Thursday, 26 November 2009

Visit to Stahlwerk (Kilang besi)

My first excursion with my coursemates from the Fachhochschule. Oo, never did I knew that each and everyone of them had a wild side I never could have figured out. It seems that on that very day, almost everyone became friendly to me. People who never even acknowledeged me before suddenly gave smiles and cracked jokes, and some of them even told me about their life story which was quite interesting to hear. But that was not the main part of the trip.

Entering the Stahlwerk, it was the first time I saw melted steel in front of my very eyes. Just imagine, 21 square kilometers of nothing except steel processing factories in the heart of the city. Super cool. The oven in which they melt the steel ores. The melted steel ores (looks like larva) is then sent to another building tb formed into solid steel. After it is formed into blocks of solid steel, these blocks are then sent to the 'Walzwerk' or in other words a pressing factory, where the thickness of one block is reduced to one twentieth of its original thickness, by being flattened and cooled under high water pressure. Wow.. never knew that it takes so much processes just to produce a steel part for our everyday products.

But of course, the smoke and pollution produced by this Stahlwerk was of epic proportions. There was once, when the Sulphur Dioxide vapour was blown directly towards us by the wind and all of us coughed and eventually had red eyes herafter. We only have one earth, and if this goes on, how is our world going to sustain for the next generations after us? Well, we just have to keep our fingers crossed don't we?

But of course, to tell you the truth, Europeans tend to stereotype Asians saying that people like us tend to be involved in industrial espionage. Well, duh.. Not all asians are mainland chinese u know.. to be honest, I regard all of the people who say this remark to be Hitler's reincarnations. Even my E--Technik proffesor has a foul stench of nazism. Damn ultra nationalists!

But for me, its not that I support industrial espionage, but for me, technology is meant to be shared. For the sake of profits, firms keep their research a secret and will not share their intellectual assets with their comrades of the human race. How doof. Get the facts straight: Europeans themselves took knowledge from the Islamic empire, and used this knowledge to invade other countries. They took thhe rescouces from other countries and now, they are still greedy in sharing their technological advancements to third world countries.

Just imagine, if science is put in front of profits, I think the crisis in developing countries could be solved. Science will advance very rapidly like it did in the Islamic empire during European's dark ages. Now technology is only shared by strong nations. That's why, in my case, scientists and philosophers heal the world, but businessmen turn this world into living hell for poor people. Down with capitalism!!

But basically I had a good time. Above is a picture of one of my group mates from Sierre Lione (just knew that it was pronounced as Sieghe Lio) and one of the girls from my group in a rusted steel factory built during the 19th century.

My slogan for this post: Down with supriority, down with capitalism and say no to racism. By the way, selamat hari raya Aidiladha..

Monday, 23 November 2009

Have pity

Just imagine living in the safety of your own home and suddenly a foreigner comes and sets rules until it really pisses you of. You argue with this foreigner but they have backing by backdoor thugs and when you rebel, this foreigner takes out his superior M-16 and points the barrel at your face. You see, this foreigner thinks that he is superior i.e the chosen people of God and decides to punish lowlifes like you by bashing your elbow with a rock and cutting of your toungue so that you won't fight back next time.

This foreigner then confines you to a tight corner of your own house and invites his friends to stay at your house haing a bed 100 times more comfortable than yours. The foreigner and his friends than lash at you, condemn you and cage you at the tight corner where you are now standing at. Nevertheless, you still have to pay for the rent of your own house, while the foreigner gets paid by the backdoor thugs sitting 3 blocks away.

You don't know what to do anymore. You call your friends but they cut the telephone line. And even if you could get through, and your friends gave some support to you, these foreigners will harass your trustworthy friends and spread bad rumours about your friend through gossip. Seemingly weird is that the gossips spread by these foreigners are the ones majority of your neighbourhood listens to.

Well, what about your wife, children, mother, father, siblings and relatives who also live in your home? Well, these foreigners kill them brutally as a reminder to you not to step against theor authority. These foreigners open your cupboard, take out your clothes and burn them and in its place, place new furniture and beds so that more of their own kind can come and stay for free.

However, your plight is known by almost everybody in your neighbourhood. Only a few enlightened ones decide to take action by going to the Ministry. But the ministry is controlled by these foreigners. Their voices bring no meaning. But most of the people in your neighbourhood, they just don't give a damn. They sit in the comfort of their own homes and say that you are not their problem. They sit to comfortably without having the slightest will in their heart to end the wrong-doings committed by these wretched foreigners.

You then become desperate. You could only sit and wait until a miracle comes. Who could be your saviour?

Just watched a documentary called 'Occupation 101'.
This documentary was about the plight of the Palestinian people. I teared a few times watching the facts for peace was being raped by the Israelis in the land of the Prophets. I think most of you already know the history of the Israeli nation, so I don't have to repeat what most of you already know. The story above is just something I came up with after much pondering.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Up! My review

Just watched Up!.. A very spectacular movie. At first I only thought that it was a zany movie about floating houses, but I was mistaken. The message it carried really impacts the way one perceives reality based on their nostalgic side.

Seriously, this movie is very touching. Like normal movies which only shows a 'happily ever after' ending, this movie shows another side of love and life. It shows how a boy meets a girl, falls in love, and goes through the hurdles in life as a married man until the point the boy's (now an old man) wife, past away.

The nostalgia this man holds becomes so intense that he doesn't want to let go of his past. Finally it takes a wild adventure to open his heart to live on and live till the max no longer being overshadowed by grief and regret.

I'd seriously recommend this movie. One of the good movies I won't get bored watching eventhough repeated for many times. Rating 4.78/5.00

(Thx yus bg muvie ni)

Friday, 20 November 2009

3 poin penting

Minggu ni, minggu yang bole didescribe dgn macam2 singkatan:

1. sibuk
2. sakit
3. jgn buat benda senang jadi susah

Malas ak nak brag pasal sibuk2 tu, tapi mmg sibuk la sket. Smlm jadual ak full dari pukul 8pg sampai malam tp last2 sebab x tahan sakit ak ponteng la Internationalabend tu. Lgpun malam sebelum tu,3 jam duduk mengacau gula nak bagi hangus dah cukup menyumbang.. hehehe. Soree dak2 OG sbb x dtg..

Bengkak bahagian atas paha. Kat noda limpfa (kalau korg masih ingat Bio form 5). Dah x symetrie dah badan. Bila mandi, mesti down sbb tgk paha sebelah besar, sebelah kecik. Pergi doctor, kene bukak seluar dpn doctor. Bapak segan. Lepas tu bole plak dia nk tekan bengkak tu. Huu.. berjerit ak dalam klinik. Naseb bek xde org time tu..Ingat ke tahap kena orperate nak buang benda tu, last2 dia cakap sbb bacteria. Bg Penicillin pas tu sruh dtg blk minggu dpn. Tp minggu ni,jalan dah kengkang tahap kangkang. Time rehat tgh2 period (Pause), smua nak pandang. Segan gak ar. Pedih pun xkesah la, sbb tetiba rasa macam superstar la pulak. :0

Jgn buat benda senang jadi susah:
Mcm biasa kena buat report. Nk betulkan report lama, pastu buat report baru. Report sebelum ni dah kira perfect dah pun. Xde pangkah apa, tapi Deutscher ni, masih x puas hati. Ak nak buat singkatan sendiri ar: Even mountains of gold cannot satisfy a man's greed. Seriously.. So, bincang la benda2 pasal physik. Concrete punya evidence ak dah support, xnak caya jugak. Tp last2 kena terima jugak, sbb deorg pun xde idea. All talk but no work- those are the type I work with. Just to transfer idea2 deorg dalam kertas pun susah. Last2 ad perkataan favourite ak: Shreib es einfach mal! (Tulis jelah!). Tapi kepuasan tu bila dah siap.. huu.. lega.. I love this feeling...

So, lps nie, concentrate pekse.. Kpd pembaca2, viel Erfolg!!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

You are not alone

Laa, rajin plak ak tulis blog ni. Saje je. Bosan pulak 2-3 hari ni. Sekarang pukul 730, ak baru je balik dari Rathaus. Bila balik, sampai umah, lagu mendiang MJ tetiba bernyanyi kat kepala ak.

'You are not alone
I'm still here with you..'

Walaupun duduk dalam bilik sorang2, n kadang2 bosan, ak x tahu la.. Bukan nak cakap apa, tapi bila penyakit Einsamkeit (aka loneliness) datang, mesti ada benda berlaku yang buat aku lupa tentang loneliness. Ada sekali tu, aku memang bosan n sepi tahap nak balik Malaysia, tapi tetiba, budak2 kelas ak kol, ajak join study group. So, ak terpaksa la study malam tu, n one way or another, ak lupa tentang kesepian.

Hari ni pun, pukul 12 tgh hari, ak rasa semangat dah kosong. Buku pun x sentuh, asyik menghadap computer buat benda sama yang x berguna. (Tgk email, check duit, friendster). Tetiba dua budak Auslander (foreigner) dari group ak kol, kata nak dtg umah sbb nak blaja ap ntah. So, blajalah kami. Huu, sempoi keje dgn deorg. Bila dah habis blaja, open story ar. Sorang tu dari Morocco, sorang dari Senegal. Duk kongsi pengalaman duduk kat Germany. Bila cerita2, ak prasan hidup deorg lebih kurang je mcm hidup dak Malaysia kat German. Masalah bahasa, masalah budaya, masalah agama dll. So lepas deorg balik, ok gak ar rasa.

By the way, kat Offenburg ni, rasa dah bosan. Semua tempat menarik dah pegi. Benda yang seronok masa 1st sem, jd kurang seronok masa 2nd sem. Well,what to expect, kata dah dewasa, so control je la. Once liked but now hated, so what to do.. You cannot please everybody can you? Whatever happens behind closed doors, let them happen for a warrior always looks upward even at the brink of defeat. A warrior will never cower when 1000 spears are pointed towards his throat but in turn find ways to point those spears back to his opponent.


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Busy ar..

Hoo.. ak rasa ni bulan yang plg sibuk dalam hidup ak. Stakat ni dah hantar 4 Bericht (Report) kat lecturer di mana satu Bericht tu makan otak yang banyak dgn makan masa yang lama. Bericht tu kerja kumpulan, so initially it was quite brain consuming. Hoo.. work culture kat negara ni memang lain dari tanah air sendiri. Mungkin sebab dah 20 tahun terbiasa dengan cara orang Malaysia buat kerja (rilek, cool) susah sket nak adapt dengan cara orang barat ni. Kat sini, kalau buat diskusi, macam nak gaduh. First2 ak agak tension dgn perangai deorang. Lama-lama I said to myself: If you can’t beat them, join them. Tapi lepas 4 Bericht, bole la tu sket2. Skg dah mcm seronok plak bila buat study group dgn deorg. Hihihi. Kene tengking dgn deorg pun dah x rasa apa, sebab klau point ak betul, ak tengking balik. Hahahah.

Busy tu memang x dinafikan. Sampai nak telepon famili kat Malaysia pun setakat sekali dlm dua minggu. Nak kluar dgn kawan2 pun dah terhalang sket sbb kerja. So, jdlah lone ranger kat Offenburg. Bila siang, pg klas, buat keje, perah otak. Bila balik dah gelap so mcm biasa: main internet, makan, tido. Kitaran sama sejak naik sem baru. Sampai kawan2 yang seangkatan pun dah x contact sgt. Xpelah, nnt cuti Christmas, kita kluar k? See u all by then..

Talking about makan, ak rasa selera ak dah jd mcm gergasi.. Setiap hari, total nasi ak consume, 2 setengah pot. Tambah dgn rotinye, biskut-biskutnye, lps tu ayam skl masak, satu filet. Kalau badan ak x naek, x tau nk ckp ap.. Cuaca kot.. Suhu pun dalam 3° sampai 10°. So, indoors je la nmpknye. Turun berbasket ptg2, dah x lg, turun badminton dah jrg skl sbb busy. Housemate ak pun dah ok da. Bila mula2 duduk sini, agak tertekan sbb sound system deorg kacau ak. Tp skg, sound system ak plak yang merampas kebahagiaan deorg. As I said: If u can’t beat them, join ‘em.

Lgpun, bapak ak pernak cakap kat aku dulu: ‘Now you are there (kat German), you are now a man not a boy’. Ak pegang kata2 dia. Because of that I decide to live a life based on manhood and not childish kiss assing methods. So my advice to my comrades: It’s time to grow up and be an adult.

So, gud luck.. P/S: Afifa, gud luck in ur externals :)