Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Sometimes, life makes u happy, sometimes it makes you sad.         It hurts you, stabs you in the heart, and demoralizes you. Sometimes it can make you jump and fly conquering all the hurdles and limitations that limit us from going ahead and being more that u can be. Sometimes it just leaves you dumbfounded not knowing what are you feeling deep inside your heart.

Sometimes life gives you companions. Some who treat u well, some who just wants to take advantage, some who make your day, some who shatter it, some who u love, some who u hate but pretend to like, some who u like but pretend to hate and some who u like but cannot get. Some who become like your own siblings, and even some who likes you, but you could not like back. 

But that’s life. Very colourful. Colourful doesn’t mean only cheery colours. Grey and black are also colours. You mix black to the colours of a rainbow, you still get the same colours but only the tone gets darker.

But life is a mystery that requires lots of pondering. And the longer we live life, the more things we experience, the more we grow up.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Lama x update

Lama gila x update blog ni, selepas blog ak dibocorkan kat classmate2 aku, macam2 respon ak dpt dlm kelas. Sekarang dah segan dah nak tulis dalam BI. Haha..

Dah masuk seminggu semester bermula. Ad 14 report, oral test ngan design project this semester. Fuh, penat gak ar. Tapi jadual relax sbb rabu ngan khamis ada satu masa je. Mcm main2 je. Lepas tu ad software nama dia Labview, fuh, seronok.. macam main game bl duduk dalam kelas.

Hidup tetaplah sama macam tahun lepas, bl pergi kelas, tumpukan perhatian, balik, maen gitar maen game. Tp bl exam, haa, stress. Tp tulah, kena tanggung akibat dia.

X sangka dah setahun duduk kat sini. Bahasa kira x lah bermasalah sangat macam awal2 dulu. Just kena sesuaikan diri. Bila dah adapt, actually blaja kat sini dgn kat Malaysia xdelah beza sgt pun. College life..

Azam semester ni, nk jd professional dlm setiap perbuatan. Bukan skema tp beretika & berperangai sesuai dan matang dalam setiap keadaan. Fikir2 balik, umur dah nk masuk 22. Dah dewasa tu sebenarnya. Tapi bila nk enjoy dgn kawan2, enjoy. Tu je la.   

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Industrial lingua joke

2nd day in class, i ended up laughing for half an hour because of Maschine Elemente.

The group was learning about nuts and bolts in relavance with the DIN EN, and ISO norm.

Before I continue, allow me to do a quick language conversion:

MUTTER: in English, it means nuts which is the hexagonal socket at the end of a threaded bolt. Another meaning of MUTTER is also mother aka mummy..

I was at that time tired because of brain overload. Then, my energetic side came out when I heard this from the proffesor:


‘’Alle Muttern in der deutchen Industrie sind genormt’’

(All Mothers in the german industry are defined in the Industry norm)

When the prof said that, I still could contain my laughter. I finally lost it when he said:

‘’ Wir müssen uns fragen ob wir die richtige Mutter ausgewählt hat. Haben Sie die richtige Mutter? ‘’

(We must ask ourselves if we have chosen the correct mother. Do you all have the correct mother?)


But actually, the word Mutter which the prof meant was actually the nut of a bolt.

Funny :P

Friday, 5 March 2010

Cuti sebulan tapi..

FUlamak. Cuti antara sem kedua ngan ketiga. Walaupun sebulan tapi technically 2 minggu je cuti.

Minggu pertama lepak kat Rosenheim, men snowboard, jumpa kawan2.

Minggu kedua, duduk Offenburg nak rehatkan jiwa raga dari exam dan kehampaan dari guling dari bukit yang bersalji masa snowboarding. Pas tu lecturer ak yang garang ngan pegawai international office ajak smua budak Malaysia makan2 minggu kedua tu. Besoknya nak siap2 pindah umah, kemas barang semua pindah rumah baru.

Minggu ketiga, sehari lepas pindah barang, ada kelas French dari pukul 1 sampai kul 6 ptg setiap hari tuk 2 minggu. Ingat macam pergi kelas main2 je, konon2 nak isi masa lapang tapi end up nak pecah kepala duduk dalam kelas. Weekend nak buat housewarming, tapi berfasa. Fasa pertama untuk mereka2 yang dah jadi halbe (separuh) Offenburger aka selalu datang cnie.

Fasa kedua makan2 minggu depan (minggu keempat) untuk mereka2 yang jarang ke sini. Mak ai, rajin plak. Tapi ntah ar. Saje je.

Tapi nk buat kesimpulan besar: Kat cnie, ak rasa bila cuti, hidup jadi lagi sebuk dari hari x cuti. Terbalik. Tp, ok kot. Janji fun. hahahaha.