapi xde usaha nak fahamkan. Tu bodoh.. (sori ni first time ak gune perkataan ni dlm blog ni).

Pastu, contoh, tgk kat France especially kat Paris. Bole sangat nampak contoh 3rd world mentaliti org2 asing kat sana. Meminta-minta, tapi keje xde. Bile dpt duit pegi memabukkan diri macam binatang dekat disko, bar dll. Bile xde duit merungut.. cakap kerajaan x gune lah, orang corruptlah, tp tgk lah diri sendiri dulu sebelum salahkan sistem yang dah banyak tolong deorg.

Same goes to Malaysia. Klau agak2 xde duit tu, crlah keje extra, belanjalah pada benda2 penting (bukan simpan duit tuk beli henset mahal2). Ni bile susah sket, salahkan kerajaan, pastu bazirkan masa baca surat khabar yang banyak crite politik pasal dia corruptlah, ni konspirasilah, tu la, ni la..

Klau isu politik tu ada kesan kat hidup korang, adalah sebab nak jd emosi pasal isu tu. Tp bila xde kene mengena, nk pegi buat protes kat jalan, dalam masa yang sama membebankan orang lain yang x terlibat, ak rasa x praktikal.

Satu benda pasal nk aktif dalam politik ni, orang yang aktif ni, segelintir je dapat perjuangkan apa yang dia betul2 nak. Tapi kebanyakan jadi alat permainan orang2 politik atasan untuk dapat kuasa.

Cuba tgk penyokong pembangkang, atau penyokong BN. Deorg buat kacau, jerit macam hantu kat atas jalan raya, tapi yang untungnya siapa? Orang atasan BN, PKR, DAP, PAS dll. So sebagai insan yang diberi keistimewaan oleh Pencipta untuk berfikir dan berbakti, gunalah kepala korg untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat sekeliling daripada jadi alat permainan orang2 politik atasan.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Reasons why I hate Justin Bieber

1. He steals the name of my hometown Johor Bahru. As I said in facebook, JB is Johor Bahru, NOT Justin Bieber.

2. His producers produces videos which give a bad influence to teens. For crying out loud, he is not even 18 and already singing songs about love, dating, and crap which I believe its not advisable for teens.

3. Perhaps I should only hate his producers, but I hate him more for agreeing to do it. People who find cheap love at a young age normally don't go very far in life; and he's like indirectly saying to his stupid fans: ''Hey, find love, enjoy life, take it easy'' and at the same time his fans are screaming at him like he's a saviour of some sort. And the modernized western concept of love is not about commitment, buat mostly pre marital sex.

4. That's why, some people say the media is poison. Seeing Justin Bieber further emphasizes my point. The media poisons the youth.

5. His child like, girlish voice and ability of playing the guitar are the only things which make him a star. Can't wait when he goes ito puberty. Let's see what his producers and fans think of him by then.

6. My message to his fans: It's ok to like him, but to be obsessed over a person who's voice will go away in a few years time is not practical.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Exam hampir habis..

1.Sorry pembaca2 sebab ak terlampau emo beberapa minggu ni. Mungkin sebab exam otak pun dah bercelaru. Tapi at least ok da..

2. Ni pertama kali ak dapat 4 flat standard german. (maksudnya pass cukup2 makan).. tp x kesah ar.. janji pass..

3. Tu ak x suke pekse ni. Kadang2, semua benda faham, tapi bl tgk markah pekse, looks like ak x faham apa2..

4. Kadang2 satu benda x faham tapi tgk markah pekse, looks like ak mmg tau banyak pasal subjek tu.. So, ntah la.

5. Sistem peperiksaan ni ada baik buruk dia:

a: Baik dia: paksa student tuk fahamkan subjek tu betul. Kalau xde pekse, ak rasa student xkan amek inisiatif nak blaja.

b: Buruk dia: Seperti ak sebut kat atas. Penilaian x berasaskan pemahaman tapi based on keupayaan selesai masalah dalam tempoh masa yang kdg2 terlampau singkat.

6. Peperiksaan = pekse = paksa

7. So fikir2 balik, ad prof ak pernah cakap (Noten sind nicht alles) : Markah pekse bukanlah penentu. So ak harap nanti ak apply practical, deorg x tgk sangat result. Kang orang interview tanya, ak nak keluarkan argument ni.

8. Atau adakah ak memang x competent? Ntah..

9. Tp yang penting, pekse dah nak habis.. lepas ni boleh hembus nafas lega dan x lagi bangun dari katil pagi2 dgn muka yang x kerut2.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Bila kepala dah serabut

1. Bila kepala dah serabut, mkasudnya rambut dah terlampau panjang. Nak potong rambut besok dgn harapan deorg potong x terlalu pendek.

2. Hari ni ak serabut sebab dah bosan. Ad mamat dari afrika ni, pindah umah ak. Ok, dia crite dia byk masalah, so ak tolong sebagaimana ak mampu. Lama2 telah sedar bahawa ak telah diambil kesempatan. Crita2 dia semua saling bercanggah dan telah ku sedar dia banyak menipu kat ak. Lepas ni malas ar nak amek kesah hal org.

3. Bila tolong orang ni, macam2 reaksi dapat. Kadang2 certain reaksi ni buat ak rs menyampah and last2 menyesal tolong dia. Ak especially x suka reaksi orang yang ego dia kuat. So pesanan kat orang yang ber'ego' kuat ni: Ko kan hebat.. next time ada masalh, selesai sendiri.. kata dah hebat

4. Orang yang mintak tolong ni pun satu. Kalau ak xde benda nak bagi, contact ak x, nk ajak borak pun xnk layan, siap2 cakap blakng lagi. Tapi bila nak mintak tolong, tiba2 jd 'unusually baik'. Suara2 gedik yang x pernah kluar semua kluar. Lagi ak menyampah sebenarnya. Ingat comel, lawa? Tu namanya orang yang berbaik x ikhlas.

5. Dunia ni penuh ngan ilusi optik. Kalu x nk terpengaruh ngan ilusi ni, bek duduk dalam kotak hitam!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Pekse belum habis dah piker nak cuti.. teruk tul!

Masa belek2 kat youtube, ak ad terjumpa satu video homemade. Mesej dia best:

'' You want to know what a person is like, see what he or she does during summer break''

Fikir2, betul gak. Hmm.. lama tu summer break.. Xtau nak buat ap.. Secara rasminya, ak ada 3 miggu kat German, seblum ak balik JB tuk puasa n peluk adik ak, ngan buli dia time bosan2.. hehe..

Sp, ap nk buat. Nk hrap budak2 len tolong plankan cuti, deorg mesti malas sebagaimana ak sendiri malas gile nk plan2 benda. 3 minggu tu.. Hmm.. nk buat apa..

a) nek basikal pusing2, sampai kulit hitam legam??
b) melawat membe kat France??
c) Main game sampai bosan??
d) melawan napsu malas, dan plankan ap2 cuti??
e) Blaja swimming ngan budak2 kelas kat tasik kat Freiburg??
f) Tgk muvi siang malam smapi terkeluar buih putih dari mulut??

Ntah la.. bosan..