Monday, 31 May 2010

Don't follow the mob. Be the change!!

The world and especially Malaysia is now at rage for an international crisis in the middle east now reaches the lives of us fellow Malaysians. A volunteer from Malaysia is now dead ''thanks'' to the Israeli regime in the gaza strip.

As somebody who is so sick of reading the news everyday of many deaths in Palestine, of the inhumane acts of the israeli regime and the disunity of the arab nations, there comes a time when sombody must for once thjink of a way to resolve the conflict in the middle east and not fuel the flames of war.

Education, serenity and comfort is being taken away in palestine at the expense of the israel's regime demand for more land to increase its settlements. Lifelihood in the West bank and the gaza strip is reduced to fear and terror with both parties exchanging rockets and bombs on both sides. Now comes a time for me to express my stance on the conflict. As I said so many times earlier, my best friend is logic and practicality.

So, we look in history. In the 40's, the zionist movement used the holocaust as a reason for them to build a sovereign country at the holy land. Well, its damn right illegal, and of course, it must be condemned, but the thing that we fail to see, is that eventhough how illegal it is, israel is still there. The regime ruling the country wants more land so that more jews could 'return' there, so they provoke wars, and conspiracies, to gain more land, exactly how the colonialist did their jobs.

We know that this is illegal, but what can we do? It's already done. We cannot change the past, we can only strive for the future. We Muslims suport the Intifada, but how many of us really have the solution to decrease bloodshed in the middle east? We point fingers at US, the israeli regime, but the thing is that, pointing fingers doesn't solve problems. We give emotional speeches about the sufferings of the palestinians, but none of us give speeches on HOW to SOLVE the conflict. There are thousands of groups in myspace and facebook condemning Israel but how many groups open discussions on SOLVING the problem?

A practical way must be done to avoid bloodshed. The world has 6 billion minds each one unique in its own way. Is it impossible to put the minds of the human race together to solve conflicts? Is it impossible to tear down the barrier of ego to achieve a common cause. which is just?.. World peace. SOmetimes people of power don't have the solution, but people with no power have 1001 solutions.

The jews used cunning and their brains to achieve their ambitions. Why not us muslims?

To be continued.-.

Kembali setelah sebulan bercuti

Bulan 5 , bulan critical sebab byk keje. So lepak2 jap. Xnk men blog2 jap. Genap sebulan. So skg, kembali.. dengan artikel yang merangsang minda dan bebelan kisah2 harian Encik Farid Hadri.

Enjoy reading!!