Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Kami pernah dijajah mereka, kini sebaliknya

Last week my friends and I were in London. A seemingly short 5 days trip in the heart of England. London was for me the same as Kuala Lumpur. The dirt, the varsity, the people, the mentality. It reminded me of home and eventually I noticed that Malaysia followed London in many ways.

26th December was boxing day in England, and of course, discounts were everywhere. Outrageous amounts of people filled the dtreets of Oxford until it made me feel drowsy. Remembered the term 'Kuasa Rakyat' by Malaysian opposition and saw it in action in London. The rakyat (people) conquered the streets and crossed roads eventhough the traffic light was still red. Jaywalking was common and because of that traffics were in chaos. There was once this forum I heard in my FH :'Ordung und Chaos' (Order and Chaos), and the situation in London is for me under the catagory 'Chaos'. Public order was hard to be upheld. Even police cars and ambulances were held in traffic.

Kenapa ak buat tajuk blog ak camtu? Sebab kat London penuh org asing. Orang dari commonwealth kot. Org Malaysia pun penuh sampai dah jengoh nak tegur satu2. Jumpe2 buat dek je. Deorg pun sama. Nk jumpa org local pun siket je. Jgnlah Malaysia jd camni nnt. So, buatlah anak byk2 k untk agama, bangsa dan negara.. hehe.

Memorable trip. Many places we've been to. Thanx guys. Now, concentrate pekse k? BUlan depan dah exam. Bangkit2.. Jgn men2.. Good luck..

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Revolusi boleh tumbang juga

Jap2. Post ni xde kaitan langsung dgn politik Malaysia. Post ni ad kaitan dengan politik dunia dan politik manusia yang kengkadang bukan bole baiki dunia ni, malah buat dunia ni lagi teruk dan kacau bilau.

Revolusi = revolt. Revolt against ap? Kekejaman, penindasan dan kekerasan?

Revolusi Inggeris sebabkan jatuhnya kuasa mutlak raja kat Britian, revolusi Perancis sebabkan hapusnya monarki kat Perancis, revolusi Rusia sebabkan naiknya kuasa rakyat menentang Czar dan korupsi, revolusi Amerika sebabkan merdekanya Amerika Syarikat. Niat golongan yang cetuskan revoulusi ni elok.

Tapi revolusi ni ad satu persamaan: Revolusi selalu datang dengan kemusnahan, pembunuhan dan kehilangan nyawa orang yang x bersalah. Ekonomi hancur, pendidikan x berkembang, kanak2 merana. Niat asal orang yang cetus revolusi ni berjaya, tp dalam jangka masa panjang, deorg musnahkan bukan saja negara deorg tp diri deorg sendiri.

Kat Perancis, selapas revolusi, banyak rakyat terkorban sbb prejudice orang yang buat revolusi takut org lain nak buat revolusi jugak. Last2, kacau bilau Perancis sampailah Napoleon datang. Kat Rusia, sosialis amik alih kerajaan, yang sebabkan perang dingin dan akhirnya dunia x aman jugak. Kat Amerika, revolusi berjaya, tp last ad perang saudara (civil war) sbb deorg x bersatu.

George Santayana pernah berkata 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it'. So, ingatlah sejarah kita. Kalau semua nak bersatu nak menentang sesuatu, tp xde long term strategy, lupakan saja. Baik baiki diri sendiri dulu sebelum menghukum orang lain.

'Leadership through example'. Kalau x boleh ubah orang atau system, tunjuklah contoh baik atau buatlah ikut system yang betul, walaupun dicemuh. Working with something to change something is better than working against it to change it.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Entertainment bullsheet..

There was a quote I once heard somewhere. It said that children's hearts are pure as long as it is not tainted by hatred and bad influences. But now, the hearts and soul of everyone of us adults are tainted by specks of evil and hatred all thanks to the promise the devil made with God. As a child reaches puberty, he or she starts developing sexual urges and bad thoughts as their brains start to develop. The increasing capability of their minds are like doors into the mind which is constantly geting larger and in turn letting more influences go in be it good or bad.

A child in nature will never learn to be deceitful, a child is always loyal to their guardians and a child in nature doesn't know how to apply evil in the course of their daily lives UNLESS they are influenced by factors like parents, media and bad apples. So as I said, very dark are the hearts of men (and women). Because of this darkness they come out with words in their vocabulary like 'kneive', 'child-like' and 'inadequate' to describe people who are not like them.

Now, my post is about my critic towards the trend of the world media and how this trend is affecting the way people and most importantly children think.

Back to the topic, why do I say entertainment today is bullsheet..

1. Most blockbuster movies have stenches of propaganda in them. For example, we can see how the holywood empire has brought down the arab race by labelling them as terrorists, bombers and perpetrators of deceit. I have so far noticed that most holywood productions have a hidden message which is to sow hatred towards our comrades of the human race, bring down the holiness of God and His prophets and also serves as a propaganda for third world countries to be awed by the power of the developed nations.

2. Most holywood productions have subliminal messages which speaks to our subconscious mind and makes us agree to everthing the movie says without us thinking the rational behind it. (Search for 'subliminal message in Youtube to find out what I'm blabbering about). For your information, firms use subliminal messages in their advertistments to make us buy their products.

3. Modern cartoons intended for children are also injected with a hidden agenda only seen by the critical mind. Now we could see cartoon characters (example Barbie) kissing and hugging princes and searching for love instead of stressing upon the real responsibility of a child which is to work hard and be someone meaningful in society. That is why, I honestly hate all english cartoons produced nowadays. I prefer watching cartoons from the good old days of my childhood (late 80's and 90's) like 'Hey Arnold', 'Little Shop', 'Hey Ginger', 'Rugrats' and others which stresses upon how a child should grow up and at the same time influencing their brains in a positive way to head towards success.

4. MTV is for people who don't think. They send women, men and faggots who dress so cheap to entertain the populace and giving them useless information which could not in any way bring benefit to the populace in their lives. Instead of feeding the populace with world news, MTV gives the people an idea of how spoiled artists like 'Paris Hilton' live their pampered life. This in turn gives the impression to the viewers to stock up on useless luxuries instead of the more meaningful things in life like family and education. Now it seems that more and more people are hooked by useless news day by day till the point that they could remember all the names of the holywood artists from A to Z, who gets married, who gets divorced, who gets chilldren. This fact sickens me.

But not all in the TV is bad. We just have to be critical upon watching which type of programmes really benefit us. I never really known this fact, but eversince living here and having a lot of free time to read and research, it really opened my eyes.

So, the best way, less TV, more reading..

P.S: I purposely used 'bullsheet' instead of 'bulls**t' to avoid people picturing weird things in their heads.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Minggu yang padat

Wow.. byk benda berlaku dalam minggu ni dalam jangka masa yang singkat. Minggu yang diisi dengan kesedihan, keseronokan, kegembiraan dan keinsafan. By the way, jenazah Allayarhamah Zira selamat dekebumikan di Malaysia. Alhamdulillah.

CAD ak by the way turn out to be a catastrophe di mana bahagian subjective, ak hanya jawab 1 daripada 22 soalan. Lepas tu, part kene buat design dalam computer, tiga2 soalan smua sparuh siap. Huhu. Xpela. Next sem ada.

Sabtu tu, Arul ngan ak melawat satu tempat kat sekitar Schwarzwald yang ak panggil kingdom Narnia. First time tengok air terjun yang mengalir dalam suasana salji. Beautiful. Menggigil sambil berposing macho depan camera. Terasa nak nyanyi lagu 'Beautiful World' by Coldplay la pulak. Lps tu pg Weihnachtsmarkt Offenburg jalan2, men gitar hero, tahlil, makan2. Pastu malam tgk New Moon ngan Qila ngan Arul dkt cinema yang agak bosan dan menghampakan. Dah lah dalam Deutsch. X faham tp buat2 faham jela.

Thanx ar dak2 OG, Hisham, Arul, Izi n mereka2 yang memeriahkan OG weekend ni. Really made all of us feel like part of a close knit family. Thanx kak amy for Saturday nite.

Skrg semangat dah kembali untuk belajar. So.. chaiyok.. teruskan usaha. Moga2 semua kita berjaya.

Thursday, 10 December 2009


Eventhough it was only a few weeks that I had met her, I could see nothing else on her face except happiness and serenity. I felt that she was like a big sister to us in Offenburg. This was the first time in my life I had to face a death of a person I regard as a sister.. Zira Abdul Rahman will always be in our hearts and anything that she has ever done in this world will always be cherished and remembered for days to come.

Al Fatihah. May she put under Allah's loving grace. Amin

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Formula baru atasi kehampaan

Stress tu normal, stress tu biasa, siapa yang xde stress tu namanya bukan manusia. Tapi apa yang bezakan antara manusia hebat dgn x hebat ialah cara dia tangani stress.

Stress bagi aku sama macam letupan. Letupan ni most of the time buruk, tapi kalau letupan ni terkawal, maka dengan itu, macam2 faedah manusia boleh dapat. Contohnya, letupan kat belakang rocket yang boleh buat manusia sampai ke angkasa. Ataupun letupan dalam kereta yang boleh buat manusia merentasi beratus kilometer dengan selesa. Tanpa letupan, ad sesetengah proses kimia yang takkan berlaku. So, kalau orang tu x rasa stress, dia kurang produktiv dan xkan pergi jauh dalam kehidupan.

Bulan lepas, ak ada baca buku yang bertajuk, ‚The power of the subconscious mind‘‘ dengan satu lagi buku ‘’The five things n life we cannot change.’’

Dalam buku pertama, The Power of your Subconscious Mind, penulis tu cerita tentang rahsia nak tukarkan stress jadi prouduktiviti. Ringkasannya:

Dalam otak kita, ada 97% bahagian otak kita yang kita belum guna. Einstein, Newton, Keppler, dan byk saintis yang terkemuka kat dunia ni boleh fikir jauh sebab kemampuan deorang nak access segelintir daripada 97% otak deorang. Sigmund Freud pernah buat satu kertas kerja pasal fenomena ni. Dalam kertas kerja tu, dia cakap otak sedar kita bertindak sebagai penapis. Logik menguasai otak sedar.. So kalau misal kata lecturer kita mengajar suatu benda yang x masuk akal, otak sedar kita akan disagree dan ilmu yang datang x akan disimpan dalam bahagian 97%. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, masuk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan. Satu lagi contoh jelas: Masa exam. Kadang kala, sebelum periksa, kalau orang tanya korng soalan, korg x dpt jawab secara spontan, sebab kespontanan datang dari otak sedar. Tapi dalam suasana tertekan dalam periksa, semua benda tetiba keluar x tentu pasal. Benda2 ni sebenarnya keluar dari bahagian 97% and sebab tu lah sesetengah manusia boleh kerja baik under stress.

Kalau seseorang tu dapat kawal 97% otak dia, orang tu tak akan rasa tertekan dalam suasana yang x selesa, dapat rasa bersyukur tatkala kemiskinan melanda, dan dapat mersa gembira walaupun keseorangan. 97% otak ni boleh kawal fikiran kita yang didominasi 3% bahagian sedar dalam otak. Kesangsian, kesedihan, ke’mengada’an, kita semua hasil interpretasi otak sedar kita. Contoh kalau korg jeles dengan makwe atau pakwe, padahal makwe atau pakwe korang x curang pun.. punca kesangsian tu datang dari otak sedar, sebab semua fantasi dan hipotesis datang daripada logik. Satu lagi contoh, cinta antara manusia. Kadang2 dua pasangan ni, asyik benci bila pandang mata, asyik bertengkar bila selisih, tapi dalam lubuk hati deorang, deorang tetap sayang antara satu sama lain. Dalam bahasa psikologinya, otak sedar deorang cakap benci, tapi otak 97% deorg tetap sayang.

Dalam buku kedua , The five things in life we cannot change’, penulis tu cerita tentang kaitan antara psikologi dengan amalan spiritual. Ringkasannya:

Pembangunan manusia terbahagi kepada 3, ‘psychological development’, ‘ spiritual development’ dngn ‘mystical development’.

Psychological dev. ialah pembangunan kendiri. Untuk menjadi seorang yang effektiv untuk menempuh kehidupan. Spiritual dev. ialah kemampuan untuk redha dan sentiasa menerima keadaan sekeliling termasuklah persekitaran, haiwan dan manusia lain. Mystical dev. ialah membuang dunia dan meyumbang kepada persekitaran bukan utuk habuan tapi untuk Tuhan, dalam erti kata lain mysticism ialah ibadah yang kita buat untuk mendapat keredhaan Tuhan.

So apa kaitan dengan stress??

Takrifan stress dalam buku ni ialah tidak bahagia. Oleh itu, tidak stress maksudnya kebahagiaan kendiri. Bila seseorang tu dapat imbangkan diri dalam pembangunan psychological, spiritual, dan mystical, maka kebahagiaan dengan diri sendiri dapat tercapai dan kehampaan tidak akan timbul walau apa2 pun yang terjadi..

PS: Sekadar nak kongsi walaupun kadang2 kepala ak x betul bila mood x baik. Kalau ad yang nak pinjam buku2 ni, datang ar. Dah habis baca dah pun…

Viel Erfolg!!