Sunday, 16 August 2009

My last post before going back to Malaysia

Middle this week I'll be going back to my beloved country. Home sweet home. My home in Offenburg I consider it as shelter, but my home in JB is truly home. Eventhough I may not experience the freedom I am experiencing in Germany, it's a small price to pay for comfort.

Looking back since my arrival in Germany, I have in my opinion changed alot. From the way I act to the way I perceive others, all the circumstances that I have been through really matured me and made me closer to becoming an effective member of the society.

In INTEC, there were a few I never thought I will never make friends with, but in this distant land, these few became one of my best companions I've ever had. I'm thankful to God for granting me their presence. I'm also thankful that I still maintain a healthy relationship with friends who have helped me alot when I was in INTEC. Eventhough not many, I still stick to these words of wisdom:

Having a few good friends who are true,
Is better than having mountains of friends who are not..

and this is another amusing quote from someone I know which always makes me laugh when I remember it:

Scheiß ist besser als ein schlechter Freund.
(Shit is better than a bad friend)

hahaha :)

The word 'Tolerance' is redefined when I got here. Last time, I only understood this word under the meaning of understanding. But now, I define tolerance as: Accepting others unconditionally for who they really are, without having the slightest feeling of superiority. There are some who are annoyingly intolerant, but tolerance for the intolerant is also a bliss.

But there are some who just don't believe in the spirit of change. Some just choose to judge me for who I was, not who I am. For me, this fact is truly unfair, but it doesn't bother me anymore. It's better to chill, than to waste your brain thinking of nonsense.

Before I put my blog pen down, I would like to ask everybody for forgiveness and pray that all of us will be at the peak of health and safe from any deadly diseases. Amin. I will continue upon my rearrival. (2nd October)

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Non-stop bercuti

Ok2.. lepas Deutschkurs, ingat nak rehat jap 2, 3 hari. Lepas tu baru nak hiper balik, tapi kene pergi berlin pulak. So, x kesah la kalau ak kene basuh baju lewat2 malam, korbankan masa rehat aku, lepas tu kene kelam kabut nak pack barang. Just be optimistic je lah.

Ok gak sebenarnye. Niat asal summer ni, nak pergi Paris dengan beskal. Tp kene curi. So batallah plan ni. Dah siap set tempat nak pergi dah. Nk buat camane. Ad hikmah kot.

Kat Berlin, walaupun dalam keadaan letih, pergi je la. Tp yang buat ak bertenaga, tempat dia. Biasa tengok postcard. Sekarang tangok yang betul.. Kata2 yang selalu kedengaran oleh seseorang yang pg melancong.

Tapi ad satu benda yang buat ak hilang penat. Lepas2 balik Berlin, budak2 Baden yang blum blk dengan dak2 Rosenheim datang. Makan2, mafia2, pastu pi Europapark. Serious best. Enjoy gile masa kat sana dgn member2 sekalian. Tak terasa plak ak dah nak balik minggu depan.

Seriously, cuti summer kat Germany, I've learnt alot about many things. People, history, culture, relationships and most importantly, self control. I thak God for puting me under these circumstances.


Sunday, 9 August 2009

Kopi dan manusia

Fuyoo, penat wei cuti summer ni. Lepas exam, ad makan2, expidisi timur baden, Deutschkurs. Pas ni nk pi Berlin pulak. Lepas Berlin ad tetamu, lps tu blk Malaysia. Nanti kat Malaysia, mesti ak kene buat tu buat ni, sampai la 2 Oktober. Lepas tu, 5 Oktober sem baru.. Fuyoo, padat gile cuti ak.. X kesah ar. Better drpd duk men facebook ngan layan youtube je dalam bilik.

By the way, pasal balik Malaysia tu, ak nk mintak maaf kat orang2 yang tereffect oleh keputusan ak yang hipokrit sket. Mula2 xnak balik sebab ak budget tiket 800€. Tp, 2 minggu lepas, check2, harga dia 476€ plak. So, ad la duit nak bernafas bulan 10 nie.

Masa Deutschkurs, brp byk duit ilang. Dgn tambangnye, makannye, enjoynye, jalan2 nye, shopping menyoppingnye. Tp yg penting ak enjoy la masa Deutschkurs tu. Bukan course tu, tp masa ak spend dgn kawan2. Lega gak ar bile duduk dalam kelas yang semua orang budak Malaysia. Boleh buat apa2 sesuka hati. Lagipun semua org bagi aku spotting gile.

Time Vorkurs tu, ak tertarik dengan satu discussion. 'Verlorene Freundschaft' atau bahasa Melayunye 'Persahabatan yang terputus'. Masa diskusi tu, semua orang macam blur2 nak bg pendapat masing2. Tp last2 deorg bagi gak. Tp Grace bagi pendapat yang bagi ak memang best gak ar. Dia cakap 'Friendship is like coffee. It exists in many forms. Latte Macchiato, bitter black coffee...'

Ok ok. Ak xnak repeat balik dia cakap ap (sebab pjg sgt). Tp point dia camni. Ada member yang buat ko rasa best. Boleh crite ap2, dua2 pihak seronok bile bersama. Tu la persahabatan Latte Machiatto. (Creamy, sweet and refreshing). Ad pulak member yang senyap je. Nampak x supportive. Sanagt pahit. Tp last2 still bagi keseronokan (aka refreshing). Tu la persahabatan Kopi hitam tak bergula. Ak sebenarnya respect cara dia samakan coffee dgn manusia. So, ap yang dia cakap gave me something to think about.

Maybe selam ni, ak minum kopi yang pahit. X sedar yang kat dunia ni, ad beribu-ribu lagi jenis kopi yang lagi best. Or maybe, minum kopi tu, x elok. Sebab buat orang addicted, last2 buah pinggang rosak sbb minum banyak sgt kopi. Tp kalau ak x minum kopi, x bole buat keje. Senang stress. Bl bosan2, minum kopi memang layan. Bl xde kopi, hidup rasa bosan. Kalau kopi tu pahit, x letak gula, depressing gak bile minum kopi camtu.

Tapi kopi, semua ad satu persamaan. Kesan deorang sementara je. Bile kesan tu dah habis, nak kene minum lagi. Sebab tu syarikat kopi tu kaya raya. Amek kesempatan atas keperluan orang. Sama la macam coke dan minuman bercaffein yang lain. Ok.. Ak tanya, kalau ko pergi party, minum coke, mesti ko nk minum lagi kan. Sampai bercawan-cawan. Padahal kalo ko minum air putih, kengkadang satu cawan dah cukup dah... Ok ok. Tu pasal kopi..

Tp kalo fikir2, bende yang lagi best dari kopi ialah air putih. Kita tidur dalm perut mak kita dalam air, keluar dari perut mak, minum air, bila haus minum air. Bagi aku air tu family. Family tu bukan sekadar mak, bapak, abang adik, makcik pakcik. Family(air) termasuklah bini, suami, anak, cucu dll. Khasiat air tu beratus kali ganda daripada kopi. Air x buat ko mati cepat, air buat ko hidup panjang. Air x buat ko ketagih. Badan ko perlukan air nak hidup. Kalo x minum air, mati. Senang crite..

So sayangilah keluarga, sayangilah bini dan kanak2. Sayangi gak membe. And semua bende akan ok. My father once said, 'Keep your head up high even at the edge of defeat'. So in the end, ap yang kita perlu sayangi ialah diri sendiri.
