Monday, 20 December 2010

Merdeka sementara

Ok.. tengah happy... 3 exam dah selesai... hal ehwal praxis dah selesai.. haha..

Tinggal nak

1. Cari apartment baru kat Ulm...

2. Cari prof nak nilai Industrieprojekt ak

3. Projekt tuk maschine element yang dah 65% selesai

4. Ulangkaji fluid dynamics, Mechanik, Business n Electrotechnik

5. Cari awek.. ( Haha.. kidding je la... )

So buat masa ni... game3, movie3, n swimming3.. study sempoi2. Akhirnya ada masa nak sambung pembacaan buku2 ilmiah yang xde kene mengena dengan belajar... yeargh!!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Wake up

We saw things that were clearly wrong, in front of our eyes, could not speak because we didn't want to hurt. We saw something wrong, but when we chose to speak out, others shun us, saying we could not think right. Others got emotional and lashed out at us based on emotions instead of facts. Sometimes, what has been taught to us since young, is wrong, but we were dumb children, who only accepted the experience of others. But the more things we saw in life, sometimes we realize, what has been taught to us, is pretty much wrong.

We live through our own experiences, not the experiences of others. So we go far away. Solitary. Living in it for a long time makes us think. Makes us regret, makes us grow and makes us a man. No longer a pawn or a decoration for others to use to feel good about themselves. An independent man, a free man, who could think clearly, and move the world with his own two hands, to the path of what he sees as right.

Time changes, people change, the society changes. And yet there exists groups of people stubbornly rejecting change and wanting to ridiculously stand their ground. For me, they are inflexible, like a thin piece of wood, when we bend them, they break. An effective person, is like rubber, they could bend, stretch, and bind. They cannot break eventhough you throw him on the ground with a lot of force. But nothing is perfect. Rubbers are soft. But if this softness is used properly, it could create a world where people don't have to have guns, where people will lay aside their differences for the greater good. A world where people will live side by side as a happy family.

I write here in my blog today, as an advice to my generation and the generation after me, and the genaration after them. Every human, be it high or low, small or big, weak or strong, rich or poor has their own strengths, weaknesses and uniqueness. Until the time we see each other as equals, peace will not exist, wars will always rage, innocent people will always suffer and opression will always occur. Dissatisfaction will always leave a bad taste in our mouths. Not only wars in battlefields but also conflicts in the household, conflicts at work, and personal conflicts. It is the time for us as humans to evolve our way of thought and not limit it to sentiments of the past.

With that, I end my post..

Saturday, 11 December 2010

2 bulan ku hilang .. muncul kejap...


Tapi oklah tu... Lama x berleter kat sini... Berleter ar jap...

1. Sem ni, byk kelas, banyak team work, banyak exam. Denagn 1001 jenis orang ak bekerja dengan n berkenalan semester ni... lecturer, budak2 kelas, orang2 tua kat Offenburg dll...

2. Banyak gak maklumat berguna dapat sem ni.. Ada satu kelas ni, 'Asas Undang2' unutk engineer. Dia ajar hak seorang engineer kat jerman apabila sumbang satu idea yang membawa untung yang banyak kpd syarikat. (Arbeitsnehmererfindergesetz). But mostly dia ajar macamana nak daftar Patent, denagn jenama. Procedure2 dia, syarat2 dia dr term undang2 dll.. so klau korg ada syarikat nnt, pastu orang pandai2 je tiru idea korang, korang boleh bawak dia ke makhamah dan dapat banyak gila duit daripada copycat ni.

3. Dlam kelas undang2 ni pun, dia bagi banyak maklumat secara x langsung pasal german mentaliti, asian mentaliti, american mentality n beza2 yang ketara antara orang US dgn orang German. Seriously, agak berbaloi, tambah2 pula dengan exam dia yang senang.. (I luv u prof).

4. Dalam kelas tu, banyak jugak pasal orang Asia dia kritik. Bagi kebanyakan orang Eropah:

Asian = Chinese

So, kalau deorang cakap macam tu, ak plak nak stereotype deorang

Orang putih = American

Fair n square ehk? Tapi who's to blame... Memang sebahagian besar orang Asia are chinese.. n memang sebahgian besar media barat asalnya dari US.

4. Sem ni pun banyak projek.. Macam2 jenis orang jd partner ak.. A sampai Z... ada yang buat keje sronok, ada yang buat keje best jadi x best, ada yang buat keje x best jadi best... But at the end of the day, it's all about being professional n maintaining your cool waluapun apa yang berlaku.

5. Pasal practical plak, ak xnk elaborate. Tengah menunggu jawapan dengan kesabaran n menerima setiap Absage (reject) dengan hati yang terbuka n bermuhasabah diri. So kawan2 doakan ye agarkan urusan kami dipermudahkan... Amin..

6. Btw, cuti hari natal ni, ku membuat spanish roadtrip bersama rakan2 seperjuangan di Offenburg.. Harap2 perjalanan kami selamat. Amin..

Monday, 1 November 2010

sebulan ibarat seminggu

Sepanjang oktober ak rasa bulan yang paling laju dlm hidup ak...

Banyak kelas.. (Ak convert BI so smua bole paham)

1. Welding
2. Fluid dynamics
3. Maschine Elements III
4. Product Development II
5. TEchnical Ennglish
6. Finite Element Method (FEM)
7. Technical Mechanics II
8. Industrial Economics (IBL)
9. Electrical Tech. II
10. Fundamentals of Law (Kelas sabtu)

And selain subjek yang banyak, nk kene apply practical untuk sem depan lagi, and ada kelas swimming 2 kali seminggu

Tapi basically sibuk2 sem ni, sebuk2 happy sebab rasa sronok amek subjek2 ni and banyak teman2 seperjuangan dalam kelas and cikgu2 semua layan..

By the way, kepada mereka2 yang terasa, sbb ak lama x contact... seriously.. it's nothing personal.. i'm just busy.. I should have given my apology in advance...

Monday, 18 October 2010

itik belajar berenang

This sem gua amek kelas berenang. Saje je nak tambah skill hidup so xkan lemas n mengharapkan orang selamatkan. X kesah la kene harungi bukit bukau yang sejuk nak pergi ke sekolah berenang tu.. on the bright side, ni la peluang ak tuk exercise. Its not like budak OG ada ramai laki sampai bole bersukan tiap2 petang.

Well that's that... tapi pengalaman pergi kelas berenang diajar oleh orang german mmg len. Kelas tu ada 3 orang lagi selain ak.. Semua makcik2 baya2 mak gua. Orang kampung katakan... memang peramah belaka.

Guru besar dia cool gila. Cakap perlahan, xde nak pressure2, pastu gaya memang cool. Guru dia kasar sket... tapi kasar2 mesra.

''Ein atmen... aus atmen... Beine strecken und pufff**.'' Kelakar memang kelakar tapi at least 1st class dia, gua dah tau nak bergerak atas permukaan air macam itik. Teknik bernafas semua. Memang cikgu profi..

Walaupun 45 minit, rasa mcm dah blaja benda yang ak rasa org biasa akan amek setahun klau blaja sendiri. So I look 4ward to the next classes. Benda yang best nye... dia ckp klau ak x bole brenang lagi, dia bayar blk... hahaha... nice...

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Xnk aktif internet lagi

Bile ak sampai Offenburg, my internet down seminggu..

So, ak terputus hubungan dgn dunia luar untuk sementara waktu

Tapi ada 'hidden blessing' bile internet xde..

1. Semua kerja siap. Xde tangguh2

2. Bole kawal nafsu nk membazir masa

3. Telah siap baca 178 muka surat buku dalam seminggu.

4. Xkan gune facebook.. so.. xkan dapat amek tahu benda yang x patut diambil tahu

And basically, aku happy.

Tapi bile internet xde, susah nk berurusan, bercontact n buat keje.

Tapi bile internet ada, tros x tenang. So ntah la..

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Benda cool ak nak share

First and foremost, benda ni bukan hasil penulisan ak. Ak belek2 internet n facebook... Terjumpa satu note ni. Xtau dia dapat mane. Tapi lepas meng'google' post ni, didapati telah dicetak, di cut and paste dan diterbit di laman2 blog yang len. So ak buat sama...

Malaysians are getting married at older age. Why?

Say you are a fresh graduate at that age of 23, a male, starting a carrier

with a salary, say RM2000 per month.

Monthly, extracting your expenditures on foods, transportation (public

or motorcycle), electricity, water, phone, house rent and other

expenses, say you can save about RM800 the most.

Then, because you are a good son, you send some money to your parents or relatives about

RM300 per month. This will give you a balance of RM500 of saving. For the first year, maybe you are very discipline with

your budget, so you save about RM5000.

The next year at the age of 24, you meet a girl of your dream. Both of you

plan to get married after one year or two. Ok, that's fine, it gives you

time to save some more money and some more time to prepare the basic

necessities for a 'happy' family? a car and a roof to live under. That year

because you are a hard worker, you get a raise of 10%.

Since you are also a gentleman, you make sure some money is put aside to spend on dates and

gifts for your girl, so 10% goes for her. Like the previous year, after

much sweat and Meggie-eating months, you save another RM5000. You are paid 2 months bonus. So, another RM4000 is

added to your saving. So, your total saving now is RM14,000.

You decide to spend about RM8000 on a brand-new RM40,000 car down payment. So, youR

net saving that year is RM6000.

The next year at the age of 25, you are doing fine at work. But because

now you have to pay for car every month, your total monthly saving is

cut down to about RM400. You save roughly about RM5000 that year. No

bonus that year because your company is doing poor.

So, your total

saving in the bank is RM11,000.

Then, you decide to get engaged with

your girlfriend. She said OK. So, need to buy an engagement ring.

RM1500 is spent on ring plus 'hantaran pertunangan'.

So, your net

saving that year is RM9,500.

The next year at the age of 26, you get promoted. Your

salary now is 1.5 of your starting salary at the company. Good news! You think. "Ok, this year

I will get married". You also are 'gersang' already. :)

So, you ask your fiancée "how much is the dowry (hantaran)? "

She say, "berapa-berapa yang u sanggup".

You ask,"RM5000 ok?".

She replies, "I okay je. Tapi my mom tu. Dia kata grad oversea macam I

ni mane boleh letak rendah-rendah. Paling kurang RM10,000 tau!".

Your eyes 'terjegil', air liur 'meleleh' and you faint on the spot.

"Where else in the world can I get extra money?", you say to yourself.

But, because you are very determined to get married with your dream

girl and in the name of love, you work really really hard that year

until you are awarded "The Best Employee of The Year". You get 3 months

of bonus. You also do some side business to supply ayam pencen. So,

roughly your net saving at the end of that year is RM20,000.

Ok, now you are 27 years old with enough saving in the bank to pay for

the dowry. But then, come your mom saying,"Anak mak nak kawin ni mesti

la buat grand grand. Kita sewa khemah besar-besar, jemput penyanyi ke

artis ke sorang dua datang buat persembahan. Lauk pauk kita cater aje

la ya? RM10 je sekepala. Baju kawin ko, kita sewa yg cantik-cantik

dan mahal-mahal sket. Kita jemput dalam 1000 orang datang ok?"

You did a quick in-the-head-calculation,

"1000xRM10=RM10,000, penyanyi lagi, khemah lagi, buta-buta je RM15,000!!! Tu tak masuk cincin kahwin lagi!!"

You say,"Mak, nak buat apa membazir-bazir duit ni?"

Your mom replies,"Apa pulak membazirnya? Kau kawin sekali je seumur hidup.

`Biarlah buat betul-betul." You insist,"Tapi mak?"

Your mom says, "Dahlah, kau jangan nak buat malu mak. Cik Tipah jiran

kita tu buat kenduri kat hotel siap dato, datin, tan sri puan sri lagi

datang. Mana la mak nak letak muka kalau buat kenduri kecik kecik?".

Anyway, you finally get married. But, a beautiful happy life after

marriage that you dream of with your wife does not last long. You have

debts around your waist, interest gets higher every month, cannot

afford to pay them, you wife gets tired of you asking money from her,

she accuses you of being irresponsible husband for not being a good

provider, blah blah blah? At the

end, you two go into separate ways? You get divorced.

Problem breeds problem? Sometimes we wonder why marriage institution is failing in our country.

The above example may not represent the whole phenomena in our culture,

but perhaps it gives us some ideas of the problems young couple these

days are facing in getting married from my perspective.

The Root Cause of The Problem...

There is something wrong in our culture. I really think there are some

practices in our culture in Malaysia (Malay culture specifically) that

do not make sense and especially they are contrary to the teaching of

Islam. These practices are well-rooted in our culture that

unfortunately because of them, many people are 'afraid' to get married,

or simply feel like they cannot afford when they are actually can

afford. These are some of my observation and summary analysis:

(1) Marriage should be done in the most modest way but in Malaysia, it

is ought to be done in the most lavish way. Competition on whose

wedding is the most grandeur is almost unavoidable. Fame is usually the

reason why people spend unreasonable and wasteful amount of money for a


(2) The "price" of a woman is measured according to her perhaps

educational status not according to her knowledge and understanding of

Deen and piety as suggested by the religion. The saddest thing is that

"price" is put on women, who are supposed to be, if God-loving,

kind-hearted and pious ones, "priceless"! 'Dowry' system is adopted by

the Malays from perhaps the Indians who came to Malaysia long time ago.

When the 'dowry' is put too high and men can't afford to pay, marriage

is usually delayed or cancelled. An effort to build another small brick

unit of this Deen is delayed or perhaps destroyed only for this reason.

(3) Marriage should be a quick and easy process for the couple not hard,

which eventually becomes a burden. These days, we make marriage so

complicated that people are afraid of getting married. When I was in

the Sydney, I saw Muslim brothers and sisters getting married at the

mosque, with just some sweets as the main course for the guests. The

guests who were invited to witness the ceremony were usually whoever

prayed jemaah at the mosque or some close relatives and friends. There

is no point of being extravagance. We should focus on the life after wedding not the wedding

itself. Wedding is only a door to the marriage house. Why should we

spent a lot of money to decorate the door so beautifully, when the

inside of the house is then left empty, dark and unattractive?

Respect siot sape tulis ni...

Rungutan semua

Telah melihat status sesetengah member2 seperjuangan kat Dochland, semua sama...

Semua xnk balik sana balik.

Lagipun, normal kan? Susah nak let go benda yang best... :)

Friday, 24 September 2010


Lama x luahkan perasaan gua dalam blog..

Pertamanya... Gua dah buang bende ala 'feedjit' dalam blog ni, so identiti pembaca boleh dirahsiakan dari ak atau pembaca2 len. ..

Keduanya.. Gua akan balik Deutschland isnin malam ni. And honestly, xnak balik. Tapi kene pergi gak. Hai...

Ketiga.. Ak harap mulut ak, tangan ak, n kaki ak terjaga dari buat benda2 yang ak akan menyesal di kemudian hari. Contohnya study last minit, mulut terlampau vokal dll..

Keempat.. Kejayaan gua kejayaan gua sorang. Kalau gua tolong orang, n orang rasa rimas, gua berambus sbb gua xkan tolong lagi orang2 yang penuh ego. Kadang2 gua penat2 tolong orang, tapi orang anggap gua ni cam mesin. Bile nk gune, masa tu la lu on. Bile xnk guni simpan n kunci dalam stor- x servis2. Pastu bile mesin rosak, cakap mesin tu jahat. Lu piker sendiri..

Kelima... Gua dah bosan orang2 yang suka menilai gua. Buat silap sket, cakap gua macam2. X pernah nk tgk cermin.

Keenam... Gua xnak emo sangat mcam dulu2. Emo2 sangat x guna sebenarnya. Klau org nak buat tahik ngan ak, biarlah deorg. Gua diam n harap lu ol muhasabah diri. Janji gua senyap je. Kalau gua diam lama tu, faham2 sendiri ar. Dah... tu last pernyataan emo ak... lepas ni xde da..

Monday, 20 September 2010

Hari raya.. oo.. hari raya

Hari raya tahun ni hari raya yang paling meriah...

Dari bulan puasa dah start dah meriahnya... semenjak pulang ke tanah air tercinta..

Antara benda2 yang telah buat pi Singapore, blk Kampung, driving siang malam, night life, beraya sana sini, etc3...

Overall really had a good time. lepak ngan famili, jumpe membe2 lama yang telah lama x berjumpa.. luv it..


rasa berat hati nak balik Deutchland balik. But life must go on... Balik2 ni kene sibukkan diri nk mintak practical n study btul2 untuk Hauptstudium ni. Priorities...oh priorities...

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Selamat hari raya

Saya mengucapkan selamat hari dan maaf zahir dan batin untuk smua pembaca blog ini.

Diharap agar saya dapat dimaafkan jikalau telah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengerutkan dahi atau menyinggung pihak2 tertentu.

Dan seperti tahun sebelumnya, mural raya dilancarkan..

Teruskan mengikuti blog ni :)

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Flaws in the Mcdonald fries test..

1. I was told one day, that eating at Mcdonalds is to be discouraged because the ingredients of the food is put under scrutiny.

2. These news are spread through alternative medias like youtube, facebook, and many other sources.

3. But being a person who I am, i never trust things unless it is proven to me in front of my eyes and is backed up by scientific facts.

4. A brief description of the test; They put McDonald's products in air tight containers like big macs and fries, each separated in another container. Then, as control, they put an ordinary burger in another separate container and normal home made fries in another. They leave those containers for a few weeks. (Just look at youtube and search)

5. The result: The fries never go bad, the McDonald burgers take a much longer time to decay than ordinary burgers. So, they say that the fries are artificial, the beef is artificial and this and that. Pish posh.. To keep it short, they say : Don't eat at McD. I myself am not a fan of fast food but a fan of science and facts.

6. Being a number one fan of Discovery Channel's 'Mythbusters', after seeing them researching, proofing and negating conspiracy theorists I decided to be a Mythbuster myself.

7. My conclusion: This test is to be discredited because

  • in the French Fries explanation
a) When we swallow food, our saliva and teeth break them down to smaller particles.

b) The chewed food is broken down through Hydrochloric acid in our stomachs whose pH levels range from 1 to 2.

c) The test is carried out under the absence of physical breakdown and chemical break
down. In other words, the fries not decaying doesn't mean that our food is not being digested. Its just a matter of the advancements McDonalds have in their food preservation technology. If it is "poison", i think the authorities would have already banned Mcdonalds a log time ago.

  • The burgers decaying later than ordinary burgers
a) A simple explanation. McDonald's beef patties are manufactured under a very controlled hygienic environment. Normal beef patty (in this experiment = hand-made), are made
from hand and in a non industrial hygienically certified environment. That's why they decay faster.

8. For me, this is another example of unhealthy competition in the fast food industry. Some other companies use alternative media to spread lies and in turn discredit their rival's capability.

9. Any feedback, please comment. Thanks :)

Sunday, 22 August 2010


Polpot killed thousands of cambodians.

Hitler killed countless civilians.

Israel kills countless Palestinians.

European settlers killed thousands of Australian aborigines

Communists killed so many during the Darurat (Emergency)

Japanese killed countless civilians during WW2

Spanish colonialists killed countless of Mayans

And many other similar scenarios...

But all these killings have one thing in common. The leaders responsible for these killings never admit that they have done wrong. All will come out with arguments to justify their actions even though it is clear to human logic that what they do is inherently wrong. I wonder, what if these leaders were themselves victims to their own decisions, I wonder what will they say by then.

These leaders say that people who condemn them could never grasp the big picture of what their cause was for. Polpot strived for an agricultural ethiopia in Cambodia, Hitler strived for the sake of the German race, Israel kills for internal security and so on.. until u get sick of their arguments.

For me, they are criminals, like how people who murder children, would argue when they justify their actions in court.

In war, only soldiers should be killed on the battlefield, not innocent people. But if innocent people help them, then, they are to be treated as soldiers, for they are also contributing to the enemies' advance. That is the dirty truth of wars. It is difficult if war occurs.

Ok, if u were a warlord, and the enemy is having mortars and rocket launchers, bombing the houses of you families. But the catch is, each mortar and rocket launcher is accompanied by one child. As a warlord, what will you do?

a) kill the rocket launchers and at the same time killing the accompanying child


b) have sympathy for the children, and just let the enemy fire mortars killing your own family.

So being in a war is not easy. Deceits occur, people get killed, more widows roam the street, and more children become orphans.

But back to the topic, "justification", : every human being will tend to do something perceived as good to them, but perceived as bad by others. And when that occurs, they will justify their actions even though it goes far away from human logic. So in this pretext, the word RIGHT and WRONG technically doesn't exist. Nothing is RIGHT in this world and nothing is WRONG in this world if you catch my drift.

But what gives meaning to the word RIGHT and WRONG is the satisfaction you feel having the feeling that what you do, is in your perspective CORRECT.

So how does God save the human race from this dilemma. He sends to us Revelations through our Prophets so as we are not guided astray due to our human nature.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

It takes somebody

Alhamdulillah i"m home in JB to spend the ramadhan with my family and spend time with friends.

I like the weather here, not as hot like last year, and relaxing spending time at home, in a territory you don't feel so foreign like living in a student college.

By the way, still jet-lagging, and don"t know when this ordeal will end. Sleep in the day, active at night. For me, the medicine for jet lagging is gallons of coffee, but since its the fasting month, i have to naturally set my body clock without the means of stimulants.

Back here, i realized my oral english is slowly deteriorating. Have not been able to complete a sentence in 100% english. There must always be "rojak" one way or another.

That's what happens when you don't practice: you forget.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

How propaganda changes perspectives

My opinion: People can use media to mislead the masses.

Have you ever seen short home made films or movies that wants to bring out the scene by putting sad or violent background musics to make their point clear.

Ok, i bet some of you still cannot understand. I'll give you an example.

The movie clip is about a war torn town in Baghdad. Without the background music and special effects, it's just another lame movie clip about the aftermath of wars

But, u see, there's an art in propoganda. It means going through the inner part of the mind and planting information in those areas be it true or false, leading or misleading. Ok back to the clip:

What's the difference if you put the background music of a national anthem of a country and the background music of a sad concerto. The mind then perceives the boring clip of Baghdad in two persepectives.

One of them, is the perspective that, the destruction of Baghdad is nationalistic and must be done to protect justice and liberty and the other perspective is that the destruction of Baghdad is sad, unfair and inhumane. So watching those edited clips, we let the movie makers go inside our mind and unknowingly change the perspective of how we see things.

You see, what propaganda does is tell you what to think instead of how to think. ANother example, is north korea and china. Westerners see the booming economy of the asians as a threat to their stability, so, they come out with propoganda scientists with the aim of discrediting the chinese labour market. They say that they charge cheap, inhumane labour through their documentaries and at the same time fail to look at the chaotic situation they themselves have being hostages to worker's union threatening to stop production or services if the demands of these unions are not met.

So, what I'm saying is that all propoganda, be it good or bad, all have one thing in common. All are one-sided. It produces one-sided thinkers instead of wise ones. Be it semitic or anti semitic, democrat or republican, consevative or liberal, all of them have equally the same destructive effects to the human psyche.

That is why, i like watching cartoons. No propoganda. Just pure relaxing entertainment.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Balik lagi sekali

Ok2.. Mesti ada yang pelik kenapa ak tiap2 tahun nak balik.

1. Kat sini bosan
2. Lagi saving kalau balik
3. Rindu makan dengan keluarga tercinta
4. Tahun depan kemungkinan beso x bole blk sebab ada practical
5. Alang2 raya kene time cuti summer, blk je la..
6. Rindu mak masak, rindu famili

Semakin jauh dari negara sendiri, semakin korang cinta kat tanahair. Kalau dah duduk dekat, agak susah sbenarnya nak hargai bende yang ada depan mata.

By the way, penat sebnarnya bercuti ni. Lagi penat dari masa tgh ada kelas. Nk pegi sana la, sini la, situ lah, nk berjalan satu hal, nk plan satu hal, bile balik JB, serius lega. Xya fikir ap dah.

Kesimpulannya, susuah sebenarnya duduk oversea ni. Ada bek buruk dia. Bek dia, memnag ar dpt pusing2, melancong.. tp buruknya ada gak. Ko terpaksa berdikari sorg2. Klau demam, sakit, xde org nk manjakan korang. Urusan hidup semua kene buat sendiri. Silap langkah, fale pekse, kene bayar balik penaja. So setiap kebaikan datang dgn keburukan and setiap keburukan ada kebaikan dia yang tersembunyi.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

CAT Scans and operation

Ok.. i have a sharp pain my teeth, the dentist says that i have 4 extra teeth, one on every corner of my mouth causing me discomfort after I eat. I never noticed it, but once the doctor mentions it, i start feeling the pain. Typical case of a placebo effect.

So, deciiding to benefit 100% from the insurance policy in Germnay, I decided to pull those 4 teeth out. I found out that it was a big deal to pull out 4 teeth.

1. My teeth was x-rayed for the first time. Seriously, during the process, i discovered that either I was slightly claustrophobic or I had a distrust for things I'm not familiar with. U see, they told me to bite a plastic biting thingy while the x ray machine rotated around my face. That x ray machine invaded my private space. Just imagine, a meer 5 cm from the tip of my nose.

2. Got a mini lecture by the dentist about dentistry. Talking medicine to an engineer. Just imagine. Well, what should I say. The horrible part was when the dentist explained to me the worst case scenario if I undertook the operation. Scary..

3. The dentist then transfered me to a chiropractor. Ok, another long lecture. Now about neurology. Then, he told me that I had to go profile my the nerves in my gums at a radiologist. So, again, I got transfered to one.

4. The appointment at the radiologist was 7:45am. So many old people were there. I thought it would be just another normal xray, but no. A CAT scan. One of my uncomfortable encounters in my life worth telling. The feeling was worse than being whistled at by a group of transvetites. Seriously. I had to bite a piece of tissue, and close my eyes, while the alien machine rotated around my whole body. Not only the fear of tight spaces, but the fear of not being to look at what was causing the fear was horrible.

5. The following afternoon, was the another yet horrible thing. You see, I was the type who hated foreign unknown objects going inside my body, like needles and medicine. The chiropractor told me to lie down on the dentist chair and relax. Well, I relaxed until I saw the biggest needle I ever seen in my life. The whole device was even larger than the German docotr's hand. SO, I said to myself: Ok, just one shot and its ok. The nurse beside me could read my fearful facial expression. So she held my hand. Ok that took of the pressure, but waht I felt next was super traumatic

6. The giant needle went into my gums. Because my mouth was opened, I screamed like a madman. So far as I knew, all books saying that injections just feel like a slight sting was wrong. It really felt like someone what scraping your gums out with a teaspoon. Then something unexpected came, my lips were injected, my upper gums was injected. And of course, I saw my life brushing through me.

7.The last time I had to feel like this was during I circumcised. I really felt like punching the doctor at that time, but if i were to have punched him, perhaps the needle would only be sticking in mouth and the more it would hurt. The nurse kept holding my hand, and only that gave me comfort through the pain. 4 injections from big needles.

8. After the torture was complete, couldn't feel my mouth. That made my heart beat so rapidly. By that time, I was sweating like a pig. I really regretted my visit to the dentist but it was too late. By that time, things i never thought of suddenly rushed into my head like water in a drain. Really felt like I was not in this world. Was this the feeling of getting high?

9. So while i was dazed because of the bius, the doctor took out his tool kit and layed all the pliers on the table. But unexpectedly, i smiled at the doctor and the nurse. Seriusly the drugs were taking effect.

10. Soon after, the operation came. I was told to close my eyes while the doctor forcefully yanked my teeth out. I felt like a machine. He pushed my head to his bloated belly and pulled the two teeth out with a large plier. When he wanted to stich my gums, I could feel the strings sliding from my chin into the mouth because my chin was not numb. A grueling 30 minutes and when the procedure was finished, i saw the teeth.

11. When everything was done, I was very happy. Never felt that relieved im my entire life. When I came home, blood was gushing out from the stitches. Another grueling 8 hours to recuperate. After a nightmarisch 8 hours, the stitch partially dried up and i no longer had to swallow my blood.

12. In conclusion, surgery sucks. I recommend to you readers to take care of your health, quit smoking, drink lots of water and excercise regularly. Because if u don't, u will have to go through this harmless looking but heavily torturous ordeal.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Operation dan appointment

Temujanji dalam bahasa Jerman = Termin = Appointment

Ad satu suku kata ak reka sendiri = Deutschland, Land des Temins = Jerman, negara temujanji. Nak pergi dktor kene buat Termin, nak servis beskal, kene buat termin, nasib baik nak makan luar xya buat termin. Klau x ak buat termin sekali untuk kerosakan sistem birokrasi yang membebankan rakyat.

Tapi on the bright side, buat temujanji banyak faedah tersembunyi rupanya. Dapat bajet masa, xya nk beratur, xya nk tension sbb lambat, tapi yang lemahnya, xbole buat benda dengan spontan. Kalau macam tetiba tergerak hati nak gi klinik sbb tetiba demam, kira membebankan jugak.

Jalan penyelesaian nk elak beratur panjang dkt pejabat pentadbiran kerajaan ialah temujanji. Cuba bayangkan, kalau kat imegresen, klau semua pelanggan wajib atur janji nk datang pukul berapa, lepas tu orang pentadbiran kat imegresen tetapkan, contoh, purata untuk satu urusan 7 minit, ak rasa xya la nak pakai sistem amek nombo kat pejabat, lepas tu bazirkan masa nk tunggu org len siap.

Lepas tu, orang pentadbiran, pakailah simple maths, nak tetapkan berapa pegawai yang kene bertugas dalam satu jangka masa tertentu.

-->. Contoh 80 pegawai, purata masa untuk satu urusan 10 minit,
--> Pegawai2 wajib keje dari pukul 8 pagi sampai 5 petang tolak waktu rehat dan solat = satu hari 7 jam.
--> Jumlah pelanggan yang boleh dilayan = 7 x 6 x 80 = 3360

Masa rakyat jimat, rakyat dapat guna masa yang terlebih tu untuk majukan lagi negara daripada bazirkan masa beratur dekat pejabat pentadbiran. Qualiti perkhidmatan akan melonjak 100% sebab pegawai2 xkan diberi tekanan sebab kurang masa. Efficency pegawai meningkat, kerana masa deorang xkan diguna untuk bergoyang kaki dan cakap2 kosong kat pejabat.

Dalam masa yang sama, rakyat pun akan jd lagi disiplin sebab terikat dgn masa temujanji. Disiplin pengurusan masa rakyat akan meningkat 100%, Malaysia maju 2020.

By the way: Minggu depan ak kene operation, kene buang 4 gigi kat hujung. aaa.. cuak. Masa dia check gigi ak sebelum dia putuskan nak buang gigi ak, serius seram. Dah la ganas doktor tu. Tekan gusi ak, tekan macam nak bunuh orang. Lepas gigi ak di'xray', ak diberi kelas pergigian oleh doktor tu. Angguk dan 'ye'kan je lah apa yang kluar dr mulut dia. Bukan tau pape pun pasal gigi. Lepas tu kene transfer pergi chiropractic sepanjang minggu depan. Huhuhu.. cuak3..

Thursday, 22 July 2010

No milk in coffee

Panes gile ak kat sini. Ada sorg ni dr Afrika, yang duduk umah ak. Basically macam ni: Dia pandai2 buat peraturan: Barang aku barang dia, barang dia barang aku.. Ak x kesah.. serius.. tapi bila tahap dia ajak kawan datang, pastu barang ak nak pow sampai habis, agak2 le..

Cili padi ak amek, bl nk masak, dah x pedas. Yang panasnya, susu kopi ak nak amek tu. Skarang nk minum kopi dah x bersusu. X kesah dia amek sikit. Tapi yang bengangnya, ada ke kawan dia datang, amek susu ak x bgtau. Pastu ntah camna, dia buat susu tu macam dadah agaknya. Habis satu kotak habis. Dah la kotak last ak, yang ak budget nak simpan smpai scholar next masuk.

So, skang minum kopi dah x best. X bersusu. Manis dan pahit semata-mata tanpa lemak. Dah banyak da benda slack dia buat ngan ak. Tp ak bersabar x tahu sampai bila bole bertahan.

Persoalannya sekarang mentaliti. Cuba tengok, orang2 German x pernah buat camni. Orang2 negara maju jarang nak meminta-minta and merungut bila ditimpa kesusahan malah akan kerja lebih kuat supaya boleh lepas dari kesusahan dia hadapi. Tapi orang 3rd class mentaliti ni, klau susah, merungut. Fine, klau merungut, x salah, tapi merungut tanpa jalan penyelesaian ak rasa bodoh. Merungut pekse susah, akan fail, tapi xde usaha nak fahamkan. Tu bodoh.. (sori ni first time ak gune perkataan ni dlm blog ni).

Pastu, contoh, tgk kat France especially kat Paris. Bole sangat nampak contoh 3rd world mentaliti org2 asing kat sana. Meminta-minta, tapi keje xde. Bile dpt duit pegi memabukkan diri macam binatang dekat disko, bar dll. Bile xde duit merungut.. cakap kerajaan x gune lah, orang corruptlah, tp tgk lah diri sendiri dulu sebelum salahkan sistem yang dah banyak tolong deorg.

Same goes to Malaysia. Klau agak2 xde duit tu, crlah keje extra, belanjalah pada benda2 penting (bukan simpan duit tuk beli henset mahal2). Ni bile susah sket, salahkan kerajaan, pastu bazirkan masa baca surat khabar yang banyak crite politik pasal dia corruptlah, ni konspirasilah, tu la, ni la..

Klau isu politik tu ada kesan kat hidup korang, adalah sebab nak jd emosi pasal isu tu. Tp bila xde kene mengena, nk pegi buat protes kat jalan, dalam masa yang sama membebankan orang lain yang x terlibat, ak rasa x praktikal.

Satu benda pasal nk aktif dalam politik ni, orang yang aktif ni, segelintir je dapat perjuangkan apa yang dia betul2 nak. Tapi kebanyakan jadi alat permainan orang2 politik atasan untuk dapat kuasa.

Cuba tgk penyokong pembangkang, atau penyokong BN. Deorg buat kacau, jerit macam hantu kat atas jalan raya, tapi yang untungnya siapa? Orang atasan BN, PKR, DAP, PAS dll. So sebagai insan yang diberi keistimewaan oleh Pencipta untuk berfikir dan berbakti, gunalah kepala korg untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat sekeliling daripada jadi alat permainan orang2 politik atasan.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Reasons why I hate Justin Bieber

1. He steals the name of my hometown Johor Bahru. As I said in facebook, JB is Johor Bahru, NOT Justin Bieber.

2. His producers produces videos which give a bad influence to teens. For crying out loud, he is not even 18 and already singing songs about love, dating, and crap which I believe its not advisable for teens.

3. Perhaps I should only hate his producers, but I hate him more for agreeing to do it. People who find cheap love at a young age normally don't go very far in life; and he's like indirectly saying to his stupid fans: ''Hey, find love, enjoy life, take it easy'' and at the same time his fans are screaming at him like he's a saviour of some sort. And the modernized western concept of love is not about commitment, buat mostly pre marital sex.

4. That's why, some people say the media is poison. Seeing Justin Bieber further emphasizes my point. The media poisons the youth.

5. His child like, girlish voice and ability of playing the guitar are the only things which make him a star. Can't wait when he goes ito puberty. Let's see what his producers and fans think of him by then.

6. My message to his fans: It's ok to like him, but to be obsessed over a person who's voice will go away in a few years time is not practical.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Exam hampir habis..

1.Sorry pembaca2 sebab ak terlampau emo beberapa minggu ni. Mungkin sebab exam otak pun dah bercelaru. Tapi at least ok da..

2. Ni pertama kali ak dapat 4 flat standard german. (maksudnya pass cukup2 makan).. tp x kesah ar.. janji pass..

3. Tu ak x suke pekse ni. Kadang2, semua benda faham, tapi bl tgk markah pekse, looks like ak x faham apa2..

4. Kadang2 satu benda x faham tapi tgk markah pekse, looks like ak mmg tau banyak pasal subjek tu.. So, ntah la.

5. Sistem peperiksaan ni ada baik buruk dia:

a: Baik dia: paksa student tuk fahamkan subjek tu betul. Kalau xde pekse, ak rasa student xkan amek inisiatif nak blaja.

b: Buruk dia: Seperti ak sebut kat atas. Penilaian x berasaskan pemahaman tapi based on keupayaan selesai masalah dalam tempoh masa yang kdg2 terlampau singkat.

6. Peperiksaan = pekse = paksa

7. So fikir2 balik, ad prof ak pernah cakap (Noten sind nicht alles) : Markah pekse bukanlah penentu. So ak harap nanti ak apply practical, deorg x tgk sangat result. Kang orang interview tanya, ak nak keluarkan argument ni.

8. Atau adakah ak memang x competent? Ntah..

9. Tp yang penting, pekse dah nak habis.. lepas ni boleh hembus nafas lega dan x lagi bangun dari katil pagi2 dgn muka yang x kerut2.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Bila kepala dah serabut

1. Bila kepala dah serabut, mkasudnya rambut dah terlampau panjang. Nak potong rambut besok dgn harapan deorg potong x terlalu pendek.

2. Hari ni ak serabut sebab dah bosan. Ad mamat dari afrika ni, pindah umah ak. Ok, dia crite dia byk masalah, so ak tolong sebagaimana ak mampu. Lama2 telah sedar bahawa ak telah diambil kesempatan. Crita2 dia semua saling bercanggah dan telah ku sedar dia banyak menipu kat ak. Lepas ni malas ar nak amek kesah hal org.

3. Bila tolong orang ni, macam2 reaksi dapat. Kadang2 certain reaksi ni buat ak rs menyampah and last2 menyesal tolong dia. Ak especially x suka reaksi orang yang ego dia kuat. So pesanan kat orang yang ber'ego' kuat ni: Ko kan hebat.. next time ada masalh, selesai sendiri.. kata dah hebat

4. Orang yang mintak tolong ni pun satu. Kalau ak xde benda nak bagi, contact ak x, nk ajak borak pun xnk layan, siap2 cakap blakng lagi. Tapi bila nak mintak tolong, tiba2 jd 'unusually baik'. Suara2 gedik yang x pernah kluar semua kluar. Lagi ak menyampah sebenarnya. Ingat comel, lawa? Tu namanya orang yang berbaik x ikhlas.

5. Dunia ni penuh ngan ilusi optik. Kalu x nk terpengaruh ngan ilusi ni, bek duduk dalam kotak hitam!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Pekse belum habis dah piker nak cuti.. teruk tul!

Masa belek2 kat youtube, ak ad terjumpa satu video homemade. Mesej dia best:

'' You want to know what a person is like, see what he or she does during summer break''

Fikir2, betul gak. Hmm.. lama tu summer break.. Xtau nak buat ap.. Secara rasminya, ak ada 3 miggu kat German, seblum ak balik JB tuk puasa n peluk adik ak, ngan buli dia time bosan2.. hehe..

Sp, ap nk buat. Nk hrap budak2 len tolong plankan cuti, deorg mesti malas sebagaimana ak sendiri malas gile nk plan2 benda. 3 minggu tu.. Hmm.. nk buat apa..

a) nek basikal pusing2, sampai kulit hitam legam??
b) melawat membe kat France??
c) Main game sampai bosan??
d) melawan napsu malas, dan plankan ap2 cuti??
e) Blaja swimming ngan budak2 kelas kat tasik kat Freiburg??
f) Tgk muvi siang malam smapi terkeluar buih putih dari mulut??

Ntah la.. bosan..

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Bebelan (2)

Semakin dekat exam, semakain byk plak bebel.

1.1st paper, programming pakai Labview. Ok kot..

2. 2nd paper, maths. Maths yang ala2 informatik. Cubab bayangkan.. dalam satu sem, di mana xde latihan, and kelas hanya sekali seminggu, kene blaja benda yang patut dibelajar dalam tempoh 3 tahun.

- Statistic
- Fourier pe bende ntah..
- Programming

3. Tiga2 subjek di atas ak rasa klau btul2 nk genggam kene blaja asing2.. BUkan nak trus sumbat satu subjek. Hai.. dah lah penting tuk engineer, sepatah ap x faham.. Nak salahkan sape? Prof? Sekretariat? Diri sendiri?.. Ntah la..

4. So ni first time seumur hidup ak, ak nk kluarkan kenyataan ni:
''Kalau ak fail maths sem ni, i don't give a damn sebab ak x faham pape. X kesah repeat.. Sbg jururtera, ak rasa topik ni penting. Kalau x faham, bek xya lulus pekse tu''

5. Tapi klau fale, 2 subjek extra kena amek sem depan.. So.. ntah la..

6. By the way, hari ni baru dapat RAM baru. Fuh.. RAM sebenarnya yang buat masalah. Sekarang windows 7 dah kembali n computer ak x hang2 doh.. Yipee..

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Bebelan random melepaskan steam

1. Seronok tgk world cup tp x sronok bile world cup berlangsung time exam..

2. Telah hantar RAM computer untuk tukar dgn yang baru. Nasib baik ada warranty.

3. Xtau plak virus bole serang sampai kat RAM. Ingat dia makan hdisk je.

4. Basikal lama a.k.a basikal hasan dah jadi beskal terbiar sebab terkunci kat Stadt n sampai skg x bole bukak2 sbb kunci yang sengal.

5. Beskal tracking ak la terpkasa diguna untuk bergerak. Cuak kene curi. So xble tinggal lama2.

6. Teach people to have prejudice, the more the world will have prejudice against you. Jangan salahkan dunia tapi tengokla cermin.

7. Sekarang tgh blaja avoid org2 kat FH yang bek ngan ak sbb nk fotostat nota. Awal2 sem x pegi kelas, sombong gila.. akhir2 sem tetiba diberi senyuman2 palsu diikuti dengan mintak nota. Tension tul ngan org2 camni..

8. Buat apa ada beratus kawan tapi sorang pun x bole harap. Baik ada kawan2 yg setia walaupun siket.

9. Harga diri lagi penting

10. Takes me a while to figure those out.

11. So scheiß drauf...

Saturday, 19 June 2010

JIwang dan matang

Selagi ak x matang luar dalam, xnk jd jiwang

So bila dah matang kang, jumpa jodoh dlm situasi macam drama korea. Pergh!! Situasi tegang

Tapi penghabisan kebanyakan drama korea.. smua menang

Sbb bila x matang, semua nk jiwang2, fikir pun x tenang..

Bl matang, kenyang, tenang dan menawan baru bole jiwang..

Kalau pra matang (oops), jgn sesekali jd jiwang,

Kang naik miang

So let me matang..

Kembali ke zaman gelap, pulang ke zaman cerah

Komputer rosak seminggu. Sebenarnya hasil kecuaian ak.

Internal hard disk, ada 4 lubang nak screwkan dalam CPU

ssemakin masa berlalu semaklin merosakkan data2 ak yg tersayang akabat gegaran CPU misteri

hasil bedah siasat menunjukkan, masa ak pasang hard disk tu 3 bulan lepas, ak hanya pasang 2 screw je kat belah kanan hardisk tu.

So bila disk dalam harddisk pusing, dia menjadi condong dan akibat pusingan yang laju, menghasilkan gegaran yang menyakitkan hati.

Akhirnya data2 ak semakin hari semakin musnah akibat gegaran ini,dan klimaks kemusnahan berlaku pabila dia makan registri ak. Dah x bole start PC.. huhu

So pegi mediamarkt (kedai elektronik), dapat refund. Ak rasa klau kat US, ak dah bole da bawak mediamarkt ke makhamah dan dakwa dia berjuta-juta US dollar walaupun ak yang buat salah mula2..

Klau kat Malaysia, jangan harap nk dpt refund apatah lagi dakwa syarikat deorg berjuta-juta ringgit Malaysia.

Sa ap kaitan tajuk blog ngan bebelan ni.. Ntah..

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Facebook shoutout

Ad membe ak sorg ni ckp, org guna shoutout secara keterlaluan ni nak cari perhatian. Ak pun duk fikir. Biarlah dia. Tp lepas fikir mendalam ak tlah sedar ada 8 jenis shoutout kat facebook:

1. Shoutout satu pihak: Shoutout yang x menimbulkan minat org len, hanya minat diri sendiri. Biasanya akan dikomen atau di-like oleh kawan2 rapat atau mereka yang sentiasa dekat di hati atau mungkin mereka2 yang minat dgn korg tp x brani ckp.. jeng3..

Contoh : Ala, kopi tumpah atas lantai..

2. Shoutout direct: Shoutout dgn niat menegur atau mengkritik seseorang atau sesuatu dgn direct.

Contoh: Mencari publisiti di facebook adalah tidak patut.

3. Shoutout indirect. Shoutout yang bertujuan mengkritik org len secara sindiran. Biasa digunakan apabila seseorang tu tgh berkonflik dgn pihak2 tertentu. Org2 yang terasa je akan faham pd masa yang sama orang yang xde kene mengena terkebil-kebil.

Contoh: Orang yang hensem biasanya sentiasa memaafkan orang len. X tau kot2 muka dah buruk x bole baiki.

4. Shoutout produktiv: Shoutout yang ada unsur membantu, mengingatkan atau mengurangkan beban orang lain.

Contoh: Jangan lupa smayang

5. Shotuout PA system: Shoutout ibarat orang tgh cakap dalam PA system masa perhimpunan sekolah

Contoh: Siapa yang blum bayar duit nasi lemak, sila transfer kat bank account saya. Sekian

6. Shoutout merungut: Shoutout yang bertujuan melepaskan persaan x puas hati atau sakit hati atau depresi

Contoh: Kenapalah banyak sangat kene blaja ni. Dah la homesick Ish.. tension3..

7. Shoutout ilmiah: Shoutout yang berunsurkan ilmiah

Contoh: Adakah kalian tahu bahawa kentut di musim panas lebih busuk dr kentut di musim sejuk.

8. Shoutout combo: Shotuout yang terdiri dari gabungan mana2 dua atau lebih jenis di atas..

Contoh: Untuk pengetahuan korg, bermain facebook ni bazirkan masa, tp xtaulah kot2 sestengah orang tu memang dah byk kawan sampai komen kawan2 lama pun xnk balas, baru x membazir main facebook. (ok agak complicated- tp u get the point right?)

Kesimpulannya, shoutout ni ada yang elok, ada yang x elok, ada yang buat orang panas x pasal2, ad yang bershoutout nak cari perhatian. Tapi gabungan macam2 jenis shoutout ni lah yang buat dunia facebook menarik.. So teruskan shoutout k? Tp jgn over2..

Facebook: Stalker's paradise

Tgk facebook, dah mcm malas dah nk komen2, tulis kat wall org, main2 application smua.. Banyak kali sebenarnya ad niat nak deactivate facebook ni, tp fikir2 blk, klau deactivate, terkeluar dari media arus perdana. Klau xde facebook, x tau apa yang berlaku sekeliling. Contoh kalau membe masuk hospital, melalui facebook je la dapat tahu.

Soalan pertama, apa org biasa buat klau bukak facebook? Nk post kat wall org.. ok partly.. tp ak rasa org guna facebook ni nak stalk org2 tertentu, sbb ak sendiri buat camtu. hihi. Privasi dikorban. Tapi harga pengorbanan privasi diri sendiri ialah dapat menceroboh privasi org len.

Itulah dunia social networking. Tambah2 lagi polisi facebook yang x bole tgk sape yang menstalk korg. Lagi sronok menstalk. Kadang2 buat la pemerhatian sket. Nama dia slalu kluar online, tp profile x gerak2 pun. Which could only mean three things.

1. Dia suka communicate dgn org pkai inbox facebook.
2. Dia dah ketagih guna application kat facebook mcm chatting, bermafia ngan bertani.
3. Dia slalu menstalk org.

Kadang2 fikir2 blk, serius creepy. Tp, x kesah, sbb dah jadi norma org2 zaman skg.


Sunday, 6 June 2010

An Adventure

Bile balik dari Rentap masa pfingsten hari tu, telah sedar yang cuti seminggu ni akan jadi sangat bosan.

So, ap ak buat. Sibukkan diri. Nek basikal dr Mullheim ke Mulhouse (disebut Mulü). Total 25km. Siap tido lg kat sana sbb tayar pancit. Ok la tu. Bole pusing2 bandar tu. Siap kenal lagi dgn pakcik dari Afrika ni sorg, bawak ak berjalan pusing bandar. Baik gile.. Nasib baek dia tahu bahasa Jerman. Klau x jengoh ak nk berkata.. Kat Mulhouse tu best. ada satu trek basikal utk tourist. Ikut track tu, semua tempat lawa kat Mulhouse dia lalu.

Waa.. dasyat.. Xya nek public transport. Tgk ar budaya orang sana. Hampir semua org kat sana friendly. X pernah x senyum. BUkan stakt friendly, comel plak tu.. hihi

Bila tayar dah baiki, pergi Strasbourg nek train. Kat Strasbourg sbb train nak pi Offenburg lama lagi, layan ar movie dalam English.. Robin Hood. Perghh.. layan.. Akibat trip ni ak prasan banyak perkataan French sebenarnya sama cam English. Contohnya, 'excuse me' dlm French 'Pardon' (disebut 'pardong'). Reparit, Entrée. Satu lagi kesan besar trip tu, kulit ak jd hitam.. huhuh

Dua minggu kemudian, aka, satu hari sebelum ak post posting ni, kluar lagi dgn beskal. Sekarang lagi jauh. Dari Offenburg, ke satu pulau tgh2 sungai Rhine, di mana ada empangan kat sana.

jarak Offenburg-Empangan: 15km. First time melawat empangan. Bila duk tepi empangan tu, pas tu tgk bawah, tiba2 nek liang bulu roma sebab terbayang kalau tiba2 terjatuh dari empangan tu.

Dalam gila. 500 meter kot camtu.. gile ar.. Tapi x pergi pun pulau tu, sbb basikal x ble lalu. Kat pulau tu deorg kata ada nature reserve ap ntah.. Tgk2 xde org pun pergi. Klau xde org pergi, mesti x best. So xnk ar pergi. Dah lah summer, lalat merata.

Lepas tu, berbasikal lah dari empangan tu gi Strasbourg menuju utara. Tambah lagi 10 kilometer. Sampai2 sempadan City Strasbourg, mcm malas plak nak pergi, so lintas ar jambatan pergi Kehl terus.
Kat Kehl, lepak2 jap kat jambatan antara France ngan Germany. Rehat. Hari panas, angin sungai Rhein sejuk, so memang nikmat.. Lepas 15 minit bergerak la ke Offenburg kembali.. tambah lagi 17.7km. Bile balik, tgk cermin, terkejut dgn kehitaman kulit..

Target.. next trip lepas pekse: Freiburg- Vogelsheim - Colmar.

Sape nk join.. jom